3,874 research outputs found

    Focus+Context via Snaking Paths

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    Focus+context visualizations reveal specific structures in high detail while effectively depicting its surroundings, often relying on transitions between the two areas to provide context. We present an approach to generate focus+context visualizations depicting cylindrical structures along snaking paths that enables the structures themselves to become the transitions and focal areas, simultaneously. A method to automatically create a snaking path through space by applying a path finding algorithm is presented. A 3D curve is created based on the 2D snaking path. We describe a process to deform cylindrical structures in segmented volumetric models to match the curve and provide preliminary geometric models as templates for artists to build upon. Structures are discovered using our constrained volumetric sculpting method that enables removal of occluding material while leaving them intact. We find the resulting visualizations effectively mimic a set of motivating illustrations and discuss some limitations of the automatic approach

    Evaluating the importance of root abscission versus efflux to plant N-loss: consequences for plant N-isotope composition

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    The common observation that plant ÎŽÂč⁔N values are lower than those of associated soil is generally attributed to transporter-facilitated efflux of Âč⁔N-enriched N. N efflux tends to occur under specific conditions, for instance, when the external N concentration is high, when the external medium is acidic and when roots experience mechanical stress. While efflux is presumed to act as a regulator of cytoplasmic N concentrations, it is energetically costly for plants to take up N only to release it back into the rhizosphere. A link between root tissue loss (e.g. root turnover or rhizodeposition) and plant ÎŽÂč⁔N has not been suggested, although root abscission is likely to be more ubiquitous than N efflux. This thesis questions the extent to which N efflux and root abscission contribute to plant N-loss and plant ÎŽÂč⁔N values. I hypothesized that: (1) plants supplied with more N would have more negative ÎŽÂč⁔N relative to the source, and greater root abscission from a relatively larger root biomass (2) the aeration necessary for hydroponic culture can act as a mechanical stressor on roots, accentuating plant N-loss through root abscission and N efflux. Wheat was grown in sand with NO₃- supplied at five relative addition rates (RAR) and in hydroponics with three physical disturbance regimes (direct aeration, aeration constrained within a pipe and circulation of nutrient solution through sand). The ÎŽÂč⁔N of roots and shoots, as well as the plant-derived N accumulation in both growth mediums, were determined. When the N supply matched the plant N demand, as determined by the relative growth rate, there was no discrimination between plant and source ÎŽÂč⁔N. N-loss here, although negligible, was in the organic form, which implies root abscission. By contrast, when N supply exceeded plant N demand, plant ÎŽÂč⁔N values decreased (e.g. after 47 d, plant ÎŽÂč⁔N of RAR 0.075 d⁻Âč was 0.4‰ but was −4.1‰ at RAR 0.175 d⁻Âč) because they lost Âč⁔N-enriched N. This N was largely inorganic and presumably lost through efflux. In disturbed hydroponic conditions (i.e. direct and pipe treatments), root 'fragments' were a major biomass- (six-fold greater than root dry weight) and N-loss (two-fold greater than plant net N uptake) pathway. Plants from all treatments lost more N within root fragments than through efflux, although the cumulative N-loss was significantly smaller from plants grown in relatively undisturbed hydroponic conditions (i.e. sand). This suggests that root abscission is likely to be an important N-loss pathway for plants and thus contributes to the global offset between plant and soil ÎŽÂč⁔N values. Moreover, efforts to improve nitrogen use efficiency of crop plants, though reduced efflux, need to take cognizance of root abscission because it is an unavoidable artefact of root growth

    Mountain States Oilseeds: Risk Management for Safflower Production in the Intermountain West

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    Safflower is an oilseed crop primarily produced in the western Great Plains because of its compatibility with cereal grain equipment. Varieties grown in that region are harvested predominantly for seeds high in safflower oil and oleic acid that are processed and used in cooking oil, human nutrition, and other health and beauty products. Safflower is also grown in Utah, Idaho, and California for birdseed mixes due to the region’s arid climate, which yields a crisp, white seed that is highly favorable in the birdseed market. Mountain States Oilseeds, headquartered in American Falls, Idaho, is one of the United States’ largest processors of safflower seed and is the nation’s No. 1 supplier of safflower seed used in birdseed mixes. While increasing demand for oilseeds will bolster Mountain States Oilseeds’ business, producers often view safflower as a minor annual crop with a high-risk profile and minimal expected returns. Thus, Mountain States Oilseeds must develop a strategy to entice more dedicated oilseed production as resource constraints tighten across the Western U.S. and the worldwide demand for safflower oil, birdseed, and meal continues to expand

    Causas de variação de pesos e ganhos de peso em fĂȘmeas da Raça Canchim

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    Causas de variação e estimativas dos coeficientes de herdabilidade e correlaçÔes genética relativos aos pesos ao nascer, aos 205 aos 12, 18 e 24 meses

    Some non genetic effects on pre and pos-weaning weights of Canchim calves.

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    Some non genetic effects on pre and pos-weaning weights of Canchim calves

    Germinação in vitro de grãos de pólen de Vriesea spp. (Bromeliaceae).

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    Estudos de viabilidade polĂ­nica sĂŁo fundamentais como suporte ao melhoramento genĂ©tico de bromeliĂĄceas e para tal o ajuste de meios de germinação de pĂłlen Ă© determinante. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a germinação de grĂŁos de pĂłlen in vitro e o subsequente crescimento do tubo polĂ­nico em Vriesea carinata, V. friburgensis, V. michaelii, V. paraibica e V. simplex. GrĂŁos de pĂłlen coletados na antese foram inoculados em quatro meios de cultura: BM, BKM, MBKM e SM, solidificados com agar (0,8%); pH ajustado a 6,5 e mantidos a uma temperatura de 27 ± 1 ÂșC. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 5 x 4 (genĂłtipo x meios de cultura), com 12 repetiçÔes, avaliando-se 300 grĂŁos de pĂłlen quanto Ă  viabilidade e o comprimento de 25 tubos polĂ­nicos, aleatoriamente, por tratamento. ApĂłs 8 horas em cultura, verificou-se que os meios BKM e SM resultaram em maior germinação e comprimento do tubo polĂ­nico. Para as espĂ©cies V. carinata (80,33 %), V. paraibica (88,73 %), V. simplex (90,46 %) e V. michaelii (90,03 %) o melhor meio de cultura foi SM e para V. friburgensis, BKM (90,43 %) foi o melhor

    Canalização de efeitos genĂ©ticos e ambientais para pesos do nascimento Ă  maturidade e taxa de concepção em fĂȘmeas de bovinos da raça Canchim.

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    As contribuiçÔes relativas dos componentes genĂ©ticos e ambientais para as correlaçÔes fenotĂ­picas entre pesos do nascimento a maturidade e taxa de concepção, em quatro ciclos reprodutivos, em fĂȘmeas da raca Canchim mantidas em regime de pastagens na Embrapa PecuĂĄria Sudeste, SĂŁo Carlos, SP, foram determinadas com o objetivo de analisar o padrĂŁo de desenvolvimento daquelas caracterĂ­sticas ate a maturidade. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o padrĂŁo de desenvolvimento das caracterĂ­sticas foi influenciado por mecanismos fisiolĂłgicos diferentes e que, a maturidade, houve canalização dos efeitos genĂ©ticos e ambientais, com antagonismos entre as caracterĂ­sticas de crescimento e a taxa de concepção

    Probation, credibility and justice

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    This paper explores the difficulties that arise for probation agencies or those that deliver community sanctions in developing and maintaining their credibility in prevailing ‘late-modern’ social conditions. It begins by questioning the limits of the pursuit and promise of ‘public protection’ as a source of credibility, and then proceeds to examine the emergence of an alternative strategy – based principally on reparation and ‘payback’ – in Scotland, arguing that these Scottish developments have much to say to the emerging debates in England and Wales (and elsewhere) about the ‘rehabilitation revolution’ and the proper use of imprisonment. The paper provides a critical account of the development and meaning of the Scottish version of ‘payback’, linking it to some important philosophical and empirical studies that may help to steer the development of payback away from a ‘merely punitive’ drift. In the conclusion, I argue that probation agencies and services need to engage much more deeply and urgently with their roles as justice services, rather than as ‘mere’ crime reduction agencies

    Evaluating African horse sickness virus in horses and field-caught Culicoides biting midges on the East Rand, Gauteng Province, South Africa

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    A prospective study was undertaken during 2013 and 2014, to determine the prevalence of African horse sickness virus (AHSV) in Culicoides midges and the incidence of infection caused by the virus in 28 vaccinated resident horses on two equine establishments on the East Rand, Gauteng Province, South Africa. Field caught Culicoides midges together with whole blood samples from participating horses were collected every two weeks at each establishment. Culicoides midges and blood samples were tested for the presence of AHSV RNA by real-time quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Nine immunised horses became infected with AHSV during the study period, although infections were subclinical. African horse sickness virus was also identified from a field-collected midge pool. The observations recapitulate previously published data in another setting, where further investigation is warranted to determine what role subclinical infection plays in the diseases epidemiology
