57 research outputs found

    Image-Guided Surgical e-Learning in the Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Era: What Is Next?

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    The current unprecedented coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) crisis has accelerated and enhanced e-learning solutions. During the so-called transition phase, efforts were made to reorganize surgical services, reschedule elective surgical procedures, surgical research, academic education, and careers to optimize results. The intention to switch to e-learning medical education is not a new concern. However, the current crisis triggered an alarm to accelerate the transition. Efforts to consider e-learning as a teaching and training method for medical education have proven to be efficient. For image-guided therapies, the challenge requires more effort since surgical skills training is combined with image interpretation training, thus the challenge is to cover quality educational content with a balanced combination of blended courses (online/onsite). Several e-resources are currently available in the surgical scenario; however, further efforts to enhance the current system are required by accelerating the creation of new learning solutions to optimize complex surgical education needs in the current disrupted environment

    Victim, perpetrator, and offense characteristics in filicide and filicide-suicide

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical review of most recent studies of parental and stepparental filicide. A detailed review of the literature revealed the importance of certain demographic, environmental, and psychosocial factors in the commission of child homicide. Our findings indicate that filicides perpetrated by genetic parents and stepparents differ considerably in terms of underlying motivational factors. Data in the literature suggest that biological parents are more likely to choose methods of killing which produce quick and painless death, whereas stepparents frequently kill their wards by beating. Research results demonstrate the victims of maternal filicides to be significantly younger than the victims of paternal filicides. Additionally, filicide–suicide is most often associated with parental psychopathology. Genetic fathers are at the greatest risk of death by suicide after the commission of familicide. These findings are discussed in relation to theoretical frameworks explaining the occurrence of child murder. Further, limitations of reviewed studies and directions for future research are presented


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    ABSTRACT Background: Gastric bypass is a restrictive and malabsorptive surgery. The restrictive part consists in the creation of a small gastric pouch. The gastrointestinal bypass serves as the malabsorptive element. Aim: To describe a simplified gastric bypass approach for morbid obese patients, showing our results, and also remarking the importance of this technique for reducing the learning curve. Method: The patient is positioned in a split legs position and carefully strapped to the operating room table, with the surgeon between the patient's legs. Five trocars are inserted after pneumoperitoneum at the umbilicus. Dissection of the esophagogastric angle and lesser curvature is mandatory before the gastric pouch manufacturing. This pouch is done with two blue load staplers. Using a blue load linear stapler inserted only half way into the hole in the pouch is used to perform the gastrojejunal anastomosis and in order to create an anastomosis that is about 2 cm in length. A side-to-side jejunojejunostomy is done with a white load linear stapler. The last step of the gastric bypass consists in the cut of the jejunum between the two anastomosis with a white load linear stapler. Blue test is performed in order to detect leaks. Results: From January 2012 to December 2015, 415 simplified RYGB were performed. Gender: 67% female and 33 % males. Average of BMI 44.7. Mean age was 42 years old. Mean operative time 79 min. 39 % of this sample had T2 diabetes. Regarding complications were observed, one fistula, one gastrojejunal stenosis and one obstruction due to a bezoar. Conclusion: The described technique is a simplified approach in which all the anastomosis are performed in the upper part of the abdomen, allowing the surgeons to be more systematized and avoiding them to make mistakes in the confection of the Roux-en-Y anastomosis. This simplified gastric bypass is a safe and reproducible technique

    El idealismo en debate. Teoría y practica

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    La presente compilación tiene como origen las “II Jornadas de dis- cusión sobre Idealismo: teoría y práctica”, celebradas los días 12 y 13 de julio de 2018 en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. En ellas se buscó primordialmente fomentar el debate y el intercambio académico, la heterogeneidad y la articulación temáticas, así como la difusión de un espacio cordial de crecimiento y reflexión colec- tiva. Lo que en un comienzo proyectábamos como un evento pequeño, de pronto se convirtió en una treintena de exposiciones, con investiga- dores e investigadoras de distintas universidades, de distintas locaciones del país y de distintas ciudades del exterior. Análogamente, lo que en principio se proyectaba como una publicación compilatoria, se convir- tió en una importante cantidad de artículos en los que se desarrollan las ideas extensamente y con los parámetros propios de la publicación aca- démica. Por tanto, este volumen no contiene una mera recopilación de intervenciones o ponencias, sino artículos o capítulos entrelazados te- máticamente y articulados alrededor de la cuestión de la relación entre teoría y praxis en el idealismo

    Repair of a common bile duct injury

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    Fichte en las Américas

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    Es un hecho innegable que el pensamiento de J. G. Fichte está vivo en América. Durante los últimos años, el caudal de publicaciones acadé- micas y proyectos de investigación en torno a su figura y su pensamiento llevados a cabo en el suelo americano ha sido cada vez más significati- vo. Los congresos internacionales, cursos y seminarios organizados por la ALEF se han transformado en encuentros fructíferos y convocantes. Paulatinamente, en el ámbito internacional de los estudios Fichteanos, la participación y las iniciativas de investigadoras e investigadores locales han cobrado un peso específico cada vez mayor. Fichte nos interpela. Su pensamiento nos enciende