436 research outputs found
Economic criteria for optimizing the number and load factor of mining transformers
Purpose. This article discusses how to choose the optimal number and load factor, respectively the economic power in the first year of mining power transformers operation. The analysis is carried out based on technical-economic criteria. In this regard, two economic criteria are proposed for a detailed analysis, namely the minimum updated total expenses criterion and the minimum power and energy losses criterion.
Methods. For determining the number and the optimal load factor, the paper presents mathematical models for the two eco-nomic criteria used. The results obtained by the presented methods are simulated using Matlab for several series of under-ground mining transformers. Also, it is assumed that the load remains constant over the year.
Findings. The article confirms the possibility of using the analyzed economic criteria for establishing the optimal number of mining transformers as well as the optimal load factor, respectively the optimal power for the first year of operation. The difficulty of the research is related to the loss time assessment. Also, the paper presents the performed comparative analysis of the two implications.
Originality. This research provides a novel approach, by the detailed presentation of the two criteria used for describing the objective functions which have to be minimized in order to gain the optimum, referring strictly to mining transformers, which represents a novelty for power engineering in mining.
Practical implications. The methods described in the article can be successfully used in the case of new mining power networks which are going to be designed, and in the case of those currently in operation. Economic criteria analysed also provide results for the economical regime of mining transformers which corresponds to minimum energy loss. Therefore, this case also results in significant energy savings, i.e. lower economic criteria used.Мета. У статті обговорюється проблема вибору оптимального числа шахтних трансформаторів, визначення коефіцієнта їх навантаження і рентабельності протягом першого року експлуатації.
Методика. Для визначення кількості трансформаторів і оптимального коефіцієнта їх навантаження запропонована математична модель на базі двох використаних економічних критеріїв: мінімальні скориговані загальні витрати та мінімальні втрати потужності й енергії. Отримані результати лягли в основу моделі, побудованої за допомогою Matlab для декількох серій підземних шахтних трансформаторів. Прийнято, що навантаження зберігається постійним протягом року.
Результати. У статті підтверджена можливість використання аналізованих економічних критеріїв для визначення оптимального числа шахтних трансформаторів і оптимального коефіцієнта їх навантаження а, отже, оптимальної потужності протягом першого року їх експлуатації. Складність дослідження полягала в оцінці часових втрат. Крім того, у статті були представлені результати та порівняльний аналіз двох використаних економічних критеріїв. Встановлено, що оптимальним рішенням є використання трансформатора з номінальною потужністю, найближчою до теоретичного значення, отриманого в результаті розрахунків SNTmax. Результати, отримані при моделюванні, показують, що значення факторів навантаження, відповідно, оптимальної потужності шахтних трансформаторів, вище, ніж у поверхових, оскільки відношення втрат вище.
Наукова новизна. Дослідження засноване на інноваційному підході, при якому детальне представлення двох критеріїв використано для опису об’єктивних функцій, що підлягають мінімізації, з метою отримання оптимальних рішень для шахтних трансформаторів. Даний підхід є принципово новим у галузі гірничої електроенергетики.
Практична значимість. Методи, запропоновані в статті, можуть бути успішно застосовані як у разі проектування нових шахтних електричних мереж, так і для мереж, які вже перебувають в експлуатації. Аналізовані економічні критерії дозволяють встановити найбільш економічний режим експлуатації шахтних трансформаторів, при якому втрати енергії будуть мінімальні, що, в свою чергу, призведе до її суттєвої економії.Цель. В статье обсуждается проблема выбора оптимального числа шахтных трансформаторов, определения коэффициента их нагрузки и рентабельности в течение первого года эксплуатации.
Методика. Для определения количества трансформаторов и оптимального коэффициента их нагрузки предложена математическая модель на базе двух использованных экономических критериях: минимальные скорректированные общие издержки и минимальные потери мощности и энергии. Полученные результаты легли в основу модели, построенной с помощью Matlab для нескольких серий подземных шахтных трансформаторов. Принято, что нагрузка сохраняется постоянной в течение года.
Результаты. В статье подтверждена возможность использования анализируемых экономических критериев для определения оптимального числа шахтных трансформаторов и оптимального коэффициента их нагрузки и, следовательно, оптимальной мощности в течение первого года их эксплуатации. Сложность исследования заключалась в оценке временных потерь. Кроме того, в статье были представлены результаты и сравнительный анализ двух использованных экономических критериев. Установлено, что оптимальным решением является использование трансформатора с номинальной мощностью, ближайшей к теоретическому значению, полученному в результате расчетов SNTmax. Результаты, полученные при моделировании, показывают, что значения факторов нагрузки, соответственно, оптимальной мощности шахтных трансформаторов, выше, чем у поверхностных, поскольку отношение потерь выше.
Научная новизна. Исследование основано на инновационном подходе, при котором детальное представление двух критериев использовано для описания объективных функций, подлежащих минимизации с целью получения оптимальных решений для шахтных трансформаторов. Данный подход является принципиально новым в области горной электроэнергетики
Практическая значимость. Методы, предложенные в статье, могут быть успешно применены как в случае проектирования новых шахтных электрических сетей, так и для сетей, уже находящихся в эксплуатации. Анализируемые экономические критерии позволяют установить наиболее экономичный режим эксплуатации шахтных трансформаторов, при котором потери энергии будут минимальны, что, в свою очередь, приведет к ее существенной экономии.The authors state that this research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors
Migrationlab Social Impact Report 2016
This report offers an overview on the Welcome to the Living Room (WTTLR) activities during the research and development year within the ECF Idea Camp R&D Grant 2016. The results reveal the growth of Migrationlab as an organization as well as the positive impact our activities have for those joining these events. During the research our aim was to rethink public space and build inclusive communities through the organization of WTTLR experiences. The WTTLRs described in this report took place in Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam. They were co-created spaces of encounter, where migrants, refugees and locals met, befriended and inspired each other through storytelling, social design, art and food. This report does not aim to quantify the experiences of the participants, nor to produce a representative sample of the impact; rather, we sought to explore and unpack the meanings participants gave to their experiences when they participated in the different Migrationlab activities. Our main findings, covered in more depth in this report, are threefold:
• the WTTLR experiences are a way to produce public spaces, offering a safe environment by creatively transforming each specific location.
• migrants, refugees and locals are willing, eager and have the need to tell their stories and be heard in a safe environment.
• the WTTLR experiences offer these communities the possibility. to together build a new language and concepts of how we could look at the world and each other.Global Challenges (FGGA
Meropenem vs standard of care for treatment of neonatal late onset sepsis (NeoMero1): A randomised controlled trial.
BACKGROUND: The early use of broad-spectrum antibiotics remains the cornerstone for the treatment of neonatal late onset sepsis (LOS). However, which antibiotics should be used is still debatable, as relevant studies were conducted more than 20 years ago, recruited in single centres or countries, evaluated antibiotics not in clinical use anymore and had variable inclusion/exclusion criteria and outcome measures. Moreover, antibiotic-resistant bacteria have become a major problem in many countries worldwide. We hypothesized that efficacy of meropenem as a broad-spectrum antibiotic is superior to standard of care regimens (SOC) in empiric treatment of LOS and aimed to compare meropenem to SOC in infants aged 44 weeks meeting the Goldstein criteria of sepsis, were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive meropenem or one of the two SOC regimens (ampicillin+gentamicin or cefotaxime+gentamicin) chosen by each site prior to the start of the study for 8-14 days. The primary outcome was treatment success (survival, no modification of allocated therapy, resolution/improvement of clinical and laboratory markers, no need of additional antibiotics and presumed/confirmed eradication of pathogens) at test-of-cure visit (TOC) in full analysis set. Stool samples were tested at baseline and Day 28 for meropenem-resistant Gram-negative organisms (CRGNO). The primary analysis was performed in all randomised patients and in patients with culture confirmed LOS. Proportions of participants with successful outcome were compared by using a logistic regression model adjusted for the stratification factors. From September 3, 2012 to November 30th 2014, total of 136 patients (instead of planned 275) in each arm were randomized; 140 (52%) were culture positive. Successful outcome at TOC was achieved in 44/136 (32%) in the meropenem arm vs. 31/135 (23%) in the SOC arm (p = 0.087). The respective numbers in patients with positive cultures were 17/63 (27%) vs. 10/77 (13%) (p = 0.022). The main reason of failure was modification of allocated therapy. Treatment emergent adverse events occurred in 72% and serious adverse events in 17% of patients, the Day 28 mortality was 6%. Cumulative acquisition of CRGNO by Day 28 occurred in 4% of patients in the meropenem and 12% in the SOC arm (p = 0.052). CONCLUSIONS: Within this study population, we found no evidence that meropenem was superior to SOC in terms of success at TOC, short term hearing disturbances, safety or mortality were similar in both treatment arms but the study was underpowered to detect the planned effect. Meropenem treatment did not select for colonization with CRGNOs. We suggest that meropenem as broad-spectrum antibiotic should be reserved for neonates who are more likely to have Gram-negative LOS, especially in NICUs where microorganisms producing extended spectrum- and AmpC type beta-lactamases are circulating
Modeling the puzzle of hepatitis C epidemiology in Romania: a pathway to control
Background & Aims: To combat hepatitis C virus (HCV) and achieve its elimination by 2030, the emphasis should be on public health policies. In this study, we investigated the dynamics of epidemiology of HCV in Romanian risk groups that are characterized by higher occurrence densities with the aid of The Let’s End HepC (LEHC) project. Methods: The LEHC project addressed the modelling of HCV epidemiology, being applied in several countries, one of which is Romania. The model comprised an integrated solution of public health policies focused on the disease, using Adaptive Conjoint Analysis and Markov chains systems. This tool allowed the quantitative evaluation of public health policies‘ impact, for every year until 2030, in five population groups: people who inject drugs (PWID), prisoners, individuals who have received blood products, children at risk for vertical transmission, and the remnant population. Results: It appears that Romania was already making great efforts in the context of public policies, allowing the achievement of HCV elimination by 2028 if current policies were maintained. Through additional work and greater efforts in further implementing public policies, the LEHC model estimated the possibility of anticipating this outcome to 2026. Conclusion: The LEHC model estimated an anticipation of the HCV elimination year in Romania to be 2026 if the twenty-four health policies in the study are fully implemented and consistently maintained over the years.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Sex Differences in Ischemic Stroke Outcomes in Patients With Pulmonary Hypertension
Acknowledgments To the authors thank Dr Jesus A Perdomo‐Lampignano, MBChB for his assistance with the figures and also acknowledge the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project Data Partners (https://www.hcup‐us.ahrq.gov/db/hcupdatapartners.jsp). Supplementary Material for this article is available at https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/suppl/10.1161/JAHA.120.019341 Open Access via the Jisc Wiley AgreementPeer reviewedPublisher PD
Velocity vector (3D) measurement for spherical objects using an electro-optical device
The present paper describes a procedure to measure the velocity vector (3D) of a spherical
object using an electro-optical device configured as a single large detection area optical
barrier. The proposed procedure allows a measurement accuracy up to 0.1% in some cases
and presents several advantages in relation to other measurement procedures like image
processing, doppler-radar and some other electro-optical devices. The procedure is independent
of the relative position of the measurement device in relation to the object trajectory.
The fact of using a single optical barrier reduces the space required in the movement
direction and increase the cases where the device can be used. A prototype has been built
and tested.Lluna Gil, E.; Santiago-Praderas, V.; Defez Garcia, B.; Dunai, L.; Peris Fajarnes, G. (2011). Velocity vector (3D) measurement for spherical objects using an electro-optical device. Measurement. 44(9):1723-1729. doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2011.07.006S1723172944
Expanding the Focus of Occupational Safety and Health: Lessons From a Series of Linked Scientific Meetings
There is widespread recognition that the world of work is changing, and agreement is growing that the occupational safety and health (OSH) field must change to contribute to the protection of workers now and in the future. Discourse on the evolution of OSH has been active for many decades, but formalized support of an expanded focus for OSH has greatly increased over the past 20 years. Development of approaches such as the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)\u27s total Worker Healt
The relationship between nutritional status at the time of stroke on adverse outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies
Context and Objective: The impact of existing malnutrition on stroke outcomes is poorly recognised and treated. Evidence was systematically reviewed and quantified by meta-analysis. Methods: MEDLINE, EMBASE and Web of Science were searched from inception to 11 January 2021 and updated in July. Prospective cohort studies, in English, evaluating anthropometric and biomarkers of nutrition on stroke outcomes were included. Risk of bias was assessed using the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network checklist. Results: Twenty-six studies (n = 156 249) were eligible (follow-up: One month-14 years). Underweight patients had increased risk of long-term mortality (adjusted hazard ratio = 1.65,1.41-1.95), whilst overweight (0.80,0.74-0.86) and obese patients (0.80,0.75-0.85) had decreased risk compared to normal weight. Odds of mortality decreased in those with high serum albumin (odds ratio = 0.29,0.18-0.48) and increased with low serum albumin (odds ratio = 3.46,1.78-6.74) compared to normal serum albumin (30-35 g/L). Being malnourished compared to well-nourished, as assessed by the Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) or by a combination of anthropometric and biochemical markers increased all-cause mortality (odds ratio = 2.38,1.85-3.06) and poor functional status (adjusted odds ratio = 2.21,1.40-3.49). Conclusion: Nutritional status at the time of stroke predicts adverse stroke outcomes
Death by SARS-CoV 2: a Romanian COVID-19 multi-centre comorbidity study
Evidence regarding the relation between SARS-CoV-2 mortality and the underlying medical condition is scarce. We conducted an observational, retrospective study based on Romanian official data about location, age, gender and comorbidities for COVID-19 fatalities. Our findings indicate that males, hypertension, diabetes, obesity and chronic kidney disease were most frequent in the COVID-19 fatalities, that the burden of disease was low, and that the prognosis for 1-year survival probability was high in the sample. Evidence shows that age-dependent pairs of comorbidities could be a negative prognosis factor for the severity of disease for the SARS-CoV 2 infection
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