693 research outputs found

    A new flaring high energy gamma-ray source

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    We report the detection of a new gamma-ray source in the Fermi-LAT sky using a source detection tool based on the Minimal Spanning Tree algorithm. The source, not reported in previous LAT catalogues but very recently observed in the X-rays and optical bands, is characterized by an increasing gamma-ray activity in 2012 June-September, reaching a weekly peak flux of (3.3+-0.6)*10^-7 photons cm^-2 s^-1. A search for a possible counterpart provides indication that it can be associated with the radio source NVSS J141828+354250 whose optical SDSS colours are typical of a blazar.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    WATCAT: a tale of wide-angle tailed radio galaxies

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    We present a catalog of 47 wide-angle tailed radio galaxies (WATs), the WATCAT; these galaxies were selected by combining observations from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory/Very Large Array Sky Survey (NVSS), the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-Centimeters (FIRST), and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and mainly built including a radio morphological classification. We included in the catalog only radio sources showing two-sided jets with two clear "warmspots" (i.e., jet knots as bright as 20% of the nucleus) lying on the opposite side of the radio core, and having classical extended emission resembling a plume beyond them. The catalog is limited to redshifts z ≀\leq 0.15, and lists only sources with radio emission extended beyond 30 kpc from the host galaxy. We found that host galaxies of WATCAT sources are all luminous (-20.5 ≳\gtrsim Mr ≳\gtrsim -23.7), red early-type galaxies with black hole masses in the range 108â‰Č10^8\lesssim MBHâ‰Č109_{\rm BH} \lesssim 10^9 M⊙_\odot. The spectroscopic classification indicates that they are all low-excitation galaxies (LEGs). Comparing WAT multifrequency properties with those of FRI and FRII radio galaxies at the same redshifts, we conclude that WATs show multifrequency properties remarkably similar to FRI radio galaxies, having radio power of typical FRIIs

    Unidentifed gamma-ray sources: hunting gamma-ray blazars

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    One of the main scientific objectives of the ongoing Fermi mission is unveiling the nature of the unidentified gamma-ray sources (UGSs). Despite the large improvements of Fermi in the localization of gamma-ray sources with respect to the past gamma-ray missions, about one third of the Fermi-detected objects are still not associated to low energy counterparts. Recently, using the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) survey, we discovered that blazars, the rarest class of Active Galactic Nuclei and the largest population of gamma-ray sources, can be recognized and separated from other extragalactic sources on the basis of their infrared (IR) colors. Based on this result, we designed an association method for the gamma-ray sources to reognize if there is a blazar candidate within the positional uncertainty region of a generic gamma-ray source. With this new IR diagnostic tool, we searched for gamma-ray blazar candidates associated to the UGS sample of the second Fermi gamma-ray catalog (2FGL). We found that our method associates at least one gamma-ray blazar candidate as a counterpart each of 156 out of 313 UGSs analyzed. These new low-energy candidates have the same IR properties as the blazars associated to gamma-ray sources in the 2FGL catalog.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication on the Astrophysical Journa

    Deciphering the large-scale environment of radio galaxies in the local Universe: where do they born, grow and die?

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    The role played by the large-scale environment on the nuclear activity of radio galaxies (RGs), is still not completely understood. Accretion mode, jet power and galaxy evolution are connected with their large-scale environment from tens to hundreds of kpc. Here we present a detailed, statistical, analysis of the large-scale environment for two samples of RGs up to redshifts zsrcz_\mathrm{src}=0.15. The main advantages of our study, with respect to those already present in the literature, are due to the extremely homogeneous selection criteria of catalogs adopted to perform our investigation. This is also coupled with the use of several clustering algorithms. We performed a direct search of galaxy-rich environments around RGs using them as beacon. To perform this study we also developed a new method that does not appear to suffer by a strong zsrcz_\mathrm{src} dependence as other algorithms. We conclude that, despite their radio morphological (FR\,I vsvs FR\,II) and/or their optical (HERG vsvs LERG) classification, RGs in the local Universe tend to live in galaxy-rich large-scale environments having similar characteristics and richness. We highlight that the fraction of FR\,Is-LERG, inhabiting galaxy rich environments, appears larger than that of FR\,IIs-LERG. We also found that 5 out of 7 FR\,II-HERGs, with zsrc≀z_\mathrm{src}\leq0.11, lie in groups/clusters of galaxies. However, we recognize that, despite the high level of completeness of our catalogs, when restricting to the local Universe, the low number of HERGs (∌\sim10\% of the total FR\,IIs investigated) prevent us to make a strong statistical conclusion about this source class.Comment: 21 pages, 25 figures, accepted for publication on the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series - pre-proof versio

    Optical spectroscopic observations of gamma-ray blazar candidates II. The 2013 KPNO campaign in the Northern Hemisphere

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    We recently started a systematic search of low-energy counterparts of the unidentified gamma-ray sources (UGSs) listed in the Fermi-Large Area Telescope (LAT) First Source Catalog (1FGL) and the Fermi-LAT 2-Year Source Catalog (2FGL).} The main goal of our investigation is to find active galaxies belonging to the blazar class that lie within the positional uncertainty region of the UGSs and thus could be their potential low-energy counterparts. To achieve our aims, we first adopted several procedures based on the peculiar observational properties of blazars in the radio and in the IR. Then we carried out a follow-up spectroscopic campaign in the optical band to verify the nature of the candidates selected as potential counterparts of the UGSs. Here we present the results of the observations carried out in 2013 in the Northern Hemisphere at Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO). Optical spectroscopy is crucial to confirm the nature of the sources and can be used to estimate their redshifts; it will also allow us to test the robustness of our methods when the whole campaign is completed. Here we present the optical spectroscopic observations of 39 sources. Within our sample we found that 6 sources are blazars, candidates to be low-energy counterparts of the UGSs listed in the 2FGL. We confirm that an additional 8 sources, previously classified as active galaxies of uncertain type and associated in the 2FGL, are also all BL Lac objects. Moreover, we also present 20 new spectra for known blazars listed in the Multi-frequency Catalogue of Blazars as having an uncertain redshift and/or being classified as BL Lac candidates. We conclude that our methods for selecting gamma-ray blazar candidates allows us to discover new blazars and increase the list of potential low-energy counterparts for the Fermi UGSs.Comment: 27 pages, 39 figures, 1 table, A&A accepted for publication (pre-proof version

    The infall of the Virgo elliptical galaxy M60 toward M87 and the gaseous structures produced by Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities

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    We present Chandra observations of hot gas structures, characteristic of gas stripping during infall, in the Virgo cluster elliptical galaxy M60 (NGC4649) located 1 Mpc east of M87. 0.5−2 keV Chandra X-ray images show a sharp leading edge in the surface brightness 12.4±0.1 kpc north and west of the galaxy center in the direction of M87 characteristic of a merger cold front due to M60's motion through the Virgo ICM. We measured a temperature of 1.00±0.02 keV for abundance 0.5Z⊙ inside the edge and 1.37+0.35−0.19 keV for abundance 0.1Z⊙ in the Virgo ICM free stream region. We find that the observed jump in surface brightness yields a density ratio of 6.44+1.04−0.67 between gas inside the edge and in the cluster free stream region. If the edge is a cold front due solely to the infall of M60 in the direction of M87, we find a pressure ratio of 4.7+1.7−1.4 and Mach number 1.7±0.3. For 1.37 keV Virgo gas we find a total infall velocity for M60 of 1030±180 kms−1. We calculate the motion in the plane of the sky to be 1012+183−192 km−1 implying an inclination angle Ο=11±3 degrees. Surface brightness profiles show the presence of a faint diffuse gaseous tail. We identify filamentary, gaseous wing structures caused by the galaxy's motion through the ICM. The structure and dimensions of these wings are consistent with simulations of Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities as expected if the gas stripping is close to inviscid
