159 research outputs found

    Estimation of the noise emissions generated by a single vehicle while driving

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    This article presents a method of calculation that allows us to separate the contribution of a specific vehicle to the overall noise pollution in an urban environment. This method will provide local authorities with new operating models so that the cost of noise can be allocated to a vehicle according to factors such as the number of people it affects, the distance traveled and journey time, the driving style and the type of vehicle and tires. The proposed methodology can be adapted to different noise emission and propagation models, and we select as a basis the CNOSSOS-EU framework for compatibility with the European noise mapping strategy. This method will make it possible to reduce road traffic noise using two long-term strategies: (a) separate distributions of the costs of noise among the vehicles that generate it, with the aim of achieving (b) an increase in pro-environmental behavior with regard to this pollutant

    Analytical and numerical analyses of the micromechanics of soft fibrous connective tissues

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    State of the art research and treatment of biological tissues require accurate and efficient methods for describing their mechanical properties. Indeed, micromechanics motivated approaches provide a systematic method for elevating relevant data from the microscopic level to the macroscopic one. In this work the mechanical responses of hyperelastic tissues with one and two families of collagen fibers are analyzed by application of a new variational estimate accounting for their histology and the behaviors of their constituents. The resulting, close form expressions, are used to determine the overall response of the wall of a healthy human coronary artery. To demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed method these predictions are compared with corresponding 3-D finite element simulations of a periodic unit cell of the tissue with two families of fibers. Throughout, the analytical predictions for the highly nonlinear and anisotropic tissue are in agreement with the numerical simulations

    Relationship between Structure, Entropy and Diffusivity in Water and Water-like Liquids

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    Anomalous behaviour of the excess entropy (SeS_e) and the associated scaling relationship with diffusivity are compared in liquids with very different underlying interactions but similar water-like anomalies: water (SPC/E and TIP3P models), tetrahedral ionic melts (SiO2_2 and BeF2_2) and a fluid with core-softened, two-scale ramp (2SRP) interactions. We demonstrate the presence of an excess entropy anomaly in the two water models. Using length and energy scales appropriate for onset of anomalous behaviour, the density range of the excess entropy anomaly is shown to be much narrower in water than in ionic melts or the 2SRP fluid. While the reduced diffusivities (DD^*) conform to the excess entropy scaling relation, D=Aexp(αSe)D^* =A\exp (\alpha S_e) for all the systems (Y. Rosenfeld, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 1977}, {\it 15}, 2545), the exponential scaling parameter, α\alpha, shows a small isochore-dependence in the case of water. Replacing SeS_e by pair correlation-based approximants accentuates the isochore-dependence of the diffusivity scaling. Isochores with similar diffusivity scaling parameters are shown to have the temperature dependence of the corresponding entropic contribution. The relationship between diffusivity, excess entropy and pair correlation approximants to the excess entropy are very similar in all the tetrahedral liquids.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Journal of Physical Chemistry

    Lung tumour markers in oncology practice: a study of TPA and CA125

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    Several substances mark the course of lung cancer and may reliably help the clinician in decision-making. This is the first clinical study specifically designed to compare tissue polypeptide antigen and CA 125 tumour associated antigen. Three hundred and eighty-four new lung cancer patients (309 males) were studied at their first clinical presentation and then strictly followed-up. Anthropometric, clinical and laboratory data – including tissue polypeptide antigen and CA 125 tumour associated antigen serum levels – were prospectively recorded. A total of 1000 tissue polypeptide antigen and CA 125 tumour associated antigen serum assays (384 pre-treatment and 616 posttreatment assays) were performed. Both tissue polypeptide antigen and CA 125 tumour associated antigen correlated significantly with the T, N and M stage descriptors at diagnosis (Rho: 0.200, 0.203, 0.263 and 0.181, 0.240, 0.276, respectively), and then with the objective response to treatment (Rho: 0.388 and 0.207, respectively). A pleural neoplastic involvement was mainly associated to an increase of CA 125 tumour associated antigen (Rho: 0.397). Both tissue polypeptide antigen and CA 125 tumour associated antigen were strongly predictive of the patients' outcome, as assessed by the univariate analysis of survival (log-rank test: 37.24 and 29.01) and several Cox' proportional hazards regression models. The two marker tests are similarly helpful and appear complementary, given the low inter-marker correlation and their independent prognostic capability

    La opinión : periódico de lucha política: Año II Número 92 - 1920 octubre 16

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 200

    La opinión : periódico de lucha política: Año II Número 110 - 1920 noviembre 6

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 200