8 research outputs found

    Discrete Event Simulation of Driver's Routing Behavior Rule at a Road Intersection

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    Several factors influence traffic congestion and overall traffic dynamics. Simulation modeling has been utilized to understand the traffic performance parameters during traffic congestions. This paper focuses on driver behavior of route selection by differentiating three distinguishable decisions, which are shortest distance routing, shortest time routing and less crowded road routing. This research generated 864 different scenarios to capture various traffic dynamics under collective driving behavior of route selection. Factors such as vehicle arrival rate, behaviors at system boundary and traffic light phasing were considered. The simulation results revealed that shortest time routing scenario offered the best solution considering all forms of interactions among the factors. Overall, this routing behavior reduces traffic wait time and total time (by 69.5% and 65.72%) compared to shortest distance routing

    Tehran Park Project

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    The following is a hypothetical project involving the construction of a city park in Tehran, Iran. This document is to act as a proposal document to be presented to the Project Management Office of our hypothetical construction company. The purpose of the proposal is to demonstrate our knowledge of project management practices from planning to implementation to monitoring and control to termination

    Agricultural UAVs - A Case Study on Their Implementation in the US Market

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    The use of UAVs in agriculture represents a new market ready for explosive domestic growth, and could even be a game changer. Like the PC industry, many military funded technologies have been combined in products that are now just sold as a niche novelty for hobbyists. The agricultural UAV industry is near the point where the market can shift from this hobbyist, smallscale into an agricultural necessity, much like the PC industry shifted when IBM and its PC came onto the scene. Many small companies (and divisions of larger ones) are working on the use of drones in agriculture, but face unique regulatory challenges. This paper explores this budding agricultural UAV market, compares existing agricultural solutions, examines the technologies behind this new market, the regulations constraining this technology, and includes an evaluation of the field’s economic and technological likely future

    Planning for automated vehicles with human trust

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    Recent work has considered personalized route planning based on user profiles, but none of it accounts for human trust. We argue that human trust is an important factor to consider when planning routes for automated vehicles. This paper presents a trust-based route planning approach for automated vehicles. We formalize the human-vehicle interaction as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) and model trust as a partially observable state variable of the POMDP, representing the human’s hidden mental state. We build data-driven models of human trust dynamics and takeover decisions, which are incorporated in the POMDP framework, using data collected from an online user study with 100 participants on the Amazon Mechanical Turk platform. We compute optimal routes for automated vehicles by solving optimal policies in the POMDP planning, and evaluate the resulting routes via human subject experiments with 22 participants on a driving simulator. The experimental results show that participants taking the trust-based route generally reported more positive responses in the after-driving survey than those taking the baseline (trust-free) route. In addition, we analyze the trade-offs between multiple planning objectives (e.g., trust, distance, energy consumption) via multi-objective optimization of the POMDP. We also identify a set of open issues and implications for real-world deployment of the proposed approach in automated vehicles