3 research outputs found

    Building an artificial cardiac microenvironment. A focus on the extracellular matrix

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    The increased knowledge in cell signals and stem cell differentiation, together with the development of new technologies, such as 3D bioprinting, has made the generation of artificial tissues more feasible for in vitro studies and in vivo applications. In the human body, cell fate, function, and survival are determined by the microenvironment, a rich and complex network composed of extracellular matrix (ECM), different cell types, and soluble factors. They all interconnect and communicate, receiving and sending signals, modulating and responding to cues. In the cardiovascular field, the culture of stem cells in vitro and their differentiation into cardiac phenotypes is well established, although differentiated cardiomyocytes often lack the functional maturation and structural organization typical of the adult myocardium. The recreation of an artificial microenvironment as similar as possible to the native tissue, though, has been shown to partly overcome these limitations, and can be obtained through the proper combination of ECM molecules, different cell types, bioavailability of growth factors (GFs), as well as appropriate mechanical and geometrical stimuli. This review will focus on the role of the ECM in the regulation of cardiac differentiation, will provide new insights on the role of supporting cells in the generation of 3D artificial tissues, and will also present a selection of the latest approaches to recreate a cardiac microenvironment in vitro through 3D bioprinting approaches

    Analysis of a series of Italian APECED patients with autoimmune hepatitis and gastro-enteropathies

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    Introduction: Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) syndrome is a rare monogenic disease determined by biallelic mutations in AIRE gene, which encodes a transcription factor essential for central immune tolerance. Classic diagnosis is determined by the presence of two of the main APECED clinical diseases: chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, chronic hypoparathyroidism, and Addison's disease. Non-endocrine autoimmunity, involving the liver, intestine, eyes, and kidneys, is generally reported in a minority of European patients, while American APECED patients have a higher tendency of developing organ-specific non-endocrine manifestations early in life. This observation led to the revision of the diagnostic criteria to permit earlier diagnosis based on the appearance of one classic triad symptom or one non-classical manifestation at a young age in the presence of IFNωAbs or AIRE mutations (Ferre-Lionakis criteria)