6 research outputs found

    Make it personal: Tips on customizing academic integrity talks for the audience

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    Speaking about academic integrity with students can be challenging. In this session I will demonstrate how I moved beyond the traditional policy overview lecture, to engage audiences in interactive, research-based discussions that were focused on 1) addressing the root causes of academic integrity adherence/violation unique to that group; 2) debunking myths around academic integrity; 3) providing customized explanations of why departing from academic integrity is detrimental; and 4) highlighting resources focused on treating the root causes (e.g. unintentional plagiarism, poor time management, mental health) of many violations. Examples from talks given to first year undergraduate students, students in a professional program in which academic integrity adherence was low, and to MSc/PhD students who had recently received access to similarity detection reports will be shared. Participants who attend this session will leave with 1) examples of how to bring academic research into non-research settings; 2) a set of questions that they can use to help them to customize their own presentations based on the audience to which they are presenting; 3) ideas of how to form a connection with their audience through the use of relevant examples; and 4) tips on how to engage with their audience through polls

    Social Enterprise as a Pathway to Work, Wellness, and Social Inclusion for Canadians with Mental Illnesses and/or Substance Use Disorders Social Enterprise as a Pathway to Work, Wellness and Social Inclusion for Canadians with Mental Illnesses and/or Substance-Use Disorders’

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    People with serious and persistent mental illnesses and/or substance use disorders are among the most economically and socially disenfranchised populations in Canada, and often present with long histories of labour market detachment and underemployment. Work engagement has the potential to improve social determinants of health while also harnessing productive capacity. This article re-ports on a five-year study examining the social, economic, and health impacts of Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) in the mental health sector in Ontario, Canada. The findings shed light on the population that works in WISEs, its levels of social and labour market integration, and or-ganizational features that influence worker outcomes. Results highlight both the importance of WISEs as a means of supporting employment, and challenges to organizational sustainability

    Clues to Fostering a Program Culture of Academic Integrity: Findings from a Multidimensional Model

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    Drawing on the responses from a survey of 852 undergraduates in a business program in Canada we identified situational, personality and contextual variables correlated with business students’ self-reported rates of academic integrity violations. The most influential predictors of increasing rates were: greater estimates of peers’ violations, increasingly negative perceptions of the program’s academic integrity culture, and rating questionable academic behaviours less seriously. Individual priorities, personal characteristics and social support were less influential. We then analyzed our quantitative results in light of our deep understanding of the broader context in which the students were located to derive richer insights from the interplay of our independent variables. Importantly, our results indicated that program-led proactive messaging designed to foster a culture of academic integrity could effectively buffer tendencies towards academic dishonesty. Absent ongoing messaging, however, increasing academic pressures may have eroded those initial benefits. Moreover, we identified how repercussions of major academic integrity breaches could be long lasting suggesting an even greater need for fostering academic integrity culture a priori. Based on our results we recommended a public health practice of identifying positive deviants – individuals who thrive in hostile environments – and then, in an effort to change a peer support system that fostered increasing rates of violations into one that does the opposite, engaging with those individuals to understand why and how they resisted the status quo