22 research outputs found

    "The fruits of independence": Satyajit Ray, Indian nationhood and the spectre of empire

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    Challenging the longstanding consensus that Satyajit Ray's work is largely free of ideological concerns and notable only for its humanistic richness, this article shows with reference to representations of British colonialism and Indian nationhood that Ray's films and stories are marked deeply and consistently by a distinctively Bengali variety of liberalism. Drawn from an ongoing biographical project, it commences with an overview of the nationalist milieu in which Ray grew up and emphasizes the preoccupation with colonialism and nationalism that marked his earliest unfilmed scripts. It then shows with case studies of Kanchanjangha (1962), Charulata (1964), First Class Kamra (First-Class Compartment, 1981), Pratidwandi (The Adversary, 1970), Shatranj ke Khilari (The Chess Players, 1977), Agantuk (The Stranger, 1991) and Robertsoner Ruby (Robertson's Ruby, 1992) how Ray's mature work continued to combine a strongly anti-colonial viewpoint with a shifting perspective on Indian nationhood and an unequivocal commitment to cultural cosmopolitanism. Analysing how Ray articulated his ideological positions through the quintessentially liberal device of complexly staged debates that were apparently free, but in fact closed by the scenarist/director on ideologically specific notes, this article concludes that Ray's reputation as an all-forgiving, ‘everybody-has-his-reasons’ humanist is based on simplistic or even tendentious readings of his work

    Influence of bond length variation on correlated static exchange potential: a case study in e<SUP>-</SUP>-N<SUB>2</SUB> scattering

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    We discuss in this note how the correlated static exchange potential changes with bond length for N2 molecule where the earlier extensive results at equilibrium exist. We have used many-body coupled cluster technique for this study. Its relevance to e--N2 scattering is also discussed

    Bivariational coupled-cluster method: equations for first-order property

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    Equations are presented for the first-order property using our recently developed bivariational coupled-cluster approach for calculation of static property in a two-body approximation of the cluster parameters

    Multiple perturbation approach: bounds to various order response

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    In this paper, we derive some novel lower bounds to various order static properties by generalising the idea of reaction operator for multiple perturbation cases

    Multireference coupled cluster calculations on CH<SUP>2+</SUP>

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    In this paper we examine the potential energy surface of CH2+ to reinvestigate the controversy surrounding the stability of this dication using the Fock space version of multireference coupled cluster theory

    Analysis of coupled-cluster methods for higher-order static properties

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    In this paper we present a useful analysis for higher-order static properties involving three different response approaches based on coupled-cluster methods, namely, the nonvariational, the variational and the more recent bivariational methods

    Electron correlation effects in target molecule in low-energy e<SUP>-</SUP> + N<SUB>2</SUB> scattering

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    In this article, we discuss how to incorporate correlation aspects in the interaction of the electron with a "frozen"correlated target. We discuss the important aspects of correlation for e- + N2 scattering using configuration interaction, coupled cluster, and perturbative methods to describe the correlation in the target molecule

    Correlated static-exchange interaction calculation for e<SUP>-</SUP>+N<SUB>2</SUB> scattering using the coupled cluster technique<SUP>a</SUP>)

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    The correlation contribution to the static-exchange interaction potential (&#916;VSE) appears as an important quantity in the electron molecule scattering calculations. We have shown that the single and double excitation configuration interaction (CISD) method does not give reliable results for &#916;VSE. Only properly chosen multireference CISD calculation or Green's function based calculations were found to be reliable. In this paper we carry out the coupled cluster (CC) calculations to test whether good results are obtained or not. The CC method will also help us to identify the important contributions to &#916;VSE and to understand why a low order CI performs poorly

    Stationary coupled cluster response: role of cubic terms in molecular properties

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    We have demonstrated an application of a stationary coupled cluster response approach for molecular properties using an Euler functional. This involves terms which are of cubic power in cluster amplitudes. We have shown that these are important terms and have also discussed the convergence properties of the functional for higher order properties

    Implementation of a stationary coupled-cluster response method

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    A stationary coupled-cluster response method is discussed and implemented for the calculation of static properties. We highlight the advantages of such a method in the computation of higher-order properties