4 research outputs found

    Recessive Antimorphic Alleles Overcome Functionally Redundant Loci to Reveal TSO1 Function in Arabidopsis Flowers and Meristems

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    Arabidopsis TSO1 encodes a protein with conserved CXC domains known to bind DNA and is homologous to animal proteins that function in chromatin complexes. tso1 mutants fall into two classes due to their distinct phenotypes. Class I, represented by two different missense mutations in the CXC domain, leads to failure in floral organ development, sterility, and fasciated inflorescence meristems. Class II, represented by a nonsense mutation and a T-DNA insertion line, develops wild-type–like flowers and inflorescences but shows severely reduced fertility. The phenotypic variability of tso1 alleles presents challenges in determining the true function of TSO1. In this study, we use artificial microRNA, double mutant analysis, and bimolecular fluorescence complementation assay to investigate the molecular basis underlying these two distinct classes of phenotypes. We show that the class I mutants could be converted into class II by artificial microRNA knockdown of the tso1 mutant transcript, suggesting that class I alleles produce antimorphic mutant proteins that interfere with functionally redundant loci. We identified one such redundant factor coded by the closely related TSO1 homolog SOL2. We show that the class I phenotype can be mimicked by knocking out both TSO1 and its homolog SOL2 in double mutants. Such antimorphic alleles targeting redundant factors are likely prevalent in Arabidopsis and maybe common in organisms with many sets of paralogous genes such as human. Our data challenge the conventional view that recessive alleles are always hypomorphic or null and that antimorphic alleles are always dominant. This study shows that recessive alleles can also be antimorphic and can produce a phenotype more severe than null by interfering with the function of related loci. This finding adds a new paradigm to classical genetic concepts, with important implications for future genetic studies both in basic research as well as in agriculture and medicine

    Methyl-CpG-binding domain 9 (MBD9) is required for H2A.Z incorporation into chromatin at a subset of H2A.Z-enriched regions in the Arabidopsis genome.

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    The SWR1 chromatin remodeling complex, which deposits the histone variant H2A.Z into nucleosomes, has been well characterized in yeast and animals, but its composition in plants has remained uncertain. We used the conserved SWR1 subunit ACTIN RELATED PROTEIN 6 (ARP6) as bait in tandem affinity purification experiments to isolate associated proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana. We identified all 11 subunits found in yeast SWR1 and the homologous mammalian SRCAP complexes, demonstrating that this complex is conserved in plants. We also identified several additional proteins not previously associated with SWR1, including Methyl-CpG-BINDING DOMAIN 9 (MBD9) and three members of the Alfin1-like protein family, all of which have been shown to bind modified histone tails. Since mbd9 mutant plants were phenotypically similar to arp6 mutants, we explored a potential role for MBD9 in H2A.Z deposition. We found that MBD9 is required for proper H2A.Z incorporation at thousands of discrete sites, which represent a subset of the genomic regions normally enriched with H2A.Z. We also discovered that MBD9 preferentially interacts with acetylated histone H4 peptides, as well as those carrying mono- or dimethylated H3 lysine 4, or dimethylated H3 arginine 2 or 8. Considering that MBD9-dependent H2A.Z sites show a distinct histone modification profile, we propose that MBD9 recognizes particular nucleosome modifications via its PHD- and Bromo-domains and thereby guides SWR1 to these sites for H2A.Z deposition. Our data establish the SWR1 complex as being conserved across eukaryotes and suggest that MBD9 may be involved in targeting the complex to specific genomic sites through nucleosomal interactions. The finding that MBD9 does not appear to be a core subunit of the Arabidopsis SWR1 complex, along with the synergistic phenotype of arp6;mbd9 double mutants, suggests that MBD9 also has important roles beyond H2A.Z deposition


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