48 research outputs found

    Deep Learning-Based Segmentation and Quantification of Cucumber Powdery Mildew Using Convolutional Neural Network

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    Powdery mildew is a common disease in plants, and it is also one of the main diseases in the middle and final stages of cucumber (Cucumis sativus). Powdery mildew on plant leaves affects the photosynthesis, which may reduce the plant yield. Therefore, it is of great significance to automatically identify powdery mildew. Currently, most image-based models commonly regard the powdery mildew identification problem as a dichotomy case, yielding a true or false classification assertion. However, quantitative assessment of disease resistance traits plays an important role in the screening of breeders for plant varieties. Therefore, there is an urgent need to exploit the extent to which leaves are infected which can be obtained by the area of diseases regions. In order to tackle these challenges, we propose a semantic segmentation model based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) to segment the powdery mildew on cucumber leaf images at pixel level, achieving an average pixel accuracy of 96.08%, intersection over union of 72.11% and Dice accuracy of 83.45% on twenty test samples. This outperforms the existing segmentation methods, K-means, Random forest, and GBDT methods. In conclusion, the proposed model is capable of segmenting the powdery mildew on cucumber leaves at pixel level, which makes a valuable tool for cucumber breeders to assess the severity of powdery mildew

    Dynamic Voxel Grid Optimization for High-Fidelity RGB-D Supervised Surface Reconstruction

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    Direct optimization of interpolated features on multi-resolution voxel grids has emerged as a more efficient alternative to MLP-like modules. However, this approach is constrained by higher memory expenses and limited representation capabilities. In this paper, we introduce a novel dynamic grid optimization method for high-fidelity 3D surface reconstruction that incorporates both RGB and depth observations. Rather than treating each voxel equally, we optimize the process by dynamically modifying the grid and assigning more finer-scale voxels to regions with higher complexity, allowing us to capture more intricate details. Furthermore, we develop a scheme to quantify the dynamic subdivision of voxel grid during optimization without requiring any priors. The proposed approach is able to generate high-quality 3D reconstructions with fine details on both synthetic and real-world data, while maintaining computational efficiency, which is substantially faster than the baseline method NeuralRGBD.Comment: For the project, see https://yanqingan.github.io

    Study on burst risk assessment of coal seam in folded area based on pre-mining stress back analysis

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    In order to scientifically evaluate the impact risk of steeply inclined extra-thick coal seam in folded area and provide theoretical guidance for the prevention and control of rock burst, a numerical model including folds is established in this paper based on the prevention and control of rock burst in south mining area of Wudong Coal Mine. With the help of multiple linear regression and CASRock engineering software, the back analysis of ground stress field of steeply-inclined extra-thick coal seam in folded area of Wudong Mine is carried out. Taking B1+2 coal seam as the research object, the stress data in coal seam, roof and floor are extracted, the stress-cover depth variation curve is plotted, the distribution characteristics of pre-mining stress field are explored, and the risk assessment index related to pre-mining stress is determined. According to the back analysis data of in-situ stress and previous research results, the evaluation indexes of burst risk are determined from the aspects of geological factors and mining conditions. The static weights of 7 geological factors and 5 mining conditions are obtained by Analytic Hierarchy Process. By substituting the static weight into the dynamic weight calculation formula and combining with the traditional comprehensive index method, the risk assessment of B1+2 panel at +500 m level in the south area of Wudong Mine is carried out. According to the rockburst risk classification table, the burst risk of this panel is medium, which is consistent with the conclusion of the geological report, and the rationality of the method was verified. This method is used to estimate the burst risk of coal seam with different depths. Control group is chosen, using the traditional comprehensive risk index method to evaluate the burst of the same area, the results show that the method to obtain the risk ratings were higher than the traditional methods, approach of this paper highlights the risk factors in the evaluation index, overcoming the other indicators evaluation error caused by the interference factors

    Identification of Key Aroma Compounds in Fig Extract through Sensomics Approach

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    In this study, headspace solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS) and gas chromatography-olfactory (GC-O) were applied to identify and analyze the volatile aroma compounds of the ethanol extract of figs. Its key characteristic flavor compounds were analyzed by odor activity (OAV) and aroma recombination and omission tests. The results showed that a total of 40 volatile aroma components were identified, of which 18 compounds, such as isobutyrate, γ-butyl lactone, aromatic camphor, nonaldehyde, vanillin and furfural, were important aroma components in the fig extract (OAV > 1). The aroma recombination experiments showed that the sensory properties of the recombined samples, which had typical aroma characteristics such as fruity, sweet, baked and burnt sweet with slight sour, ointment-like and milky, were similar to those of the fig extract. Furthermore, the aroma omission experiments identified gamma-hexanoate, ethyl palmitate, phenmethanol, aromatic camphor, vanillin, benzaldehyde, 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3 (2H)-furan, 5-hydroxymyfuran, and methyl cyclopentanolone as key characteristic flavor compounds of the fig extract. The findings of this study provide a theoretical basis for the development and quality control of fig characteristic flavorings

    Asynchronous meiosis in Cucumis hystrix–cucumber synthetic tetraploids resulting in low male fertility

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    AbstractInterspecific hybridization and allopolyploidization contribute to the improvement of many important crops. Recently, we successfully developed an amphidiploid from an interspecific cross between cucumber (Cucumis sativus, 2n=2x=14) and its relative C. hystrix (2n=2x=24) followed by chemical induction of chromosome doubling. The resulting allotetraploid plant was self-pollinated for three generations. The fertility and seed set of the amphidiploid plants were very low. In this study, we investigated the meiotic chromosome behavior in pollen mother cells with the aid of fluorescence in situ hybridization, aiming to identify the reasons for the low fertility and seed set in the amphidiploid plants. Homologous chromosome pairing appeared normal, but chromosome laggards were common, owing primarily to asynchronous meiosis of chromosomes from the two donor genomes. We suggest that asynchronous meiotic rhythm between the two parental genomes is the main reason for the low fertility and low seed set of the C. hystrix–cucumber amphidiploid plants

    Ectopic Expression of CsCTR1, a Cucumber CTR-Like Gene, Attenuates Constitutive Ethylene Signaling in an Arabidopsis ctr1-1 Mutant and Expression Pattern Analysis of CsCTR1 in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus)

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    The gaseous plant hormone ethylene regulates many aspects of plant growth, development and responses to the environment. Constitutive triple response 1 (CTR1) is a central regulator involved in the ethylene signal transduction pathway. To obtain a better understanding of this particular pathway in cucumber, the cDNA-encoding CTR1 (designated CsCTR1) was isolated from cucumber. A sequence alignment and phylogenetic analyses revealed that CsCTR1 has a high degree of homology with other plant CTR1 proteins. The ectopic expression of CsCTR1 in the Arabidopsis ctr1-1 mutant attenuates constitutive ethylene signaling of this mutant, suggesting that CsCTR1 indeed performs its function as negative regulator of the ethylene signaling pathway. CsCTR1 is constitutively expressed in all of the examined cucumber organs, including roots, stems, leaves, shoot apices, mature male and female flowers, as well as young fruits. CsCTR1 expression gradually declined during male flower development and increased during female flower development. Additionally, our results indicate that CsCTR1 can be induced in the roots, leaves and shoot apices by external ethylene. In conclusion, this study provides a basis for further studies on the role of CTR1 in the biological processes of cucumber and on the molecular mechanism of the cucumber ethylene signaling pathway

    Differential Gene Expression Caused by the F and M Loci Provides Insight Into Ethylene-Mediated Female Flower Differentiation in Cucumber

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    In cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), the differentiation and development of female flowers are important processes that directly affect the fruit yield and quality. Sex differentiation is mainly controlled by three ethylene synthase genes, F (CsACS1G), M (CsACS2), and A (CsACS11). Thus, ethylene plays a key role in the sex differentiation in cucumber. The “one-hormone hypothesis” posits that F and M regulate the ethylene levels and initiate female flower development in cucumber. Nonetheless, the precise molecular mechanism of this process remains elusive. To investigate the mechanism by which F and M regulate the sex phenotype, three cucumber near-isogenic lines, namely H34 (FFmmAA, hermaphroditic), G12 (FFMMAA, gynoecious), and M12 (ffMMAA, monoecious), with different F and M loci were generated. The transcriptomic analysis of the apical shoots revealed that the expression of the B-class floral homeotic genes, CsPI (Csa4G358770) and CsAP3 (Csa3G865440), was immensely suppressed in G12 (100% female flowers) but highly expressed in M12 (∼90% male flowers). In contrast, CAG2 (Csa1G467100), which is an AG-like C-class floral homeotic gene, was specifically highly expressed in G12. Thus, the initiation of female flowers is likely to be caused by the downregulation of B-class and upregulation of C-class genes by ethylene production in the floral primordium. Additionally, CsERF31, which was highly expressed in G12, showed temporal and spatial expression patterns similar to those of M and responded to the ethylene-related chemical treatments. The biochemical experiments further demonstrated that CsERF31 could directly bind the promoter of M and promote its expression. Thus, CsERF31 responded to the ethylene signal derived from F and mediated the positive feedback regulation of ethylene by activating M expression, which offers an extended “one-hormone hypothesis” of sex differentiation in cucumber

    Review on the Research and Development of Ti-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses

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    Ti-based bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) are very attractive for applications because of their excellent properties such as high specific strength and high corrosion resistance. In this paper, we briefly review the current status of the research and development of Ti-based bulk metallic glasses. Emphasis is laid on glass-forming ability, mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility

    Modeling of shade creation and radiation modification by four tree species in hot and humid areas:Case study of Guangzhou, China

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    Shade creation and radiation modification by trees is an important way of alleviating the urban heat island and improving the outdoor thermal environment. However, a major challenge is still present in numerical models: How can shade creation and radiation modification by trees be realistically represented? To address this challenge, this paper proposes a new three-dimensional model of radiation modification by shade trees for four common tree species in Guangzhou, China: Ficus microcarpa, Mangifera indica, Michelia alba and Bauhinia blakeana. Its accuracy is verified with field measurements. The results show that the proposed model can accurately simulate the canopy attenuation of incoming solar radiation (SR) (d = 0.76∼0.93) and long-wave radiation (LWR) (RMSE = 2.7 W/m2∼12 W/m2) in the case of Ficus microcarpa, Mangifera indica, and Bauhinia blakeana. But for Michelia alba, the difference between measured and simulated values can be large (>60 W/m2), leading to a high RMSE (25 W/m2 ∼194 W/m2). The predictability of surface energy budget and thermal comfort in urban environments is enhanced by incorporating the proposed model into a heat balance model to obtain the mean radiant temperature (MRT). Future development and application of this numerical model will provide useful guidelines for urban landscape management and sustainable urban planning in terms of heat island mitigation