33 research outputs found
Fecal colonization with vancomycin-resistant enterococci in Australia.
To assess the rate of fecal vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) colon ization in Austalia, we examined specimens from 1,085 healthy volunteers. VRE was cultured from 2(0.2%) of 1,085 specimens; both were vanB Enter ococcus faecium, identical by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, but with a pattern rare in Melbourne hospitals
Assumere la psicologia come oggetto di ricerca etnografica
Etnografia di pratiche scientifiche della psicologia: difficoltà e prosettiv
Children Socialization into Cleaning Practices: a cross cultural perspective
Focusing on everyday hygiene and household cleaning tasks, this study examines the socialization practices and parenting strategies that foster familial and cultural values such as autonomy, interdependence and responsibility. Through the mizcro-analysis of videotaped family interaction in Los Angeles and Rome, this article looks at actual practices and activity trajectories to reveal the ways in which families organize themselves, attach values to different aspects of activities, and build diverse perspectives on authoritativeness. The comparative analysis points to differences across cultures, families and activities in the style and amount of parental control over cleaning tasks, and the number of options given to children in the process and sequence of tasks. Examinations of diverse parenting and conversational strategies reveal how particular practices may lead to the construction or limitation of children’s agenc
“Fazer falar o silêncio da história”: a virada narrativa dos museus
Resumo A narração assume um estatuto múltiplo: torna-se uma estrutura empregada para oferecer contextualizações ou um estratagema para superar problemas de comunicação de museu, como por exemplo juntar fontes, temas e, sobretudo, temporalidades heterogêneas. Com a new museology, afirmou-se a ideia de que o museu não pode ser colocado em um empíreo, do qual garante uma visão universal. O museu narrativo nasceu da crise de modelos até então hegemônicos. Em segundo lugar, entraram em crise as modalidades autorreferenciais de comunicação. “Colocar a periferia no centro”, oferecer atenção a quem não teve reconhecimento pela história, que só sofreu a partir da tempestade do moderno, ou seja, fazer falarem sujeitos, territórios, culturas que viram negada a sua voz e a sua identidade. A mostra RISARCIMENTI [Storie di vita e di attesa], 2011, o Museu Etnomuseo Monti Lepini, o Museu do Brigantaggio di Itri e o Museu do Brigantaggio di Cellere falam desta perspectiva. Então, deve-nos convidar a assumir uma dimensão reflexiva, produzir obras não decisivas e monolíticas, mas parciais e também desmontáveis e criticáveis
Le reti di telecomunicazione in ENEA. La tecnologia, gli investimenti, i programmi, la normativa
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7 , Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal
Consensus statement on the management of invasive candidiasis in intensive care units in the asia-pacific region
Invasive candidiasis has emerged as an important nosocomial infection, especially in critically ill patients. The incidence of candidaemia in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) is 5- to 10-fold higher than in the entire hospital and the crude mortality rate of patients with candidaemia is between 35% and 60%. Candida albicans remains the predominant cause of invasive candidiasis in ICUs, followed by Candida tropicalis, Candida glabrata and Candida parapsilosis. Invasive isolates of Candida spp. remain highly susceptible to fluconazole (> 90% susceptible), although among Asia-Pacific countries the susceptibility rate of C. glabrata to fluconazole varies widely from 22% to 72%. Early diagnosis and prompt initiation of antifungal therapy are crucial for the effective treatment of invasive candidiasis. However, invasive candidiasis is difficult to diagnose owing to its non-specific clinical features, and delayed therapy is a major contributor to poor outcomes. Combining clinical risk factors with Candida colonisation parameters appears promising for guiding early interventions. Because of considerable regional variability, local epidemiological knowledge is critical in the effective management of invasive candidiasis among ICU patients in Asia-Pacific. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved