39 research outputs found

    The many-body localization phase transition

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    We use exact diagonalization to explore the many-body localization transition in a random-field spin-1/2 chain. We examine the correlations within each many-body eigenstate, looking at all high-energy states and thus effectively working at infinite temperature. For weak random field the eigenstates are thermal, as expected in this nonlocalized, "ergodic" phase. For strong random field the eigenstates are localized, with only short-range entanglement. We roughly locate the localization transition and examine some of its finite-size scaling, finding that this quantum phase transition at nonzero temperature might be showing infinite-randomness scaling with a dynamic critical exponent z→∞z\rightarrow\infty.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures. Extended version of arXiv:1003.2613v

    Driven nonlinear dynamics of two coupled exchange-only qubits

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    Inspired by creation of a fast exchange-only qubit (Medford et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 111, 050501 (2013)), we develop a theory describing the nonlinear dynamics of two such qubits that are capacitively coupled, when one of them is driven resonantly at a frequency equal to its level splitting. We include conditions of strong driving, where the Rabi frequency is a significant fraction of the level splitting, and we consider situations where the splitting for the second qubit may be the same or different than the first. We demonstrate that coupling between qubits can be detected by reading the response of the second qubit, even when the coupling between them is only of about 1%1\% of their level splittings, and calculate entanglement between qubits. Patterns of nonlinear dynamics of coupled qubits and their entanglement are strongly dependent on the geometry of the system, and the specific mechanism of inter-qubit coupling deeply influences dynamics of both qubits. In particular, we describe the development of irregular dynamics in a two-qubit system, explore approaches for inhibiting it, and demonstrate existence of an optimal range of coupling strength maintaining stability during the operational time.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures; One additional figure with changes to the text about the results. Additional references include

    Efficient representation of fully many-body localized systems using tensor networks

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    We propose a tensor network encoding the set of all eigenstates of a fully many-body localized system in one dimension. Our construction, conceptually based on the ansatz introduced in Phys. Rev. B 94, 041116(R) (2016), is built from two layers of unitary matrices which act on blocks of ℓ\ell contiguous sites. We argue this yields an exponential reduction in computational time and memory requirement as compared to all previous approaches for finding a representation of the complete eigenspectrum of large many-body localized systems with a given accuracy. Concretely, we optimize the unitaries by minimizing the magnitude of the commutator of the approximate integrals of motion and the Hamiltonian, which can be done in a local fashion. This further reduces the computational complexity of the tensor networks arising in the minimization process compared to previous work. We test the accuracy of our method by comparing the approximate energy spectrum to exact diagonalization results for the random field Heisenberg model on 16 sites. We find that the technique is highly accurate deep in the localized regime and maintains a surprising degree of accuracy in predicting certain local quantities even in the vicinity of the predicted dynamical phase transition. To demonstrate the power of our technique, we study a system of 72 sites and we are able to see clear signatures of the phase transition. Our work opens a new avenue to study properties of the many-body localization transition in large systems.Comment: Version 2, 16 pages, 16 figures. Larger systems and greater efficienc

    Many-body localization and delocalization dynamics in the thermodynamic limit

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    Disordered quantum systems undergoing a many-body localization (MBL) transition fail to reach thermal equilibrium under their own dynamics. Distinguishing between asymptotically localized or delocalized dynamics based on numerical results is however nontrivial due to finite-size effects. Numerical linked cluster expansions (NLCE) provide a means to tackle quantum systems directly in the thermodynamic limit, but are challenging for models without translational invariance. Here, we demonstrate that NLCE provide a powerful tool to explore MBL by simulating quench dynamics in disordered spin-1/21/2 two-leg ladders and Fermi-Hubbard chains. Combining NLCE with an efficient real-time evolution of pure states, we obtain converged results for the decay of the imbalance on long time scales and show that, especially for intermediate disorder below the putative MBL transition, NLCE outperform direct simulations of finite systems with open or periodic boundaries. Furthermore, while spin is delocalized even in strongly disordered Hubbard chains with frozen charge, we unveil that an additional tilted potential leads to a drastic slowdown of the spin imbalance and nonergodic behavior on accessible times. Our work sheds light on MBL in systems beyond the well-studied disordered Heisenberg chain and emphasizes the usefulness of NLCE for this purpose

    Dimensional hybridity in measurement-induced criticality

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    Entanglement transitions in quantum dynamics present a novel class of phase transitions in non-equilibrium systems. When a many-body quantum system undergoes hybrid quantum dynamics, consisting of unitary evolution interspersed with monitored random measurements, the steady-state can exhibit a phase transition between volume- and area-law entanglement. The role of dimension in the nature of these transitions is an open problem. There is a dimensional correspondence between measurement-induced transitions in non-unitary quantum circuits in dd spatial dimensions and classical statistical mechanical models in d+1d+1 dimensions, where the time dimension in the quantum problem is mapped to a spatial dimension in the classical model. In this work we show that the role of dimension is considerably richer by unveiling a form of `dimensional hybridity': critical properties of the steady-state entanglement are governed by a combination of exponents consistent with dd-dimensional percolation and (d+1)(d+1)-dimensional percolation. We uncover this dimensional hybridity in 1+1D and 2+1D circuits using a graph-state based simulation algorithm where the entanglement structure is encoded in an underlying graph, providing access to the geometric structure of entanglement. We locate the critical point using the tripartite information, revealing area-law entanglement scaling at criticality, and showing that the entanglement transition coincides with the purification transition. The emergence of this `dimensional hybridity' in these non-unitary quantum circuits sheds new light on the universality of measurement-induced transitions, and opens the way for analyzing the quantum error correcting properties of random unitary circuits in higher dimensions.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures. Updated estimates of surface exponents η∄\eta_\parallel and $\eta_\bot

    Transport and entanglement growth in long-range random Clifford circuits

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    Conservation laws can constrain entanglement dynamics in isolated quantum systems, manifest in a slowdown of higher RĂ©nyi entropies. Here, we explore this phenomenon in a class of long-range random Clifford circuits with U(1) symmetry where transport can be tuned from diffusive to superdiffusive. We unveil that the different hydrodynamic regimes reflect themselves in the asymptotic entanglement growth according to S(t)∝t1/z where the dynamical transport exponent z depends on the probability ∝r−α of gates spanning a distance r. For sufficiently small α, we show that the presence of hydrodynamic modes becomes irrelevant such that S(t) behaves similarly in circuits with and without conservation law. We explain our findings in terms of the inhibited operator spreading in U(1)-symmetric Clifford circuits where the emerging light cones can be understood in the context of classical LĂ©vy flights. Our Letter sheds light on the connections between Clifford circuits and more generic many-body quantum dynamics

    Stabilization of symmetry-protected long-range entanglement in stochastic quantum circuits

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    Long-range entangled states are vital for quantum information processing and quantum metrology. Preparing such entangled states by combining measurements with unitary gates has opened new possibilities for efficient protocols with finite-depth quantum circuits. The complexity of these algorithms is crucial for the resource requirements on a quantum device. The stability of the preparation protocols to perturbations decides the fate of their implementation in large-scale noisy quantum devices. In this work, we consider stochastic quantum circuits in one and two dimensions consisting of randomly applied unitary gates and local measurements. These quantum operations preserve a class of discrete local symmetries, which can be broken due to the stochasticity arising from timing and gate imperfections. In the absence of randomness, the protocol is known to generate a symmetry-protected long-range entangled state in a finite-depth circuit. In the general case, by studying the time evolution under this hybrid quantum circuit, we analyze the time to reach the target entangled state. We find two important time scales which we associate with the emergence of certain symmetry generators. The quantum trajectories embody the local symmetry with a time that scales logarithmically with system size, whereas global symmetries require exponentially long times to appear. We devise error-mitigation protocols that provide significant improvement on both time scales and investigate the stability of the algorithm to perturbations that naturally arise in experiments. We also generalize the protocol to realize the toric code and Xu-Moore states in two dimensions, and open avenues for future studies of anyonic excitations present in those systems. Our work paves the way for efficient error correction for quantum state preparation.Comment: 19 pages, 19 figures, 1 tabl

    Many-body mobility edge due to symmetry-constrained dynamics and strong interactions

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    We provide numerical evidence combined with an analytical understanding of the many-body mobility edge for the strongly anisotropic spin-1/2 XXZ model in a random magnetic field. The system dynamics can be understood in terms of symmetry-constrained excitations about parent states with ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic short range order. These two regimes yield vastly different dynamics producing an observable, tunable many-body mobility edge. We compute a set of diagnostic quantities that verify the presence of the mobility edge and discuss how weakly correlated disorder can tune the mobility edge further.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure