8 research outputs found

    Automated discovery of trade-off between utility, privacy and fairness in machine learning models

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    Machine learning models are deployed as a central component in decision making and policy operations with direct impact on individuals' lives. In order to act ethically and comply with government regulations, these models need to make fair decisions and protect the users' privacy. However, such requirements can come with decrease in models' performance compared to their potentially biased, privacy-leaking counterparts. Thus the trade-off between fairness, privacy and performance of ML models emerges, and practitioners need a way of quantifying this trade-off to enable deployment decisions. In this work we interpret this trade-off as a multi-objective optimization problem, and propose PFairDP, a pipeline that uses Bayesian optimization for discovery of Pareto-optimal points between fairness, privacy and utility of ML models. We show how PFairDP can be used to replicate known results that were achieved through manual constraint setting process. We further demonstrate effectiveness of PFairDP with experiments on multiple models and datasets.Comment: 3rd Workshop on Bias and Fairness in AI (BIAS), ECML 202

    Real-world Machine Learning Systems: A survey from a Data-Oriented Architecture Perspective

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    Machine Learning models are being deployed as parts of real-world systems with the upsurge of interest in artificial intelligence. The design, implementation, and maintenance of such systems are challenged by real-world environments that produce larger amounts of heterogeneous data and users requiring increasingly faster responses with efficient resource consumption. These requirements push prevalent software architectures to the limit when deploying ML-based systems. Data-oriented Architecture (DOA) is an emerging concept that equips systems better for integrating ML models. DOA extends current architectures to create data-driven, loosely coupled, decentralised, open systems. Even though papers on deployed ML-based systems do not mention DOA, their authors made design decisions that implicitly follow DOA. The reasons why, how, and the extent to which DOA is adopted in these systems are unclear. Implicit design decisions limit the practitioners' knowledge of DOA to design ML-based systems in the real world. This paper answers these questions by surveying real-world deployments of ML-based systems. The survey shows the design decisions of the systems and the requirements these satisfy. Based on the survey findings, we also formulate practical advice to facilitate the deployment of ML-based systems. Finally, we outline open challenges to deploying DOA-based systems that integrate ML models.Comment: Under revie

    Effectiveness and resource requirements of test, trace and isolate strategies for COVID in the UK.

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    We use an individual-level transmission and contact simulation model to explore the effectiveness and resource requirements of various test-trace-isolate (TTI) strategies for reducing the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the UK, in the context of different scenarios with varying levels of stringency of non-pharmaceutical interventions. Based on modelling results, we show that self-isolation of symptomatic individuals and quarantine of their household contacts has a substantial impact on the number of new infections generated by each primary case. We further show that adding contact tracing of non-household contacts of confirmed cases to this broader package of interventions reduces the number of new infections otherwise generated by 5-15%. We also explore impact of key factors, such as tracing application adoption and testing delay, on overall effectiveness of TTI

    Trieste: Efficiently Exploring The Depths of Black-box Functions with TensorFlow

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    We present Trieste, an open-source Python package for Bayesian optimization and active learning benefiting from the scalability and efficiency of TensorFlow. Our library enables the plug-and-play of popular TensorFlow-based models within sequential decision-making loops, e.g. Gaussian processes from GPflow or GPflux, or neural networks from Keras. This modular mindset is central to the package and extends to our acquisition functions and the internal dynamics of the decision-making loop, both of which can be tailored and extended by researchers or engineers when tackling custom use cases. Trieste is a research-friendly and production-ready toolkit backed by a comprehensive test suite, extensive documentation, and available at https://github.com/secondmind-labs/trieste

    Automatic Discovery of Privacy–Utility Pareto Fronts

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    Differential privacy is a mathematical framework for privacy-preserving data analysis. Changing the hyperparameters of a differentially private algorithm allows one to trade off privacy and utility in a principled way. Quantifying this trade-off in advance is essential to decision-makers tasked with deciding how much privacy can be provided in a particular application while maintaining acceptable utility. Analytical utility guarantees offer a rigorous tool to reason about this tradeoff, but are generally only available for relatively simple problems. For more complex tasks, such as training neural networks under differential privacy, the utility achieved by a given algorithm can only be measured empirically. This paper presents a Bayesian optimization methodology for efficiently characterizing the privacy– utility trade-off of any differentially private algorithm using only empirical measurements of its utility. The versatility of our method is illustrated on a number of machine learning tasks involving multiple models, optimizers, and datasets