8 research outputs found

    Decoherence due to telegraph and 1/f noise in Josephson qubits

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    We study decoherence due to random telegraph and 1/f noise in Josephson qubits. We illustrate differences between gaussian and non gaussian effects at different working points and for different protocols. Features of the intrinsically non-gaussian and non-Markovian low-frequency noise may explain the rich physics observed in the spectroscopy and the dynamics of charge based devices.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mesoscopic Superconductivity and Spintronics 2004 (MS+S2004), Atsugi, Japa

    Broadband noise decoherence in solid-state complex architectures

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    Broadband noise represents a severe limitation towards the implementation of a solid-state quantum information processor. Considering common spectral forms, we propose a classification of noise sources based on the effects produced instead of on their microscopic origin. We illustrate a multi-stage approach to broadband noise which systematically includes only the relevant information on the environment, out of the huge parametrization needed for a microscopic description. We apply this technique to a solid-state two-qubit gate in a fixed coupling implementation scheme.Comment: Proceedings of Nobel Symposium 141: Qubits for Future Quantum Informatio

    Effects of low-frequency noise cross-correlations in coupled superconducting qubits

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    We study the effects of correlated low frequency noise sources acting on a two qubit gate in a fixed coupling scheme. A phenomenological model for the spatial and cross-talk correlations is introduced. The decoherence inside the SWAP subspace is analysed by combining analytic results based on the adiabatic approximation and numerical simulations. Results critically depend on amplitude of the low frequency noise with respect to the qubits coupling strength. Correlations between noise sources induce qualitative different behaviors depending on the values of the above parameters. The possibility to reduce dephasing due to correlated low frequency noise by a recalibration protocol is discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Decoherence times of universal two-qubit gates in the presence of broad-band noise

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    The controlled generation of entangled states of two quantum bits is a fundamental step toward the implementation of a quantum information processor. In nano-devices this operation is counteracted by the solid-state environment, characterized by a broadband and non-monotonic power spectrum, often 1/f at low frequencies. For single-qubit gates, incoherent processes due to fluctuations acting on different time scales result in peculiar short- and long-time behavior. Markovian noise gives rise to exponential decay with relaxation and decoherence times, T1 and T2, simply related to the symmetry of the qubit-environment coupling Hamiltonian. Noise with the 1/f power spectrum at low frequencies is instead responsible for defocusing processes and algebraic short-time behavior. In this paper, we identify the relevant decoherence times of an entangling operation due to the different decoherence channels originating from solid-state noise. Entanglement is quantified by concurrence, which we evaluate in an analytic form employing a multi-stage approach. The 'optimal' operating conditions of reduced sensitivity to noise sources are identified. We apply this analysis to a superconducting \sqrt{i-SWAP} gate for experimental noise spectra.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figure

    Coupled Josephson qubits: Characterization of low-frequency charge noise

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    The realization of coupled qubit setups is a fundamental step towards implementation of universal quantum computing architectures. Solid state nano- devices, despite being very promising from the point of view of scalability and integration, strongly suffer from various noise sources. Particular detrimental role is played by low-frequency noise components. Here we identify stability conditions against low-frequency charge noise of two Josephson qubits in a fixed coupling scheme implementation. The effects of adiabatic noise in an i-SWAP protocol is discussed. Reduced sensitivity to charge flutuations with respect to the single qubit setup is predicted

    Coupled Josephson qubits: Characterization of low-frequency charge noise

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