14 research outputs found

    Single crystal elasticity of majoritic garnets: Stagnant slabs and thermal anomalies at the base of the transition zone

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    The elastic properties of two single crystals of majoritic garnet (Mg3.24Al1.53Si3.23O12 and Mg3.01Fe0.17Al1.68Si3.15O12), have been measured using simultaneously single-crystal X-ray diffraction and Brillouin spectroscopy in an externally heated diamond anvil cell with Ne as pressure transmitting medium at conditions up to ∼30 GPa and ∼600 K. This combination of techniques makes it possible to use the bulk modulus and unit-cell volume at each condition to calculate the absolute pressure, independently of secondary pressure calibrants. Substitution of the majorite component into pyrope garnet lowers both the bulk (Ks) and shear modulus (G). The substitution of Fe was found to cause a small but resolvable increase in Ks that was accompanied by a decrease in ∂Ks/∂P, the first pressure derivative of the bulk modulus. Fe substitution had no influence on either the shear modulus or its pressure derivative. The obtained elasticity data were used to derive a thermo-elastic model to describe Vs and Vp of complex garnet solid solutions. Using further elasticity data from the literature and thermodynamic models for mantle phase relations, velocities for mafic, harzburgitic and lherzolitic bulk compositions at the base of Earth's transition zone were calculated. The results show that Vs predicted by seismic reference models are faster than those calculated for all three types of lithologies along a typical mantle adiabat within the bottom 150 km of the transition zone. The anomalously fast seismic shear velocities might be explained if laterally extensive sections of subducted harzburgite-rich slabs pile up at the base of the transition zone and lower average mantle temperatures within this depth range

    Single-crystal elasticity of majoritic garnets: stagnant slabs and thermal anomalies at the base of the transition zone

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    The elastic properties of two single crystals of majoritic garnet (Mg3.24Al1.53Si3.23O12 and Mg3.01Fe0.17Al1.68Si3.15O12), have been measured using simultaneously single-crystal X-ray diffraction and Brillouin spectroscopy in an externally heated diamond anvil cell with Ne as pressure transmitting medium at conditions up to 3c30 GPa and 3c600 K. This combination of techniques makes it possible to use the bulk modulus and unit-cell volume at each condition to calculate the absolute pressure, independently of secondary pressure calibrants. Substitution of the majorite component into pyrope garnet lowers both the bulk (Ks) and shear modulus (G). The substitution of Fe was found to cause a small but resolvable increase in Ks that was accompanied by a decrease in 02Ks/ 02P, the first pressure derivative of the bulk modulus. Fe substitution had no influence on either the shear modulus or its pressure derivative. The obtained elasticity data were used to derive a thermo-elastic model to describe Vs and Vp of complex garnet solid solutions. Using further elasticity data from the literature and thermodynamic models for mantle phase relations, velocities for mafic, harzburgitic and lherzolitic bulk compositions at the base of Earth's transition zone were calculated. The results show that Vs predicted by seismic reference models are faster than those calculated for all three types of lithologies along a typical mantle adiabat within the bottom 150 km of the transition zone. The anomalously fast seismic shear velocities might be explained if laterally extensive sections of subducted harzburgite-rich slabs pile up at the base of the transition zone and lower average mantle temperatures within this depth range

    High-pressure single-crystal structural analysis of AlSiO3OH phase egg

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    We present the first equation of state and structure refinements at high pressure of single-crystal phase egg, AlSiO3OH. Phase egg is a member of the Al2O3-SiO2-H2O system, which contains phases that may be stable along a typical mantle geotherm (Fukuyama et al. 2017) and are good candidates for water transport into Earth's deep mantle. Single-crystal synchrotron X-ray diffraction was performed up to 23 GPa. We observe the b axis to be the most compressible direction and the β angle to decrease up to 16 GPa and then to remain constant at a value of ~97.8° up to the maximum experimental pressure reached. Structure refinements performed at low pressures reveal a distorted octahedron around the silicon atom due to one of the six Si-O bond lengths being significantly larger than the other five. The length of this specific Si-O4 bond rapidly decreases with increasing pressure leading to a more regular octahedron at pressures above 16 GPa. We identified the shortening of the Si-O4 bond and the contraction of the vacant space between octahedral units where the hydrogen atoms are assumed to lie as the major components of the compression mechanism of AlSiO3OH phase egg

    Seawater cycled throughout Earth’s mantle in partially serpentinized lithosphere

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    The extent to which water and halogens in Earth’s mantle have primordial origins, or are dominated by seawater-derived components introduced by subduction is debated. About 90% of non-radiogenic xenon in the Earth’s mantle has a subducted atmospheric origin, but the degree to which atmospheric gases and other seawater components are coupled during subduction is unclear. Here we present the concentrations of water and halogens in samples of magmatic glasses collected from mid-ocean ridges and ocean islands globally. We show that water and halogen enrichment is unexpectedly associated with trace element signatures characteristic of dehydrated oceanic crust, and that the most incompatible halogens have relatively uniform abundance ratios that are different from primitive mantle values. Taken together, these results imply that Earth’s mantle is highly processed and that most of its water and halogens were introduced by the subduction of serpentinized lithospheric mantle associated with dehydrated oceanic crust

    Evidence for a Fe <sup>3+</sup>-rich pyrolitic lower mantle from (Al,Fe)-bearing bridgmanite elasticity data

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    The chemical composition of Earth's lower mantle can be constrained by combining seismological observations with mineral physics elasticity measurements(1-3). However, the lack of laboratory data for Earth's most abundant mineral, (Mg, Fe, Al)(Si, Al, Fe)O-3 bridgmanite (also known as silicate perovskite), has hampered any conclusive result. Here we report single-crystal elasticity data on (Al, Fe)-bearing bridgmanite (Mg0.9Fe0.1Si0.9Al0.1)O-3 measured using high-pressure Brillouin spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Our measurements show that the elastic behaviour of (Al, Fe)-bearing bridgmanite is markedly different from the behaviour of the MgSiO3 endmember2,4. We use our data to model seismic wave velocities in the top portion of the lower mantle, assuming a pyrolitic(5) mantle composition and accounting for depth-dependent changes in iron partitioning between bridgmanite and ferropericlase(6,7). We find excellent agreement between our mineral physics predictions and the seismic Preliminary Reference Earth Model(8) down to at least 1,200 kilometres depth, indicating chemical homogeneity of the upper and shallow lower mantle. A high Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio of about two in shallow-lower-mantle bridgmanite is required to match seismic data, implying the presence of metallic iron in an isochemical mantle. Our calculated velocities are in increasingly poor agreement with those of the lower mantle at depths greater than 1,200 kilometres, indicating either a change in bridgmanite cation ordering or a decrease in the ferric iron content of the lower mantle