17 research outputs found
Signatures of vacuum birefringence in low-power flying focus pulses
Vacuum birefringence produces a differential phase between orthogonally
polarized components of a weak electromagnetic probe in the presence of a
strong electromagnetic field. Despite representing a hallmark prediction of
quantum electrodynamics, vacuum birefringence remains untested in pure light
configurations due to the extremely large electromagnetic fields required for a
detectable phase difference. Here, we exploit the programmable focal velocity
and extended focal range of a flying focus laser pulse to substantially lower
the laser power required for detection of vacuum birefringence. In the proposed
scheme, a linearly polarized x-ray probe pulse counter-propagates with respect
to a flying focus pulse, whose focus moves at the speed of light in the same
direction as the x-ray probe. The peak intensity of the flying focus pulse
overlaps the probe over millimeter-scale distances and induces a polarization
ellipticity on the order of , which lies within the detection
sensitivity of existing x-ray polarimeters.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure
Accurate simulation of direct laser acceleration in a laser wakefield accelerator
In a laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA), an intense laser pulse excites a
plasma wave that traps and accelerates electrons to relativistic energies. When
the pulse overlaps the accelerated electrons, it can enhance the energy gain
through direct laser acceleration (DLA) by resonantly driving the betatron
oscillations of the electrons in the plasma wave. The particle-in-cell (PIC)
algorithm, although often the tool of choice to study DLA, contains inherent
errors due to numerical dispersion and the time staggering of the electric and
magnetic fields. Further, conventional PIC implementations cannot reliably
disentangle the fields of the plasma wave and laser pulse, which obscures
interpretation of the dominant acceleration mechanism. Here, a customized field
solver that reduces errors from both numerical dispersion and time staggering
is used in conjunction with a field decomposition into azimuthal modes to
perform PIC simulations of DLA in an LWFA. Comparisons with traditional PIC
methods, model equations, and experimental data show improved accuracy with the
customized solver and convergence with an order-of-magnitude fewer cells. The
azimuthal-mode decomposition reveals that the most energetic electrons receive
comparable energy from DLA and LWFA.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, to submit to Physics of Plasma
Spatiotemporal control of two-color terahertz generation
A laser pulse composed of a fundamental and properly phased second harmonic
exhibits an asymmetric electric field that can drive a time-dependent current
of photoionized electrons. The current produces an ultrashort burst of
terahertz (THz) radiation. When driven by a conventional laser pulse, the THz
radiation is emitted into a cone with an angle determined by the dispersion of
the medium. Here we demonstrate that the programmable-velocity intensity peak
of a spatiotemporally structured, two-color laser pulse can be used to control
the emission angle, focal spot, and spectrum of the THz radiation. Of
particular interest for applications, a structured pulse with a subluminal
intensity peak can drive highly focusable, on-axis THz radiation