55 research outputs found

    COVID-19 and Mental Health/Substance Use Disorders on Reddit: A Longitudinal Study

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    COVID-19 pandemic has adversely and disproportionately impacted people suffering from mental health issues and substance use problems. This has been exacerbated by social isolation during the pandemic and the social stigma associated with mental health and substance use disorders, making people reluctant to share their struggles and seek help. Due to the anonymity and privacy they provide, social media emerged as a convenient medium for people to share their experiences about their day to day struggles. Reddit is a well-recognized social media platform that provides focused and structured forums called subreddits, that users subscribe to and discuss their experiences with others. Temporal assessment of the topical correlation between social media postings about mental health/substance use and postings about Coronavirus is crucial to better understand public sentiment on the pandemic and its evolving impact, especially related to vulnerable populations. In this study, we conduct a longitudinal topical analysis of postings between subreddits r/depression, r/Anxiety, r/SuicideWatch, and r/Coronavirus, and postings between subreddits r/opiates, r/OpiatesRecovery, r/addiction, and r/Coronavirus from January 2020 - October 2020. Our results show a high topical correlation between postings in r/depression and r/Coronavirus in September 2020. Further, the topical correlation between postings on substance use disorders and Coronavirus fluctuates, showing the highest correlation in August 2020. By monitoring these trends from platforms such as Reddit, epidemiologists, and mental health professionals can gain insights into the challenges faced by communities for targeted interventions.Comment: First workshop on computational & affective intelligence in healthcare applications in conjunction with ICPR 202

    Pain Forecasting using Self-supervised Learning and Patient Phenotyping: An attempt to prevent Opioid Addiction

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    Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a chronic genetic disorder characterized by recurrent acute painful episodes. Opioids are often used to manage these painful episodes; the extent of their use in managing pain in this disorder is an issue of debate. The risk of addiction and side effects of these opioid treatments can often lead to more pain episodes in the future. Hence, it is crucial to forecast future patient pain trajectories to help patients manage their SCD to improve their quality of life without compromising their treatment. It is challenging to obtain many pain records to design forecasting models since it is mainly recorded by patients' self-report. Therefore, it is expensive and painful (due to the need for patient compliance) to solve pain forecasting problems in a purely supervised manner. In light of this challenge, we propose to solve the pain forecasting problem using self-supervised learning methods. Also, clustering such time-series data is crucial for patient phenotyping, anticipating patients' prognoses by identifying "similar" patients, and designing treatment guidelines tailored to homogeneous patient subgroups. Hence, we propose a self-supervised learning approach for clustering time-series data, where each cluster comprises patients who share similar future pain profiles. Experiments on five years of real-world datasets show that our models achieve superior performance over state-of-the-art benchmarks and identify meaningful clusters that can be translated into actionable information for clinical decision-making.Comment: 8 page

    Improving Pain Assessment Using Vital Signs and Pain Medication for Patients With Sickle Cell Disease: Retrospective Study

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    Background: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the most common inherited blood disorder affecting millions of people worldwide. Most patients with SCD experience repeated, unpredictable episodes of severe pain. These pain episodes are the leading cause of emergency department visits among patients with SCD and may last for several weeks. Arguably, the most challenging aspect of treating pain episodes in SCD is assessing and interpreting a patient\u27s pain intensity level. Objective: This study aims to learn deep feature representations of subjective pain trajectories using objective physiological signals collected from electronic health records. Methods: This study used electronic health record data collected from 496 Duke University Medical Center participants over 5 consecutive years. Each record contained measures for 6 vital signs and the patient\u27s self-reported pain score, with an ordinal range from 0 (no pain) to 10 (severe and unbearable pain). We also extracted 3 features related to medication: medication type, medication status (given or applied, or missed or removed or due), and total medication dosage (mg/mL). We used variational autoencoders for representation learning and designed machine learning classification algorithms to build pain prediction models. We evaluated our results using an accuracy and confusion matrix and visualized the qualitative data representations. Results: We designed a classification model using raw data and deep representational learning to predict subjective pain scores with average accuracies of 82.8%, 70.6%, 49.3%, and 47.4% for 2-point, 4-point, 6-point, and 11-point pain ratings, respectively. We observed that random forest classification models trained on deep represented features outperformed models trained on unrepresented data for all pain rating scales. We observed that at varying Likert scales, our models performed better when provided with medication data along with vital signs data. We visualized the data representations to understand the underlying latent representations, indicating neighboring representations for similar pain scores with a higher resolution of pain ratings. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that medication information (the type of medication, total medication dosage, and whether the medication was given or missed) can significantly improve subjective pain prediction modeling compared with modeling with only vital signs. This study shows promise in data-driven estimated pain scores that will help clinicians with additional information about the patient\u27s condition, in addition to the patient\u27s self-reported pain scores

    Leveraging Natural Language Processing To Mine Issues on Twitter During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The recent global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has spread to all corners of the globe. The international travel ban, panic buying, and the need for self-quarantine are among the many other social challenges brought about in this new era. Twitter platforms have been used in various public health studies to identify public opinion about an event at the local and global scale. To understand the public concerns and responses to the pandemic, a system that can leverage machine learning techniques to filter out irrelevant tweets and identify the important topics of discussion on social media platforms like Twitter is needed. In this study, we constructed a system to identify the relevant tweets related to the COVID-19 pandemic throughout January 1st, 2020 to April 30th, 2020, and explored topic modeling to identify the most discussed topics and themes during this period in our data set. Additionally, we analyzed the temporal changes in the topics with respect to the events that occurred during this pandemic. We found out that eight topics were sufficient to identify the themes in our corpus. These topics depicted a temporal trend. The dominant topics vary over time and align with the events related to the COVID-19 pandemic

    Clustering of Pain Dynamics in Sickle Cell Disease from Sparse, Uneven Samples

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    Irregularly sampled time series data are common in a variety of fields. Many typical methods for drawing insight from data fail in this case. Here we attempt to generalize methods for clustering trajectories to irregularly and sparsely sampled data. We first construct synthetic data sets, then propose and assess four methods of data alignment to allow for application of spectral clustering. We also repeat the same process for real data drawn from medical records of patients with sickle cell disease -- patients whose subjective experiences of pain were tracked for several months via a mobile app. We find that different methods for aligning irregularly sampled sparse data sets can lead to different optimal numbers of clusters, even for synthetic data with known properties. For the case of sickle cell disease, we find that three clusters is a reasonable choice, and these appear to correspond to (1) a low pain group with occasionally acute pain, (2) a group which experiences moderate mean pain that fluctuates often from low to high, and (3) a group that experiences persistent high levels of pain. Our results may help physicians and patients better understand and manage patients\u27 pain levels over time, and we expect that the methods we develop will apply to a wide range of other data sources in medicine and beyond

    Predicting Early Indicators of Cognitive Decline From Verbal Utterances

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    Dementia is a group of irreversible, chronic, and progressive neurodegenerative disorders resulting in impaired memory, communication, and thought processes. In recent years, clinical research advances in brain aging have focused on the earliest clinically detectable stage of incipient dementia, commonly known as mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Currently, these disorders are diagnosed using a manual analysis of neuropsychological examinations. We measure the feasibility of using the linguistic characteristics of verbal utterances elicited during neuropsychological exams of elderly subjects to distinguish between elderly control groups, people with MCI, people diagnosed with possible Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD), and probable AD. We investigated the performance of both theory-driven psycholinguistic features and data-driven contextual language embeddings in identifying different clinically diagnosed groups. Our experiments show that a combination of contextual and psycholinguistic features extracted by a Support Vector Machine improved distinguishing the verbal utterances of elderly controls, people with MCI, possible AD, and probable AD. This is the first work to identify four clinical diagnosis groups of dementia in a highly imbalanced dataset. Our work shows that machine learning algorithms built on contextual and psycholinguistic features can learn the linguistic biomarkers from verbal utterances and assist clinical diagnosis of different stages and types of dementia, even with limited data

    Topic-Centric Unsupervised Multi-Document Summarization of Scientific and News Articles

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    Recent advances in natural language processing have enabled automation of a wide range of tasks, including machine translation, named entity recognition, and sentiment analysis. Automated summarization of documents, or groups of documents, however, has remained elusive, with many efforts limited to extraction of keywords, key phrases, or key sentences. Accurate abstractive summarization has yet to be achieved due to the inherent difficulty of the problem, and limited availability of training data. In this paper, we propose a topic-centric unsupervised multi-document summarization framework to generate extractive and abstractive summaries for groups of scientific articles across 20 Fields of Study (FoS) in Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG) and news articles from DUC-2004 Task 2. The proposed algorithm generates an abstractive summary by developing salient language unit selection and text generation techniques. Our approach matches the state-of-the-art when evaluated on automated extractive evaluation metrics and performs better for abstractive summarization on five human evaluation metrics (entailment, coherence, conciseness, readability, and grammar). We achieve a kappa score of 0.68 between two co-author linguists who evaluated our results. We plan to publicly share MAG-20, a human-validated gold standard dataset of topic-clustered research articles and their summaries to promote research in abstractive summarization.Comment: 6 pages, 6 Figures, 8 Tables. Accepted at IEEE Big Data 2020 (https://bigdataieee.org/BigData2020/AcceptedPapers.html