5 research outputs found

    Development Of Reciptures Of Canned Smothies Made From Zucchini And Fruits

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    Rational nutrition for a whole year is possible with a well-established system of storage and processing of plant raw materials. Products with vegetable and fruit raw materials due to their availability and nutritional value are in demand among the population. There is a constant interest in new products with increased biological value. The preservation of ascorbic acid, the main source of which is vegetables and fruits, is also affected by the technology of production. Despite the damaging effect of the heat treatment temperature of canned products on thermolabile components, the sterilization regimes should be relaxed. To this end, it has been proposed to produce beverages from vegetables and fruits for scientifically-based recipes, which allows them to be processed at a temperature of 100 °C, as well as juices with pulp and sugar. Smoothie, made on the basis of zucchini with the addition of gooseberries and blackcurrant puree contain respectively 13.3 and 41.8 mg/100 g of ascorbic acid, have an optimal for good perception of the sugar-acid index 21,4-21,5 compared with juices from soft pulp and sugar from gooseberry and black currant, which produces industry. The latter is explained by the fact that instead of sugar syrup, natural juice from zucchini was used in the recipe

    Development of recipes and estimation of raw material for production of wheat bread

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    The study of technological parameters of Midas wheat flour and possibility to use little-spread plants at wheat bread manufacturing was realized. Parameters and regimes for keeping and baking bread of new recipes were elaborated and selected. The elaborated method of bread manufacturing by new recipes relates to the field of agriculture and food industry and may be used at a laboratory baking of bread. There was experimentally grounded and introduced the change of a part of recipe quantity of wheat flour for dried and comminuted plants of Népeta mussinii L., Polymnia osotolysta L., Amaranthus tricolor L., Cosmos sulphureus L., Tanacetum parthenium L., Cyperus esculentus L., Physalis tomentous L. at baking bread. According to determined physical-chemical, organoleptic parameters of bread, a possibility of baking bread using plants was proved. The expedience of introducing vegetable additives of Népeta mussinii L., Polymnia osotolysta L., Amaranthus tricolor L., Tanacetum parthenium into wheat dough in the dose no more than 5 % to the flour mass; up to 10 % – Cosmos sulphureus L and up to 15 % – Cyperus esculentus L., Physalis tomentous L was proved. At these very dosages bread had an evenly colored crust, without breaks and cracks, elastic crumb, thin-walled porosity, expressed bread taste and pleasant smell of additives as opposite to other experimental samples

    Substantiation of the use of spice plants for enrichment of wheat bread

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    UK: Проведено дослідження можливості застосування малопоширених пряносмакових рослин під час виготовлення хліба пшеничного. Експериментально обґрунтовано та впроваджено заміну частини рецептурної кількості борошна на висушені і розмелені ефіроносні, технічні, пряно-смакові та овочеві рослини під час виготовлення хліба. За визначеними фізико-хімічними, органолептичними показниками хліба підтверджено можливість виготовлення хліба з додаванням рослин

    Combination of Vegetable-fruit Formulation Composition for Obtaining High Quality Products

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    We have investigated a change in the active acidity of blended products made from vegetable and fruit raw materials. A possibility has been proven to control active acidity through the introduction to formulations of canned foods fruits with a high content of titrated acidity. Apricot, gooseberry, cherry plum, black currant are characterized by a high content of titratable acidity, thus they could replace in the formulations of canned products the organic acids obtained artificially.It is possible to use zucchini, pumpkin, carrot and beet to produce natural organic purees, juices, compotes, sauces, natural canned vegetable food with a regulated active acidity not higher than 3.9 pH units. To achieve this level of active acidity in canned products, the mass share of titratable acidity should be brought to 0.55‒0.60 %. The canned food products manufactured using a given technique are microbiologically stable and safe when employing the sterilization temperature of 100 °C for 20‒25 minutes; they have a high organic estimate; they efficiently preserve ascorbic acid. The pumpkin puree demonstrated active acidity of 5.6 pH units. In the blended pumpkin and apricot puree, gooseberry and cherry plum puree, the active acidity decreased to 3.80‒3.84 pH units following the introduction of the calculated formulation amount of a fruit part into compositions, from 11.3 to 28.1 %, the content of ascorbic acid increased by 1.6‒2.6 times. The content of ascorbic acid in a pumpkin and black currant puree, at the regulated active acidity of 3.86 pH units, increased to 30.6 mg/100 g, by 7.6 times. A similar trend was observed for the blended purees made from carrot and table beet.The vegetable-fruit purees and sauces, manufactured in line with a given technique, are characterized by excellent organoleptic quality estimation, 26.3‒29.3 points. Canned foods from vegetable raw materials with a controlled level of active acidity, due to their fruit part, are natural products with an elevated content of ascorbic acid. The combination could be used for the manufacture of organic products from the appropriate raw materials, thereby retaining their high quality

    Determining the Quality of Milk Fat Dispersion in A Jet-slot Milk Homogenizer

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    One of the urgent problems in the dairy industry is to reduce power input in the process of dispersing milk fat while ensuring a high degree of homogenization. This problem can be solved through the development and implementation of a virtually unexplored jet-slot milk homogenizer. The principle of its action implies the preliminary separation of cream from whole milk and its feed into the high-velocity flow of skim milk. The homogenization process occurs by creating a sufficient difference in velocities of the disperse and dispersing phases of the milk emulsion, which is mathematically described by Weber's criterion.Experimental studies of the effect of fat content in cream, cream feed rate, and width of the annular slot on dispersion indices during processing in the designed homogenizer have been carried out. The mathematical dependence which relates these parameters was found. It was proved that to obtain a milk emulsion with a dispersion level of 0.8 μm, the width of the annular slot should be 0.1–0.5 mm, fat content in cream 40–50 %, and the feed rate less than 40 m/s. The results of the evaluation of dispersion quality show a 7 % decrease in the average diameter of the fat globules compared to the most common values obtainable in the valve homogenizer. A refined critical value of the Weber criterion for dispersion of the fat phase of milk was determined (29 units) which indicates an increase in the intensity of the homogenization process in comparison with the jet milk homogenizer with a separate cream feed. The derived critical value of the criterion is necessary to create a theory of the process of dispersing milk fat and develop more efficient designs of milk homogenizer