152 research outputs found

    Il collegamento negoziale nel credito al consumo alla luce della direttiva 2008/48/CE

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    This thesis is about the topic of liability of creditor for breaches by supplier in onsumer credit operations. The first chapter analyses the framework of law, on this subject, in Germany, France and United Kingdom before the entrance into force of the directive 87/102/CE. The second chapter concerns the questions raised up by the first European directive on this subject, in the light of its transposition in our national legal system and its practical applications by the Courts. The third chapter, throw a reasoned and a critical analysis of the innovations arising from the new directive 2008/48/CE, puts forward the most important problems of interpretation related to the national law of transposition. The last chapter shows the unsuitability of the shape of directives of maximum harmonization. In this context, the Author proposes, in the light of general principles of contract law, a new interpretation of the provisions about this topic and an improved protection of the consumer

    Analisi CFD delle schiere palari statoriche di un compressore assiale

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    Il compressore assiale è un componente chiave nella propulsione aerospaziale e nell'industria delle macchine, e la comprensione approfondita dei fenomeni di flusso all'interno di tali dispositivi è fondamentale per migliorarne le prestazioni e l'efficienza. Questa tesi presenta un'analisi CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) delle schiere palari statoriche di un compressore assiale, con un'attenzione particolare alla valutazione del software OpenFOAM. L'obiettivo principale è stato esplorare le capacità di OpenFOAM nel contesto delle simulazioni fluidodinamiche, concentrandosi sulla creazione accurata della mesh e confrontando i risultati ottenuti con valori calcolati analiticamente. Nel corso di questa ricerca, sono state condotte diverse simulazioni numeriche, variando l'angolo di incidenza del flusso, utilizzando il solutore rhoSimpleFoam, presente nella suite di OpenFOAM, per analizzare il comportamento del flusso attraverso i canali palari. La geometria è stata realizzata mediante il software Solidworks, mentre la griglia è stata generata utilizzando il software opensource Salome. Il modello CFD ha permesso di ottenere una visione dettagliata delle complesse interazioni tra flusso e geometria

    Influence of Yeast on Polyphenol Composition of Wine

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    Two strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were employed for winemaking of must from red grapes. Twenty-two parameters were determined in the red wines produced. Very significant (p<0.01) differences were observed for colour intensity, total polyphenols, and non-anthocyanic flavonoids. Moreover, significant (p<0.05) differences were observed for colour and monomeric anthocyanins

    Management of pheochromocytoma during pregnancy from diagnosis to laparoscopic adrenalectomy. A case report and review of literature

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    INTRODUCTION: Pheochromocytoma is an endocrine tumour of chromaffin cells. It can be diagnosed either sporadically or in the context of hereditary syndromes (e.g. Von Hippel Lindau, Neurofibromatosis type 1 and multiple neuroendocrine neoplasia type 2). During pregnancy, its frequency is very low (about 0,007%). This tumour causes paroxysmal hypertension in 0,1-0,6% pregnant women, because of an overproduction of catecholamines. If undiagnosed and nontreated, it's associated with high maternal and fetal mortality (40-50%). We report the case of a 30-year-old female diagnosed with pheochromocytoma during pregnancy at week 31 of gestation. In a multidisciplinary team made of surgeons, gynaecologists, anaesthetists, geneticists and endocrinologists we evaluated the case and according to literature, we choose a surgical approach after childbirth: performing a laparoscopic right adrenalectomy. DISCUSSION: In pregnancy, pheochromocytoma is a rare clinical condition. Gold standard treatment is laparoscopic adrenalectomy. However, the optimum timing of surgery is a challenge. CONCLUSION: Timely diagnosis of pheochromocytoma in pregnant women with hypertension and appropriate therapeutic management can lead to improve maternal, fetal and neonatal outcomes. The multidisciplinary team is necessary to recognize the symptoms and to adopt the right pre - and post - operative treatment. Laparoscopic adrenalectomy after delivery is safe and feasible even though the surgical procedure should be performed by an experienced surgeon. KEY WORDS: Pheochromocytoma, Pregnancy, Laparoscopic adrenalectomy and pregnancy, Management of pheochromocytoma, Laparoscopic adrenalectomy, Adrenalectomy, Pregnancy and pheochromocytoma

    Mediastinal syndrome from plasmablastic lymphoma in human immunodeficiency virus and human herpes virus 8 negative patient with polycythemia vera: a case report

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    Background: Plasmoblastic lymphoma is a rare and aggressive subtype of diffuse large B cell lymphoma, which occurs usually in the jaw of immunocompromised subjects. Case presentation: We describe the occurrence of plasmoblastic lymphoma in the mediastinum and chest wall skin of an human immunodeficiency virus-negative 63-year-old Caucasian man who had had polycytemia vera 7 years before. At admission, the patient showed a superior vena cava syndrome, with persistent dyspnoea, cough, and distension of the jugular veins. Imaging findings showed a 9.7 Ă— 8 Ă— 5.7 cm mediastinal mass. A chest wall neoformation biopsy and ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy of the mediastinal mass allowed diagnosis of plasmoblastic lymphoma and establishment of an immediate chemotherapeutic regimen, with rapid remission of compression symptoms. Conclusions: Plasmoblastic lymphoma is a very uncommon, difficult to diagnose, and aggressive disease. The presented case represents the first rare mediastinal plasmoblastic lymphoma in a human immunodeficiency virus-/human herpesvirus-8-negative patient. Pathologists should be aware that this tumor does appear in sites other than the oral cavity. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy is a low-cost, repeatable, easy-to-perform technique, with a high diagnostic accuracy and with very low complication and mortality rates. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy could represent the right alternative to surgery in those patients affected by plasmoblastic lymphoma, being rapid and minimally invasive. It allowed establishment of prompt medical treatment with subsequent considerable reduction of the neoplastic tissue and resolution of the mediastinal syndrome

     Combined treatment with inhibitors of ErbB Receptors and Hh signaling pathways is more effective than single treatment in reducing the growth of malignant mesothelioma both in vitro and in vivo

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    Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is a rare orphan aggressive neoplasia with low survival rates. Among the other signaling pathways, ErbB receptors and Hh signaling are deregulated in MM. Thus, molecules involved in these signaling pathways could be used for targeted therapy approaches. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of inhibitors of Hh- (GANT-61) and ErbB receptors (Afatinib)-mediated signaling pathways, when used alone or in combination, on growth, cell cycle, cell death and autophagy, modulation of molecules involved in transduction pathways, in three human MM cell lines of different histotypes. The efficacy of the combined treatment was also evaluated in a murine epithelioid MM cell line both in vitro and in vivo. This study demonstrated that combined treatment with two inhibitors counteracting the activation of two different signaling pathways involved in neoplastic transformation and progression, such as those activated by ErbB and Hh signaling, is more effective than the single treatments in reducing MM growth in vitro and in vivo. This study may have clinical implications for the development of targeted therapy approaches for MM

    One shoot seldinger central venous catheterization in dialyzed patients

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    Introduction: Central Venous Catheterization is necessary in uremic patient (before dialysis) and many other conditions. In this study we demonstrated the advantages of ultrasonography to perform the procedure. Materials and methods: 48 uremic patient were submitted to ultrasound-guided central venous catheterization. The procedure was performed following the Seldinger “one shot” technique. Results: The mean operative time was 4 minutes, with a high rate of success (100%) and a low percentage of complications (2%). Conclusion: The ultrasound-guided central venous catheterization is a safe procedure, rapid and easy to perform. The procedure has a low rate of failures and complications and a high rate of success. It is suitable in all patients with vascular anatomical variations, “difficult neck”, or coagulation disorders

    Melusin gene (ITGB1BP2) nucleotide variations study in hypertensive and cardiopathic patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Melusin is a muscle specific signaling protein, required for compensatory hypertrophy response in pressure-overloaded heart. The role of Melusin in heart function has been established both by loss and gain of function experiments in murine models. With the aim of verifying the hypothesis of a potential role of the Melusin encoding gene, <it>ITGB1BP2</it>, in the modification of the clinical phenotype of human cardiomyopathies, we screened the <it>ITGB1BP2 </it>gene looking for genetic variations possibly associated to the pathological phenotype in three selected groups of patients affected by hypertension and dilated or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We analyzed <it>ITGB1BP2 </it>by direct sequencing of the 11 coding exons and intron flanking sequences in 928 subjects, including 656 hypertensive or cardiopathic patients and 272 healthy individuals.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Only three nucleotide variations were found in patients of three distinct families: a C>T missense substitution at position 37 of exon 1 causing an amino acid change from His-13 to Tyr in the protein primary sequence, a duplication (IVS6+12_18dupTTTTGAG) near the 5'donor splice site of intron 6, and a silent 843C>T substitution in exon 11.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The three variations of the <it>ITGB1BP2 </it>gene have been detected in families of patients affected either by hypertension or primary hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; however, a clear genotype/phenotype correlation was not evident. Preliminary functional results and bioinformatic analysis seem to exclude a role for IVS6+12_18dupTTTTGAG and 843C>T in affecting splicing mechanism.</p> <p>Our analysis revealed an extremely low number of variations in the <it>ITGB1BP2 </it>gene in nearly 1000 hypertensive/cardiopathic and healthy individuals, thus suggesting a high degree of conservation of the melusin gene within the populations analyzed.</p

    SIMBIO-Sim: a performance simulator for the SIMBIO-SYS suite on board the BepiColombo mission

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    The SIMBIO-SYS simulator is a useful tool to test the instrument performance and to predict the instrument behaviour during the whole scientific mission. It has been developed with Interactive Data Language (IDL), and it give three groups of output data: i) the geometrical quantities related to the spacecraft and the channels, which include both the general information about the spacecraft and the information for each filter; ii) the radiometric outputs, which include the planet reflectance, the radiance and the expected signal measured by the detector; iii) the quantities related to the channel performance, which are for example the integration time (IT), which has to be defined to avoid the detector saturation, the expected dark current of the detector

    Development of a simulator of the SIMBIOSYS suite onboard the BepiColombo mission

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    BepiColombo is the fifth cornerstone mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) dedicated to study the Mercury planet. The BepiColombo spacecraft comprises two science modules: the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) realized by ESA and the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter provided by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. The MPO is composed by 11 instruments, including the 'Spectrometer and Imagers for MPO BepiColombo Integrated Observatory System' (SIMBIOSYS). The SIMBIOSYS suite includes three optical channels: a Stereoscopic Imaging Channel, a High Resolution Imaging Channel, and a Visible and near Infrared Hyperspectral Imager. SIMBIOSYS will characterize the hermean surface in terms of surface morphology, volcanism, global tectonics, and chemical composition. The aim of this work is to describe a tool for the radiometric response prediction of the three SIMBIOSYS channels. Given the spectral properties of the surface, the instrument characteristics, and the geometrical conditions of the observation, the realized SIMBIOSYS simulator is capable of estimating the expected signal and integration times for the entire mission lifetime. In the simulator the spectral radiance entering the instrument optical apertures has been modelled using a Hapke reflectance model implementing the parameters expected for the hermean surface. The instrument performances are simulated by means of calibrated optical and detectors responses. The simulator employs the SPICE (Spacecraft, Planet, Instrument, C-matrix, Environment) toolkit software, which allows us to know for each epoch the exact position of the MPO with respect to the planet surface and the Sun
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