102 research outputs found

    A Multi-Scalar Analysis of European Cities

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    Medium-sized European cities are facing serious problems in terms of the exploitation of local resources (land, water, air). In this article, we observe existing links between sustainable development and cities’ economic and structural features. We adopt a multi-scalar perspective, since the theme of sustainable development involves both urban areas and the wider regions surrounding them. First, we identify clusters of urban areas that are homogenous in structural terms and we then compare these results at different territorial scales. When the sustainable development of the clusters is observed, a clear ‘geography of resource exploitation’ emerges, consistent with both urban economic and environmental indicators. Then, as a possible response to these problems, we suggest a typical tool adopted by planners: that is, polycentrism. Rather than considering it as a simple morphological feature of European urban systems, we look upon it as a possible mode for the governance of networks of medium-sized cities. In the last section of the paper, we analyse the economic and structural drivers that explain potential for polycentric integrationpolycentrism; medium-sized cities; sustainable development; cluster analysis;

    Mapping changes on agricultural and rural areas: an ex-post evaluation of the EU membership for Hungary

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    Several progresses have been made in evaluating the development policies for rural areas in the last years; many indicators1 have been set for assessing the effectiveness of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and Rural Development Policies (RDPs) and their role on the convergence process of the EU members, but a shared definition of rurality is still missing. The results obtained at the level of growth and development by the most lagging behind areas, are far from being satisfactory (Brasili, 2005). The evaluation of the policies and programmes introduced evidenced lack of institutional planning and implementing abilities, and an insufficient targeting of policies and payments (Mantino, 2010). The experience of the 10 New Member States (NMSs)2 showed how the current CAP and Cohesion policy, designed for the EU-15 (Csaki et al. 2010), aren’t enough for addressing the regional specificities, hindering a process of development which is already weakened by the effects of the unfinished transition. This paper aims at offering a methodological contribution for evaluating the EU membership, with particular attention to the CAP, in Hungary. We chose this Country among the 10 NMSs because of the relevance (96%) of the rural areas on the total land3, and given the historical socio-economic role played by agriculture. The authors believe that more targeted – and therefore efficient – policies for agricultural and rural areas require a deeper knowledge of their structural and dynamic characteristics. Therefore, in order to identify the changes occurred before (2003) and after (2007) the EU membership on agricultural and rural areas, we use the following multivariate statistics methodologies: Principal Components Analysis, applied to the set of 42 variables, and Cluster Analysis on the results obtained by the Principal Components Analysis. Then, we offer a preliminary evaluation of the distribution of Single Area Payment Scheme (SAPS)4, using the information on the applications provided at the County level by the Hungarian Paying Agency to show correlations with the leading factors.Agricultural and rural development policy evaluation, rural areas, policy targeting, EU enlargement, Agricultural and Food Policy, O18, P25, R58,

    A multi-scalar analysis of European cities

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    In this article, we observe existing links between sustainable development and cities’ structural features. First, we identify cluster of cities that are homogenous in structural terms. We then adopt a multiscalar perspective. We compare the results at different territorial scales (LAU-2 and NUTS-3 level). When the sustainable development of the clusters is observed, a clear ‘geography of resource exploitation’ emerges. Then, as a possible response to these problems, we suggest a tool adopted by planners: that is, polycentrism. We look upon it as a possible mode for the governance of networks of medium-sized cities. In particular, we analyse the structural drivers that explain potential for polycentric integration.Medium-sized cities; polycentrism; sustainable development; cluster analysis

    Regional patterns in the achievement of the Lisbon Strategy: a comparison between polycentric regions and monocentric ones

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    Polycentrism is a common feature of European urban systems. Lately, the concept has assumed a more normative relevance and it has been often considered as a pre-requisite for a more sustainable and balanced development across Europe. However, the effects of polycentrism on other main European Strategies (such as the Lisbon Strategy, aimed at increasing European competitiveness and social cohesion) are not so clear. Therefore, the paper tries to highlight the relationships between a regional polycentric development and the achievement of the Lisbon Strategy’s targets. Referring to a sample of 75 regions belonging to France, Germany, Italy and Spain, we have first measured the extent of polycentrism, by estimating through OLS the slope of the rank-size distribution of cities within each region. Then, we have performed a principal component analysis (PCA) in order to highlight the main features characterising the performance of each region according to Lisbon Strategy’s targets. Looking at the correlations between the extent of polycentrism and the achievement of the Lisbon Strategy’s targets, we have found that the former is significantly correlated both with the spread of manufacture and with low investments in human capital and innovation.the Lisbon Strategy, polycentrism, rank-size distribution, PCA

    Regional Patterns in the Achievement of the Lisbon Strategy: a Comparison Between Polycentric Regions and Monocentric Ones

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    Polycentrism is a common feature of European urban systems. Lately, the concept has assumed a more normative relevance and it has been often considered as a pre?requisite for a more sustainable and balanced development across Europe. However, the effects of polycentrism on other main European Strategies (such as the Lisbon Strategy, aimed at increasing European competitiveness and social cohesion) are not so clear. Therefore, the paper tries to highlight the relationships between a regional polycentric development and the achievement of the Lisbon Strategy’s targets. Referring to a sample of 75 regions belonging to France, Germany, Italy and Spain, we have first measured the extent of polycentrism, by estimating through OLS the slope of the rank-size distribution of cities within each region. Then, we have performed a principal component analysis (PCA) in order to highlight the main features characterising the performance of each region according to Lisbon Strategy’s targets. Looking at the correlations between the extent of polycentrism and the achievement of the Lisbon Strategy’s targets, we have found that the former is significantly correlated both with the spread of manufacture and with low investments in human capital and innovationthe Lisbon Strategy, polycentrism, rank-size distribution, PCA

    Be (and have) good neighbours! Factors of vulnerability in the case of multiple hazards

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    For any given territory, disaster risk is a function of hazard, exposure and vulnerability. The conceptual frameworks for these dimensions are largely debated in the scientific studies, focusing on spatial and temporal references and on system perspective of risk assessment. Despite broad in their scope, the analytical frameworks proposed to analyse policy programmes to reduce risk generally miss that risk indicators should be grounded on geographical and spatial features of the neighbouring territories and not only on communities' behaviour, and their resilience, as the paradigmatic solution in front of system events in areas prone to natural multi-hazard. The definition of "community" and of "neighbourhood" that are relevant for risk assessment cannot be simply defined in terms of absolute size of population or economic activity of individual local units under analysis or of the formal aggregation provided by jurisdictional agreements on specific functions. The paper presents an empirical analysis on spatially-lagged data in Italy, which was massively hit by adverse natural events in the last decade. It suggests to focus on social and material vulnerability, by using the comprehensive indicator at municipality level elaborated by the Italian Institute of Statistics. At the municipality-level, the analysis shows a positive correlation between multi-hazards, on the one hand, and spatially-lagged exposure and vulnerability, on the other. Thus, conditions in neighbouring municipalities would matter in prioritizing policy interventions aiming at mitigating hazard impacts, reducing vulnerability and enhancing communities' resilience. The definition of significant neighbouring spaces opens to a conceptualization of vulnerability grounded on a relational perspective in the creation of collective goods. This could enhance more effective Disaster Risk Reduction programmes

    Lisbon strategy and EU countries’ performance: social inclusion and sustainability

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    In 2010, the Lisbon Strategy came to its end. Even if many targets have not been fully reached by each of the 27 EU Members, a new and more ambitious reform strategy has been launched: the Europe 2020 Strategy. In order to evaluate the results of the Lisbon Strategy and of Europe 2020 Strategy, many indicators are yearly collected and published by EUROSTAT. From the analysis of these indicators, the work analyses how different European countries perform in economic, social and environmental issues. The paper moves from the works of Sapir [2006], who has already underlined – among the EU-15 – the existence of four different European social models (Nordic, Anglo- Saxon, Continental, Mediterranean), sharing different combinations of economic efficiency and social equity. This work tries to go further. First, it also underlines the role of the environmental issues in defining a sustainable European social model. Then, the analysis includes also Eastern countries, trying to identify the existence of possible Eastern social models. Therefore, in order to identify different European social models, we use a multivariate statistics methodology, i.e. the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), applied to a set of 20 variables (all the variables included in the short list of indicators from EU plus other environmental indicators) collected for all the European countries. The obtained results are among the expected ones. Sapir’s results are largely confirmed. In particular the supremacy of the Nordic model is straightforward. On the opposite side, when including environmental indicators, the Anglo-Saxon model seems to perform worse than Mediterranean one. Finally, referring to Eastern countries, a single social model does not emerge.European policies, Lisbon Strategy, social models, sustainability

    Lisbon strategy and EU countries’ performance: social inclusion and sustainability

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    In 2010, the Lisbon Strategy came to its end. Even if many targets have not been fully reached by each of the 27 EU Members, a new and more ambitious reform strategy has been launched: the Europe 2020 Strategy. In order to evaluate the results of the Lisbon Strategy and of Europe 2020 Strategy, many indicators are yearly collected and published by EUROSTAT. From the analysis of these indicators, the work analyses how different European countries perform in economic, social and environmental issues. The paper moves from the works of Sapir [2006], who has already underlined –among the EU-15 – the existence of four different European social models (Nordic, Anglo-Saxon, Continental, Mediterranean), sharing different combinations of economic efficiency and social equity. This work tries to go further. First, it also underlines the role of the environmental issues in defining a sustainable European social model. Then, the analysis includes also Eastern countries, trying to identify the existence of possible Eastern social models. Therefore, in order to identify different European social models, we use a multivariate statistics methodology, i.e. the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), applied to a set of 20 variables (all the variables included in the short list of indicators from EU plus other environmental indicators) collected for all the European countries. The obtained results are among the expected ones. Sapir’s results are largely confirmed. In particular the supremacy of the Nordic model is straightforward. On the opposite side, when including environmental indicators, the Anglo-Saxon model seems to perform worse than Mediterranean one. Finally, referring to Eastern countries, a single social model does not emerge.European policies; Lisbon Strategy; social models; sustainability;

    Le difficoltà d’accesso all’abitazione da parte degli immigrati Una indagine di campo

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    Foreign people face increasing housing problems in Italy. The goal of the paper is the analysis of these difficulties through an empirical investigation, based on data of a direct survey on estate agencies, which in Italy represent the main brokers in the housing market. The results highlight the relevance of discrimination against foreign people both in leasing and in buying an house. Those difficulties are observed even if the typologies of dwellings required by foreigners are usually different from those demanded by the local population. In particular foreigners require dwellings of lower quality (e.g., smaller or older flats in low value neighbourhoods)foreign migration, housing, discrimination

    RIS3 in macro-regional strategies: tools to design and monitor integrated territorial development paths

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    This paper highlights the importance of combining quantitative and qualitative analyses . It combines multidimensional analysis of the characteristics of EU macro-regions with a comparative, qualitative perspective on priorities outlined in regional innovation strategies. It shows that bottom-up strategies for regions can support integrated approaches, and that the RIS3 database in particular can help with the successful design and implementation of policie
