20 research outputs found

    A new approach in petrophysical rock typing

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    Petrophysical rock typing in reservoir characterization is an important input for successful drilling, production, injection, reservoir studies and simulation. In this study petrophysical rock typing is divided into two major categories: 1) a petrophysical static rock type (PSRT): a collection of rocks having the same primary drainage capillary pressure curves or unique water saturation for a given height above the free water level, 2) a petrophysical dynamic rock type (PDRT): a set of rocks with a similar fluid flow behavior. It was shown that static and dynamic rock types do not necessarily overlap or share petrophysical properties, regardless of wettability. In addition, a new index is developed to define PDRTs via the Kozeny-Carman equation and Darcy's law. We also proposed a different index for delineation of PSRTs by combining the Young–Laplace capillary pressure expression and the Kozeny-Carman equation. These new indices were compared with the existing theoretical and empirical indices. Results showed that our indices are representatives of previously developed models which were also tested with mercury injection capillary pressure, water-oil primary drainage capillary pressure, and water-oil relative permeability data on core plugs from a highly heterogeneous carbonate reservoir in an Iranian oil field. This study enabled us to modify the conventional J-function to enhance its capability of normalizing capillary pr essure data universally

    A further verification of FZI* and PSRTI: Newly developed petrophysical rock typing indices

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    Despite the differences between petrophysical static (PSRTs) and dynamic rock types (PDRTs), previous indices were unable to distinguish between them. FZI-Star (FZI*) and PSRTI are recently developed petrophysical dynamic and static rock typing indices, respectively. Considering the importance of rock typing in reservoir characterization and the need for reliable and user-friendly techniques, in this study we attempt to further verify the performance of FZI* and PSRTI by comparing them with FZI, Winland r35, and MFZI using data belonging to a heterogeneous carbonate reservoir from the Asmari Formation. The experimental data set includes 10 primary drainage mercury injection, 29 water-oil, and 45 gas-oil capillary pressure tests for PSRTs prediction in conjunction with 52 water-oil and 51 gas-oil relative permeability data for PDRTs. Moreover, we investigated the correlation between various indices and several petrophysical attributes. We defined these attributes as the integrals of mercury injection capillary pressure, mercury injection threshold capillary pressure, measured r35, capillary pressure, and relative permeability curves along with residual saturations. The results showed that our indices are able to successfully identify static and dynamic rock units with higher accuracy than other indices. Among the other existing methods, Winland r35 was the only one that showed an acceptable outcome; while, FZI, and MFZI underperformed in identifying the existing rock types. Using the experimental data we also propose the empirical equations that can be used to model capillary pressure and relative permeability characteristics of rocks