65 research outputs found

    Laser-Ultrasonic Inspection of the Composite Structure of an Aircraft in a Maintenance Hangar

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    Composite materials used in aerospace structures can be affected by a variety of defects, such as delaminations and disbonds, which may occur during fabrication or may be caused by impact during use. Such defects, which cannot usually be detected by simple visual inspection, may severely affect the mechanical integrity of components. Ultrasonics offers the best possibility for detection of flaws in composite components. However, ultrasonics as conventionally applied using piezoelectric transducers for generation and detection of the probing pulse has several limitations. Namely, the need for an acoustic coupling media or direct contact with the surface, and the requirement of near-normal incidence to the component’s surface. Laser-ultrasonics represents a practical means of avoiding the inherent difficulties with conventional ultrasonics [1–2].</p

    Laser Ultrasonic Inspection of Graphite Epoxy Laminates

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    Superior mechanical properties and reduced weight of fiber reinforced polymer matrix composite laminates (e.g., made of graphite epoxy) are leading to their increased use in aeronautic and aerospace structures. These materials are found more and more in load bearing components, which in turn, requires their integrity to be fully evaluated by nondestructive inspection. This applies to newly manufactured parts which can be flawed following improper manufacturing procedures and to parts which have been in service on an aircraft as well, since additional flaws could have occurred and old existing flaws could have grown and become more severe. Flaws which are found in these materials include porosity and foreign inclusions, which are produced during manufacturing and delaminations between plies, which can be produced at manufacturing or can be caused by the impact of foreign objects on the structure. Ultrasonics has been recognized to be a superior technique for detecting delaminations and can be used to detect foreign inclusions and assess porosity, as well [1,2]. The ultrasonic waves are usually generated and detected by piezoelectric transducers and coupled to the inspected part by direct contact or water. Although operation in transmission is widely used and easily implemented for curved parts, the pulse-echo mode is preferred since it requires only single side access and provides flaw depth information. In this case, the transducer should be properly aligned with respect to the surface of the inspected part (within a few degrees), since it is a phase sensitive device emitting and its whole surfacePeer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

    Constructing Social Problems in an Age of Globalization: A French-American Comparison

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    Raymond Boudon, L'Analyse mathématique des faits sociaux.

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    Padioleau Jean-G. Raymond Boudon, L'Analyse mathématique des faits sociaux.. In: Annales. Economies, sociétés, civilisations. 24ᵉ année, N. 4, 1969. pp. 947-948

    Decisions and Organizations

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    Padioleau Jean-G. Decisions and Organizations . In: Sociologie du travail, 31ᵉ année n°4, Octobre-décembre 1989. Universités et pouvoirs. Perspectives internationales. pp. 513-518

    Etudes de socialisation politique. A propos de trois livres récents

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    Padioleau Jean-G. Etudes de socialisation politique. A propos de trois livres récents. In: Revue française de sociologie, 1970, 11-1. pp. 84-90

    La formation de la pensée politique : développement longitudinal et déterminants socio-culturels

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    Jean G. Padioleau: Die Entstehung des politischen Denkens : zeitliche Entwicklung und soziokulturelle Determinante. Dieser Aufsatz beschreibt einen theoretischen Rahmen zum Studium des politischen Denkens der Staatsburger. Ausgehend von Arbeiten von J. S. Bruner, L. Kohlberg, J. Piaget, wird in einer ersten Analyse ein längschnittliches Schema der Entwicklung des politischen Denkens umrissen. Anschliessend zeigt der Verfasser, dass die kognitive Entwicklung des Staatsbürgers auch von der erlebten soziokulturellen Umgebung abhangt, oder, um es genauer zu sagen, von der Kapazität einer gegebenen Umgebung nicht nur Anreize zu liefern sondern auch Antworten auf die Handlungen des Staatsbûrgers, geeignet, diese Entwicklung zu förden.Jean G. Padioleau : Формирование политической мысли : продольное развитие и социально-культурные определители. Эта статья представляет теоретическую рамку для изучения гражданской политической мысли. Первичный анализ по работам Ж.С. Брюнера, А. Кохльберга, Ж. Пьяже вырисовывает продольную схему развития политической мысли. Затем автор показывает зависимость развития познавательной способности граждан от социально-культурной среды, окружающей их, или, более точно, от возможности данной среды не только стимулировать, но еще и дать ответы, способные вызвать это развитие, на активность граждан.Jean G. Padioleau: The Formation of Political Thinking: Longitudinal Development and Socio-Cultural Determinants. This article describes a theoretical outline for studying citizens' political thinking. This analysis, on the basis of J. S. Bruner's, L. Kohlberg's and J. Piaget's works, first sketches a longitudinal diagram of the development of political thinking. The author next shows that a citizen's cognitive development also depends upon the sociocultural environment which he has experienced or, to be more precise, upon a given environment's capacity to furnish not only stimuli but also answers to citizen which favor this development.Jean G. Padioleau : La formación del pensamiento politico: desarrollo longitudinal y déterminantes socio-culturales. Describe ese artículo un cuadro teórico para el estudio del pensamiento politico de los ciudadanos. Primero se analizan los trabajos de J. S. Bruner, L. Kohlberg, J. Piaget y se deslinea un esquema longitudinal del desarrollo del pensamiento politico. Luego ensefia el autor que dépende también el desarrollo cognoscitivo de los ciudadanos de los medios socio-culturales que experimentan, о рог ser mas exacto, de la capacidad de un medio capaz de produtir no sólo estímulos, sino también contestaciones a las acciones del ciudadano que sean propias para suscitar ese desarrollo.Padioleau Jean-G. La formation de la pensée politique : développement longitudinal et déterminants socio-culturels. In: Revue française de sociologie, 1976, 17-3. pp. 451-484

    Les modèles de développement. Problème de l'analyse comparée en sociologie politique

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    Jean-G. Padioleau : Die Entwicklungsmodelle. Probleme der Vergleichsanalyse in politischer Soziologie. Dieser kritischen Notiz untersucht der Verfasser 10 Modelle politischer Entwicklung, die alle Methoden faktorieller und kausaler Analysen benützen. Nach einer Untersuchung der neueren Tendenzen der Analyse der politischen Gesellschaft (polity) zählt der Verfasser die Merkmale dieser Modelle auf. Die Formalisierungsversuche können kaum als zufriedenstellend gelten, sowohl vom substantiellen als auch vom methodologischen Standpunkt aus gesehen. Als Zusammenfassung werden Vorschläge fiir eine bessere Forschungsstrategie aufgeführt.Padioleau, Jean-G. : Модели развития. Вопрос сравнительного анализа в политической социологии. В этой критической заметке автор рассматривает десять моделей политического развития, обращаясь к методам факторного и причинного анализа. По рассмотрению анализа последних тенденций политических обществ (polities), автор подводит итог характеристик этих моделей. По испытаниям, формализация кажется не очень удовлетворительной, как с точки зрения существенности, так и с точки зрения методологии. Указания для стратегии, приспособленной лучше к научным исследованиям, представлены в заключение.Jean-G. Padioleau : Development patterns. The problem of comparative analysis in political sociology. In this critical notice the author examines ten patterns of political development based on the methods of factor and causal analysis. After considering the current trends in the study of politics he then makes a census of these patterns' characteristics. The attempts at formalization seem unsatisfactory in their substance as in their methods. Some suggestions for a more adequate research strategy are brought forward by way of conclusion.J.-G. Padioleau : Los modelos de desarrollo Problema del análisis comparado en «ociología política. En esa nota crítica, examina el autor diez modelos de desarrollo politico que recurren a los métodos de análisis factorial y de análisis causal. Después de considerar las tendencies recientes del análisis de las sociedades politicas (politics), pasa revista el autor a las caracteristicas de esos modelos. No se revelan muy satisfactorias las tentativas desde el punto de vista substancial, ni desde el punto de vista metodológico.Padioleau Jean-G. Les modèles de développement. Problème de l'analyse comparée en sociologie politique. In: Revue française de sociologie, 1971, 12-2. pp. 228-251