8 research outputs found

    Some extinct plant taxa on the territory of Novi Sad and their vulnerability status in Vojvodina and Serbia

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    Natural habitats on the territory of Novi Sad are almost fully destroyed today, as well as their characteristic plant taxa. The reason for disappearance of natural habitats is the development of suburban communities, which is an irreversible process. Plant taxa, specific for wet, salty, and sandy ecosystems grew on those habitats twenty years ago and earlier. This paper presents the overview of 9 taxa (Suaeda maritima subsp. maritima, Androsace elongata subsp. elongata, Cirsium boujartii subsp. boujartii, Aster sedifolius subsp. canus, Blackstonia perfoliata subsp. serotina, Plantago maritima subsp. maritima, Salvia nutans, Allium angulosum, and Typha schuttleworthii). These taxa presented integral parts of autochthonous flora of Novi Sad. Since some of these taxa were found in the field 21 years ago and some even 93 years ago, they are extinct from the flora of Novi Sad

    Antioksidantni potencijal korova - Ambrosia artemisiifolia, A. Trifida i Iva xanthifolia

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze antioxidant systems among three invasive ragweed species, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., A. trifida L. and Iva xanthifolia Nutt. Antioxidant capacity could be a possible marker of adaptation to variable environmental conditions, since change in amount of antioxidants represents one of the first responses to various environmental stimuli. Among investigated ragweeds, I. xanthifolia leaves had more pronounced guaiacol peroxidase activity (87.5 and 62.5%) and reduced glutathione content (2.3 and 28.8%) than A. artemisiifolia and A. trifida, respectively. However, super-oxide dismutase activity was invariable in all investigated plants (234.1-247.5 U g-1 fresh weight). The highest content of total phenolics, tannins, flavonoids and proanthocyanidins were detected in A. trifida leaves (up to 3.7-fold the amount of the others). According to antioxidant activity tests, investigated ragweed species could be presented in a scale: A. trifida gt I. xanthifolia gt A. artemisiifolia. Accumulation of non-enzymatic antioxidants and lower content of reduced glutathione point to different oxidative stress avoidance strategies of A. trifida when compared to A. artemisiifolia and I. xanthifolia within the same environmental conditions.Svrha ove studije bila je analiza antioksidantih sistema tri invazivne vrste: Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., A. trifida L. i Iva xanthifolia Nutt. Antioksidantni kapacitet može biti potencijalni marker adaptacije na promenljive uslove okoline, jer promena u količini antioksidanata predstavlja jedan od prvih odgovora na različite ekoloÅ”ke faktore. Među ispitivanim korovima, listovi I. xanthifolia imali su izraženiju aktivnost gvajakol peroksidaze (87,5 i 62,5%) i sadržaj redukovanog glutationa (2,3 i 28,8%) u odnosu na A. artemisiifolia i A. trifida, respektivno. Međutim, aktivnost superoksid dismutaze bila je nepromenljiva u svim ispitivanim biljkama (234,1-247,5 U g-1 sveže mase). Najveći sadržaj ukupnih fenola, tanina, flavonoida i proantocianidina detektovan je u listovima A. trifida (do 3,7 puta viÅ”e od ostalih). Prema ispitivanim antioksidantnim aktivnostima, date vrste mogu biti predstavljene skalom: A. trifida gt I. xanthifolia gt A. artemisiifolia. Akumulacija neenzimskih antioksidanata i manji sadržaj redukovanog glutationa ukazuju na različite strategije izbegavanja oksidativnog stresa kod A. trifida u poređenju sa ostalim ispitivanim korovima u istim uslovima životne sredine

    Antioxidant potential of ragweeds: Ambrosia artemisiifolia, A. trifida and Iva xanthifolia

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    The combination of reproductive success with high stress tolerance (through osmotic adjustment and antioxidants) is essential for invasion success, particularly in stressful environments in the frame of global change.Antioxidant capacity could be a possible marker of adaptation to variable environmental conditions, since change in amount of antioxidants represents one of the first responses to various environmental stimuli. Among investigated ragweeds, I. xanthifolia leaves had more pronounced guaiacol-peroxidase (GPx) activity (2.5- to 9.7-fold) than A. artemisiifolia and A. trifida. A. artemisiifolia and I. xanthifolia leaves have similar reduced glutathione (GSH) content (13.05 Ī¼mol g-1 fr. w.), while A. trifida had 1.3-fold lower GSH concentration. However, superoxide-dismutase (SOD) activity was invariable in all investigated plants (234.1-247.5 U g-1 fr. w.). The highest content of total phenolics, tannins, flavonoids and proanthocyanidins were detected in A. trifida leaves (up to 3.7-fold the amount of the others). According to antioxidant activity (O2Ė™-, Ė™OH and DPPH-scavenging tests), investigated ragweed species could be presented in a scale: A. trifida > I. xanthifolia > A. artemisiifolia. Accumulation of non-enzymatic antioxidants and lower content of GSH point to different oxidative stress avoidance strategies of A. trifida when compared to A. artemisiifolia and I. xanthifolia within the same environmental conditions

    Varijabilnost bioloŔkih i agronomskih karaktera divljih grahorica (Vicia) flore Vojvodine

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    In flora of Vojvodina there are 23 vetch species of different origin Morphological variability, micromorphological analyses of seed testa organization of vegetative organs, content of elements (N, Ca) were presented in this work. Results given in this review paper suggest biodiversity of investigated wild wetch species. Taxonomic and genetic variability of species of Vicia genera can be very interesting from different point of view.U flori Vojvodine, na različitim staniŔtima raste 23 vrste divljih grahorica U radu se daju staniŔta, botaničke i agronomske karakteristike, odnosno diverzitet grahorica, koji može biti od interesa za agronomsku praksu. Analizirani podaci ukazuju na morfoloŔku, anatomsku i hemijsku varijabilnost biljaka i semena grahorica

    Divlje deteline na zaslanjenim staniŔtima Vojvodine

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    On soil habitats used as pastures and hayfields the presence of wild trefoils is significant. Wild trefoils are important fodder crops and they increase the nutritive value of the plant biomass. 10 out of the 22 species of the genus Trifolium, which are found on the soil habitats in Vojvodina, are shown and they characterize the given ecosystems. Their general distribution is shown as well as their floristical element, distribution in Europe, ecological indices, life form, the major morphological characteristics and their distribution on the soil habitats in Vojvodina.Na slatinskim staniÅ”tima, koja se koriste kao paÅ”njaci i senokosi, značajno je prisustvo divljih detelina, koje su važne krmne biljke i povećavaju hranljivu vrednost biljne biomase. Od 22 vrste roda Trifolium, koje su konstatovane na slatinama Vojvodine, prikazane su 10 koje karakteriÅ”u date ekosisteme. Dato je njihovo opÅ”te rasprostranjenje, florni element rasprostranjenje u Evropi, ekoloÅ”ki indeksi, životna forma, najvažnije morfoloÅ”ke karakteristike i njihovo rasprostranjenje na slatinama u Vojvodini

    Rasprostranjenje vrsta roda Lathyrus L. 1753 (Fabales, Fabaceae) u Vojvodini

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    Most of the Lathyrus species of the Vojvodina Province arc cultivated for fodder. They are protein-containing herbs which easily recover after grazing. Some perennial species survive in grassland communities for ten years or more. Certain species are important melliferous plants. In the Vojvodina Province, they inhabit different habitats like forests and grasslands, dry and wet sites, thus showing a wide distribution range. Besides their floristic and vegetation aspects, their role as green and dry fodder crops should be emphasized.U radu je dato rasprostranjenje vrste roda Lathyrus u Vojvodini, na UTM kartama sa UTM kodovima i konkretnim lokalitetima. Podaci potiču iz literature koja obuhvata vremenski period od oko 140 godina, Herbarijuma Departmana za biologiju i ekologiju (BUNS) i sopstvenih terenskih istraživanja. Daje se njihov florni element, odnosno areal rasprostranjenja tipovi zemljiÅ”ta i staniÅ”ta na kojima rastu, njihov privredni značaj i broj hromozoma. S obzirom da su divlji graÅ”kovi značajne krmne biljke, mogle bi biti uključene u gajene ili koriŔćene u selekciji i oplemenjivanju. U flori Vojvodine raste 16 vrsta roda Lathyrus od kojih 11 njih ima privredni značaj a joÅ” dve bi mogle biti korÅ”ićene kao krma. U toku je njihovo anatomsko ispitivanje, Å”to će ukazati na nivo ekoloÅ”ke adaptacije i upotrebljivosti u ishrani stoke. Takođe je u toku fizioloÅ”ka analiza vrsta, analiza makroelemenata, koncentracija pigmenata i intenzitet disanja i fotosinteze od čega zavisi produkcija organske biljne mase

    The variability of leaf anatomical characteristics of Solanum nigrum L. (Solana-les, Solanaceae) from different habitats

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    In Europe on the whole as well as in Yugoslavia, the most widespread weed species from the genus Solanum is Solanum nigrum L. Since this species inhabits different habitats, it developed several ways of adaptation to environmental conditions. The influence of ecological factors on plant organism and resulting plant adaptations are most evident in leaf morphology and anatomy. Therefore, the anatomical structure of leaves and leaf epidermal tissue of S. nigrum was analyzed and compared among plants that originated from different habitats, in order to determine leaf structural adaptations. S. nigrum lamina has the mesomorphic structure with some xero-heliomorphic adaptations. The differences in stomata number, number of hairs, thickness of lamina, palisade and spongy tissue, as well as the size of mesophyll cells have been noticed. The highest values for most of the parameters have been recorded for the plants from cultivated soil. Largest variations of the examined characters were found for the leaves from ruderal habitats, where environmental conditions are most variable

    Analysis of anatomical and micromorphological characteristics of Iva xanthifolia nutt.

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    Iva xanthifolia is a North American weed species, which was introduced and naturalized in Europe. Anatomical and micromorphological characteristics of this species were investigated, in order to get better knowledge of its biology, which could help in development of strategies for prevention of its spreading. Detailed descriptions of lamina, petiole, stem and inflorescence axis anatomical structures were given, together with micromorphological characteristics of epidermis and indumentum of lamina, petiole, stem, inflorescence axis, involucre and fruit. All vegetative organs had mesomorphic structure, with some xeromorphic adaptations. Mechanical tissue was well developed, which gave those plants additional strength and resistance. Trichomes were the most numerous on lamina and in the region of inflorescence, while rare on petiole and stem epidermis and their distribution varied according to plant organ