630 research outputs found

    Development and validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire for young school-aged children

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    The objective of the present study was to examine the validity for estimating energy and macronutrients intake of a newly developed picture aid, semi quantitative FFQ for Greek children and preadolescents. The two methods were found to agree in terms of mean energy intake according to the Bland and Altman method, although a trend in overestimating energy intake was found as the intake increased. Additionally, results of the Wilcoxon signed rank test revealed the similarity of the distribution in energy intake as estimated from the FFQ and the 3DD [median (IQR): 2038 (1264 - 2651) kcals for the FFQ vs. 1902 (1583 - 2324) kcals for the 3DD, p=0.33] (Table 1). Concerning macronutrients intake, according to the Bland and Altman method, although the mean difference was different than zero (all p’s <0.05), the agreement was considered adequate as the mean difference for each nutrient (with the exception of poly-unsaturated fatty acids) was < 1SD of the same nutrient intake as estimated from the reference method

    Bio-psychosocial determinants of cardiovascular disease in a rural population on Crete, Greece: formulating a hypothesis and designing the SPILI-III study

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    Background: In 1988, the SPILI project was established in order to evaluate the cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk profile of the inhabitants of Spili, in rural Crete, Greece. The first reports from this project revealed that against the unfavourable risk factors’ profile observed, only a few men with a previous myocardial infarction were encountered. A follow-up study (SPILI II) was performed twelve years after the initial examination, and the unfavourable cardiovascular risk profile was re-confirmed. Presentation of the Hypothesis: This paper presents a hypothesis formulated on the basis of previous research to investigate if dynamic psycho-social determinants, including social coherence of the local community, religiosity and spirituality, are protective against the development of coronary heart disease in a well-defined population. Testing the Hypothesis: A follow-up examination of this Cretan cohort is currently being performed to assess the link between psychosocial factors and CVD. Psychosocial factors including sense of control, religiosity and spirituality are assessed in together with conventional CVD risk factors. Smoking and alcohol consumption, as well as dietary habits and activity levels are recorded. Oxidative stress and inflammatory markers, as well as ultrasound measurement of carotid intima media thickness, a preclinical marker of atherosclerosis, will also be measured. Implications of the hypothesis tested: The issue of the cardio-protective effect of psycho-social factors would be revisited based on the results of this Cretan cohort; nevertheless, further research is needed across different subpopulations in order to establish a definite relationship. A comprehensive approach based on the aspects of biosocial life may result in more accurate CVD risk management

    Health Measurement Scales: Methodological Issues

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    Health scales or indices are composite tools aiming to measure a variety of clinical conditions, behaviors, attitudes and beliefs that are difficult to be measured quantitatively. During the past years, these tools have been extensively used in cardiovascular disease prevention. The already proposed scales have shown good ability in assessing individual characteristics, but had moderate predictive ability in relation to the development of chronic diseases and various other health outcomes. In this review, methodological issues for the development of health scales are discussed. Specifically, the selection of the appropriate number of components, the selection of classes for each component, the use of weights of scale components and the role of intra- or inter-correlation between components are discussed. Based on the current literature the use of components with large number of classes, as well as the use of specific weights for each scale component and the low-to-moderate inter-correlation rate between the components, is suggested in order to increase the diagnostic accuracy of the tool

    Visceral adiposity index and 10-year cardiovascular disease incidence:the ATTICA study

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    Background and aims: Visceral adiposity index (VAI) has been proposed as a marker of visceral adipose tissue accumulation/dysfunction. Our aim was to evaluate potential associations between the VAI and the 10-year cardiovascular disease (CVD) incidence. Methods and results: During 2001-2002, 3042 Greek adults (1514 men; age: ≥18 years) without previous CVD were recruited into the ATTICA study, whilst the 10-year study follow-up was performed in 2011-2012, recording the fatal/non-fatal CVD incidence in 2020 (1010 men) participants. The baseline VAI scores for these participants were calculated based on anthropometric and lipid variables, while VAI tertiles were extracted for further analyses. During the study follow-up a total of 317 CVD events (15.7%) were observed. At baseline, the participants' age and the prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and metabolic syndrome increased significantly across the VAI tertiles. After adjusting for multiple confounders, VAI exhibited a significantly independent positive association with the 10-year CVD incidence (OR = 1.05, 95%CI: 1.01, 1.10), whereas the association of the body mass index (HR = 1.03, 95%CI: 0.99, 1.08), or the waist circumference (HR = 1.01, 95%CI: 0.99, 1.02) was less prominent. Sex-specific analysis further showed that VAI remained significantly predictive of CVD in men alone (HR = 1.06, 95%CI: 1.00, 1.11) but not in women (HR = 1.06, 95%CI: 0.96, 1.10). Conclusions: Our findings show for the first time in a large-sample, long-term, prospective study in Europe that the VAI is independently associated with elevated 10-year CVD risk, particularly in men. This suggests that the VAI may be utilized as an additional indicator of long-term CVD risk for Caucasian/Mediterranean men without previous CVD

    Incidence and prevalence of major central nervous system involvement in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A 3-year prospective study of 370 patients

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    Background: The incidence and prevalence of CNS involvement in SLE remains unclear owing to conflicting results in the published studies. The aim of the study was to evaluate the incidence and prevalence of major definite CNS events in SLE patients. Methods: 370 SLE patients with no previous history of CNS involvement were prospectively evaluated in a tertiary hospital referral center for 3 years. Major CNS manifestations were codified according to ACR definitions, including chorea, aseptic meningitis, psychosis, seizures, myelopathy, demyelinating syndrome, acute confusional state and strokes. Minor CNS events were excluded. ECLAM and SLEDAI-SELENA Modification scores were used to evaluate disease activity and SLICC/ACR Damage Index was used to assess accumulated damage. Results: 16/370 (4.3%) patients presented with a total of 23 major CNS events. These included seizures (35%), strokes (26%), myelopathy (22%), optic neuritis (8.7%), aseptic meningitis (4.3%) and acute psychosis (4.3%). Incidence was 7.8/100 person years. Among hospitalizations for SLE, 13% were due to CNS manifestations. Epileptic seizures were associated with high disease activity, while myelopathy correlated with lower disease activity and NMO-IgG antibodies (P#0.05). Stroke incidence correlated with APS coexistence (P = 0.06). Overall, CNS involvement correlated with high ECLAM and SLEDAI scores (P,0.001). Conclusions: Clinically severe CNS involvement is rare in SLE patients, accounting for 7.8/100 person years. CNS involvement correlates with high disease activity and coexistence of specific features that define the respective CNS syndromes

    The Impact of Demographic Characteristics and Lifestyle in the Distribution of Cystatin C Values in a Healthy Greek Adult Population

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    Background. The aim of the present study was to examine sources of variation for serum cystatin C in a healthy Greek population. Methods. Cystatin C together with basic clinical chemistry tests was measured in a total of 490 adults (46 ± 16 yrs, 40% males) who underwent an annual health check. Demographic, anthropometric, and lifestyle characteristics were recorded. Results. Higher values of cystatin C were observed among males (P = .04), participants aged over 65 years (P < .001), current smokers (P = .001) and overweight/obese participants (P = .03). On the contrary, alcohol consumption and physical activity seemed to have no influence on cystatin C levels (P = .61; P = .95, resp.). Conclusions. In interpreting serum cystatin C values in a healthy adult population, age, gender, Body Mass Index, and cigarette smoking need to be considered, and determination of reference ranges among distinct subpopulations seem to be prudent

    The Adoption of Mediterranean Diet Attenuates the Development of Acute Coronary Syndromes in People with the Metabolic Syndrome

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    OBJECTIVES: In this work we investigated the effect of the consumption of the Mediterranean diet on coronary risk, in subjects with the metabolic syndrome. METHODS: During 2000–2002, we randomly selected, from all Greek regions, 848 hospitalised patients (695 males, 58 ± 10 & 153 females, 65 ± 9 years old) with a first event of acute coronary syndrome and 1078 frequency matched, by sex, age, region controls, without any suspicious for cardiovascular disease. Nutritional habits were evaluated through a validated questionnaire, while the metabolic syndrome was defined according to the NCEP ATP III criteria. Mediterranean diet was defined according to the guidelines of the Division of Nutrition/Epidemiology, of Athens Medical School. RESULTS: Of the 1926 participants, 307 (36.2%) of the patients and 198 (18.4%) of the controls (P < 0.001) met the ATP III criteria. This was related with 2fold adjusted coronary risk (odds ratio = 2.35, 95% 1.87 – 2.84) in subjects with the metabolic syndrome as compared with the rest of them. No differences were observed concerning the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and sex of subjects, after adjustment for group of study (P > 0.1). Eighty (26%) of the patients and 70 (35%) of the controls (P < 0.01) with the metabolic syndrome were "closer" to the Mediterranean diet. Multivariate analysis revealed that the adoption of this diet is associated with a 35% (odds ratio = 0.65, 95% 0.44 – 0.95) reduction of the coronary risk in subjects with the metabolic syndrome, after adjusting for age, sex, educational and financial level and the conventional cardiovascular risk factors. CONCLUSION: Consequently, the adoption of Mediterranean diet seems to attenuate the coronary risk in subjects with the metabolic syndrome