4 research outputs found
Analysis of the Cu-Al Milling Stages Through the Microstructure Evolution Studied by TEM and SEM
- Author
- A Evirgen
- C Suryanarayana
- DV Dudina
- E Zelaya
- G Gonzalez
- JS Benjamin
- K Kumar
- K Mukunthan
- L Lu
- M Ahlers
- M Izadinia
- M Slimi
- MA Dvorack
- MF Giordana
- MF Giordana
- MK Nazemi
- MN Ceron Hurtado
- PM Roca La
- PR Swann
- R Amini
- RZ Valiev
- S Pourkhorshidi
- S Samal
- S Westman
- SA Obregón
- SK Pabi
- SK Vajpai
- SK Vajpai
- SM Tang
- T Chen
- V Umapathy
- W Jianxin
- X Mao
- Y Chen
- Z Tan
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Regions of open water and melting sea ice drive new particle formation in North East Greenland
- Author
- A Massling
- A Rosel
- A Wiedensohler
- AC Engvall
- C Strong
- CA Skjøth
- CD O’Dowd
- DC Carslaw
- DCS Beddows
- E Freud
- ED Nilsson
- EL Mungall
- F Fetterer
- GR Wentworth
- HJ Hirche
- J Browse
- J Haywood
- JH Christensen
- KA Hobson
- KR Arrigo
- KS Carslaw
- L Istomina
- L Istomina
- LD Ziemba
- LJ Wilson
- M Dall’Osto
- M Dall’Osto
- M Levasseur
- M Sipila
- M Vana
- MV Orellana
- MV Orellana
- NZ Heidam
- P Paasonen
- P Tunved
- PK Quinn
- QT Nguyen
- QT Nguyen
- R Dingenen Van
- RJ Weber
- S Pabi
- SA Twomey
- SJ Norris
- SN Riddick
- V Ramanathan
- WC Chin
- WR Simpson
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Technology and Engineering of the Water-Energy Nexus
- Author
- Amon R
- Ashok Gadgil
- Averyt K
- Bittner R
- Carter T
- CH2M Hill Engineers Energy Water Initiative.
- Cooley H
- Eastern Research Group Inc. Resource Dynamics Corporation.
- ECONorthwest.
- Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).
- Fujihara T
- Ghaffour N
- Global Clean Water Desalination Alliance.
- Hand MM
- Hibbard K
- Hutton G
- International Energy Agency (IEA).
- Isaka M
- Kennedy/Jenk Consultants Brown &
- Larry Dale
- Malcolm Pirnie Inc.
- Maupin MA
- National Academy of Sciences.
- National Research Council.
- National Research Council.
- National Resources Defense Council Pacific Institute.
- National Science Foundation (NSF) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
- Navigant Consultants.
- Nordhaus W
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
- Pabi SA
- Prakash Rao
- Robert Kostecki
- Saltworks Technol.
- San Diego County Water Authority.
- Sanders KT
- Scanlon BR
- Schroeder E
- Steffen W
- Stratton H
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
- United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) World Health Org. (WHO).
- Veerapaneni S
- Virgil F
- Voutchkov N
- World Economic Forum.
- Young R
- Publication venue
- 'Annual Reviews'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Quantifying climate feedbacks in polar regions
- Author
- A Arneth
- A Barthélemy
- A Bodas-Salcedo
- A Bodas-Salcedo
- A Donohoe
- A Hall
- A Jonko
- A Laîné
- AE Dessler
- AK Jonko
- AL Morrison
- AL Schweiger
- BF Soden
- C Schoof
- CJ Wall
- CM Bitz
- CM Bitz
- CR Terai
- D Docquier
- D Notz
- D Swingedouw
- DG Martinson
- DK Perovich
- E Hawkins
- E Rignot
- EAG Schuur
- F Massonnet
- F Massonnet
- F Pithan
- F Pithan
- G Boer de
- G Svensson
- GA Meehl
- GH Roe
- GH Roe
- H Goosse
- HJ Zwally
- I Tan
- J Marshall
- J Otto
- J Sedlar
- J Vial
- JA Crook
- JC Stroeve
- JE Kay
- JE Kay
- JE Kay
- JE Overland
- JFB Mitchell
- JH Jungclaus
- JL Dufresne
- JM Gregory
- JM Gregory
- JM Gregory
- JM Jones
- K Meraner
- KC Armour
- KC Armour
- KE Taylor
- KM Shell
- KR Ridgway
- LN Boisvert
- M Budyko
- M Cai
- M Cai
- M Lengaigne
- M Wang
- M Winton
- MAA Rugenstein
- MD Zelinka
- MD Zelinka
- MG Wise
- MM Holland
- MM Holland
- N Feldl
- N Feldl
- N Feldl
- NC Swart
- ND Gordon
- O Lecomte
- P Ceppi
- P Sellers
- PC Taylor
- PR Gent
- R Bintanja
- R Döscher
- R Knutti
- RA Colman
- RG Graversen
- RT Wetherald
- S Bony
- S Manabe
- S Pabi
- S Stammerjohn
- SA Sejas
- SC Sherwood
- SI Seneviratne
- T Andrews
- T Andrews
- TL Edwards
- TL Edwards
- V Eyring
- V Ramanathan
- V Zunz
- VA Alexeev
- WR Hobbs
- X Qu
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study