1,722 research outputs found

    Electrical, Magnetic and Electrochemical Behaviour of Nanocrystalline Fe70.5Nb4.5Cu1Si16B8 Alloy

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    The electrical, magnetic and electrochemical behaviour of Fe70.5Nb..5CuiSi,638 has been studied in the as-received and heat treated conditions. The as-received material was amorphous which crystallized in two different stages at 780K and 940K when heated continuously. At the primary crystallization stage, nanometre sized grain of ordered FesoSi20 phase was formed. The superior soft magnetic properties were achieved after primary crystall-ization which were attributed to the averaging out of magnetocrystalline anisotropy due to the nanocrystalline structure and the reduction of magnetoelastic anisotropy energy due to the negative magnetosirictive nature of Fe8oSi20 phase and positive magnetosirictive value of the rest amorphous phase. After primary crystallization spon-taneous passivating nature of the alloy is also observed in electrochemical study

    Aplikasi Administrasi Keanggotaan Fitness Center “X” Berbasis Website Dan Mobile Device

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    Technology is developing very rapidly create business processes that run with the conventional system began to be abandoned by the businesses. Technology makes business processes run more efficiently, quickly, accurately, and reduce the chances of problems by human error. This system is aimed at one of the business people in the fitness field. The system built is believed will make business processes better, as well as businesses can monitor his business handled from anywhere and anytime.Based on the experimental testing of the system, the system has been able to run as desired fitness businesses. The system that has been integrated between the systems with each other to make businesses can monitor and run its business processes better. The data has been computerized data that makes the data easier to back up, so the possibility of data loss can be minimized

    Pitting Stochastic Study in Airframe Aluminium Alloy using Non-linear Ultrasonic

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    Pitting corrosion is considered to be one of the principal degradation mechanisms for high-strength aluminum alloys. The aircraft airframe has been the most demanding application for aluminum alloys. The combined effects of corrosion and cyclic loading have been shown to produce cracks from corrosion pits and pits have frequently been the source of cracks on aircraft components operating in fleets. Once the pit or group of pits form, the rate of pit growth is dependent mainly on the material, environmental conditions and type and state of stress. Therefore, to estimate the total corrosion fatigue life of a component, it is of great importance to develop realistic models to establish the component life in these situations and to formulate methods by which designers and operators know likely sources of pitting early in the design and fleet operation. There are certain gaps in knowledge with regards to life prediction for pitting initiated fatigue. The need is to gauge the extent of pitting damage of a component or material non-destructively and predict the remaining life through superimposition of the pertinent operational, environmental and material parameters. However, a foolproof non-destructive means to characterize and three-dimensionally map pits is not available. The pitting phenomenon has to be analyzed statistically and the kinetics of pitting assessed through a change in the statistical distribution parameter of pits rather than deterministic equations relating pit dimensions to time. In this work we have applied high frequency ultrasonic and non-linear ultrasonic to assess the damage due to pitting and attempt has been made to establish correlations between this non-destructive tools and pit stochastic

    Strategi Pengembangan Kawasan Agrowisata Rurukan

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    The purpose of this research is to identify the right strategy in developing Rurukan agro tourism area. The research location was conducted in two urban villages: Rurukan and Rurukan 1, East Tomohon Subdistrict, Tomohon City. This research was conducted for 3 (three) months from November 2016 to January 2017. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data are data taken through direct observation on site, interview with respondents who selected 10 people to fill out the research questionnaire as follows: Government (3 people), namely Lurah Rurukan, Lurah Rurukan One, and Officials of Tomohon City Tourism Office, Community Shop (2 persons) and Tour Manager (5 persons). Secondary data is data obtained from the offices of two urban villages and Tourism Office. The analytical method used SWOT Analysis. Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the development strategy of Rurukan agro tourism area is Rapid growth strategy. This development strategy is in accordance with the position of Rurukan area that needs a progeny strategy to support growth, through several strategies that can be implemented, namely: (1) Utilizing some existing tourism object to attract investors so that it can become a growing tourism sector and interest in Tomohon ; (2) utilizing the famous agro tourism with its trademark to become a cultural development area, especially in Tomohon City; (3) utilizing a good soil fertility level in the Rurukan area to be planted with fruits such as strawberries, which are highland fruit trees to be enjoyed by tourists

    Hotel Wisata Di Manado (Implementasi Konsep Taman Gantung Babylonia)

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    Dalam ilmu sejarah arsitektur dikenal dengan peradaban arsitektur Mesopotamia dengan ciri khas arsitekturalnya yaitu taman gantung babilonia (Hanging Garden Of Babylon) yang merupakan ikon dari arsitektur hijau di jaman purbakala. Dewasa ini perancangan arsitektur semakin berkembang kepada gaya arsitektur yang tanggap akan lingkungan. Hal tersebut didasari oleh semakin diperlukannya tindakan nyata ataupun tanggapan terhadap kerusakan yang telah disebabkan oleh manusia. Implementasi konsep Taman Gantung Babylonia pada Hotel Wisata di Kota Manado merupakan salah satu wujud nyata dari arsitektur yang tanggap akan lingkungan di masa kini. Tujuan dari Penerapan konsep Taman Gantung Babylonia yaitu untuk menunjang visi ekowisata yang merupakan program dari pemerintah Kota Manado sekaligus membentuk hubungan yang bersinergi antara bangunan dan alam. Upaya ini tentunya tak lepas dari keberadaan Kota Manado sendiri yang memiliki potensi pariwisata yang baik karena ditunjang dengan kekayaan sumber daya alam dan budaya yang besar sehingga menjadikan Kota Manado Sebagai salah satu kota tujuan pariwisata di Indonesia. Dengan dihadirkannya desain Hotel Wisata di Kota Manado diharapkan dapat menunjang kegiatan pariwisata yang ada ataupun dapat menjadi alternatif objek wisata baru dengan penerapan dari tema perancangannya


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan asupan gizi dengan kadar hemoglobin pasien anemia, dan besar hubungan asupan gizi dengan kadar hemoglobin, serta perbedaan asupan gizi dan kadar hemoglobin antara pria dan wanita. Pengolahan data menggunakan uji normalitas, analisis regresi, dan korelasi sederhana.Data asupan gizi berdistribusi normal dengan − sebesar 0,265 dan kadar hemoglobin dengan sebesar 0,097 .Nilai estimator koefisien asupan gizi sebesar 0,155 , dengan intersep−3,719 sehingga model regresi −3,719 + 0,155 dan koefisien korelasi adalah 0,80, koefisien determinasi 64% informasi variansi data yang dapat dijelaskan oleh model, sisanya dijelaskan oleh faktor lain.Perbedaan antara asupan gizi terhadap kadar hemoglobin pria dan wanita diperoleh < = 2,024 sehingga tidak terdapat bukti untuk menolak 0 yang berartitidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara mean asupan gizi pria dan mean asupan gizi wanita, demikian pula dengan kadar hemoglobin pria dan wanita. < = 2,16 sehingga 0 tidak dapat ditolak artinya tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara variansi asupan gizi pria dan wanita, demikian juga pada variansi kadar hemoglobin pria dan wanita.Kata Kunci: Asupan Gizi, Kadar Hemoglobin, Regresi Linear Sederhana, Korelasi Linear Sederhan

    High-Spin Doublet Band Structures in odd-odd 194200^{194-200}Tl isotopes

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    The basis space in the triaxial projected shell model (TPSM) approach is generalized for odd-odd nuclei to include two-neutron and two-proton configurations on the basic one-neutron coupled to one-proton quasiparticle state. The generalization allows to investigate odd-odd nuclei beyond the band crossing region and as a first application of this development, high-spin band structures recently observed in odd-odd 194200^{194-200}Tl isotopes are investigated. In some of these isotopes, the doublet band structures observed after the band crossing have been conjectured to arise from the spontaneous breaking of the chiral symmetry. The driving configuration of the chiral symmetry in these odd-odd isotopes is one-proton and three-neutrons rather than the basic one-proton and one-neutron as already observed in many other nuclei. It is demonstrated using the TPSM approach that energy differences of the doublet bands in 194^{194}Tl and 198^{198}Tl are, indeed, small. However, the differences in the calculated transition probabilities are somewhat larger than what is expected in the chiral symmetry limit. Experimental data on the transition probabilities is needed to shed light on the chiral nature of the doublet bands.Comment: 11 pages, 17 figures, to appear in EPJ


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses penerimaan mahasiswa baruberdasarkan asal sekolah dan penilaian terhadap pelaksanaan matrikulasi di FMIPA Uncen tahun 2016. Sampel diambil secara acak dari populasi mahasiswa baru FMIPA yang mengikuti program matrikulasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah statistika nonparametrik dengan uji Run dan uji Kruskal-Wallis. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian diperoleh bahwa proses penerimaan mahasiswa baru tahun 2016 yang berasal dari 3 kategori asal sekolah bersifat tidak acak (sistemik). Disamping itu, dari hasil pengujian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan matrikulasi memberi pengaruh positif terhadap pemahaman konsep matematika dasar mahasiswa baru FMIPA Uncen tahun 2016.Kata Kunci: Matrikulasi, Uji Run, Kruskal-Wallis

    Mengembangkan Logo (Modul Penciptaan) Produk UMKM Non Makanan dengan Elemen Tipografi pada UMKM di Semarang

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    Logo yang berkarakter huruf hampir digunakan disemua produk UMKM di kota Semarang, terutama produk non makanan. Tiap huruf atau Tipografi sendiri sejatinya memiliki karakteristik sediri-sendiri. Oleh karenya penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai anallisa penggunaan tipografi pada produk UMKM yang terdaftar pada DINKOP Semarang dengan studi kasus produk non makanan