187 research outputs found

    Multiclass Learnability Does Not Imply Sample Compression

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    A hypothesis class admits a sample compression scheme, if for every sample labeled by a hypothesis from the class, it is possible to retain only a small subsample, using which the labels on the entire sample can be inferred. The size of the compression scheme is an upper bound on the size of the subsample produced. Every learnable binary hypothesis class (which must necessarily have finite VC dimension) admits a sample compression scheme of size only a finite function of its VC dimension, independent of the sample size. For multiclass hypothesis classes, the analog of VC dimension is the DS dimension. We show that the analogous statement pertaining to sample compression is not true for multiclass hypothesis classes: every learnable multiclass hypothesis class, which must necessarily have finite DS dimension, does not admit a sample compression scheme of size only a finite function of its DS dimension

    A Characterization of List Learnability

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    A classical result in learning theory shows the equivalence of PAC learnability of binary hypothesis classes and the finiteness of VC dimension. Extending this to the multiclass setting was an open problem, which was settled in a recent breakthrough result characterizing multiclass PAC learnability via the DS dimension introduced earlier by Daniely and Shalev-Shwartz. In this work we consider list PAC learning where the goal is to output a list of kk predictions. List learning algorithms have been developed in several settings before and indeed, list learning played an important role in the recent characterization of multiclass learnability. In this work we ask: when is it possible to kk-list learn a hypothesis class? We completely characterize kk-list learnability in terms of a generalization of DS dimension that we call the kk-DS dimension. Generalizing the recent characterization of multiclass learnability, we show that a hypothesis class is kk-list learnable if and only if the kk-DS dimension is finite

    Testing with Non-identically Distributed Samples

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    We examine the extent to which sublinear-sample property testing and estimation applies to settings where samples are independently but not identically distributed. Specifically, we consider the following distributional property testing framework: Suppose there is a set of distributions over a discrete support of size kk, p1,p2,,pT\textbf{p}_1, \textbf{p}_2,\ldots,\textbf{p}_T, and we obtain cc independent draws from each distribution. Suppose the goal is to learn or test a property of the average distribution, pavg\textbf{p}_{\mathrm{avg}}. This setup models a number of important practical settings where the individual distributions correspond to heterogeneous entities -- either individuals, chronologically distinct time periods, spatially separated data sources, etc. From a learning standpoint, even with c=1c=1 samples from each distribution, Θ(k/ε2)\Theta(k/\varepsilon^2) samples are necessary and sufficient to learn pavg\textbf{p}_{\mathrm{avg}} to within error ε\varepsilon in TV distance. To test uniformity or identity -- distinguishing the case that pavg\textbf{p}_{\mathrm{avg}} is equal to some reference distribution, versus has 1\ell_1 distance at least ε\varepsilon from the reference distribution, we show that a linear number of samples in kk is necessary given c=1c=1 samples from each distribution. In contrast, for c2c \ge 2, we recover the usual sublinear sample testing of the i.i.d. setting: we show that O(k/ε2+1/ε4)O(\sqrt{k}/\varepsilon^2 + 1/\varepsilon^4) samples are sufficient, matching the optimal sample complexity in the i.i.d. case in the regime where εk1/4\varepsilon \ge k^{-1/4}. Additionally, we show that in the c=2c=2 case, there is a constant ρ>0\rho > 0 such that even in the linear regime with ρk\rho k samples, no tester that considers the multiset of samples (ignoring which samples were drawn from the same pi\textbf{p}_i) can perform uniformity testing


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    Objective: Intention of the present study is to investigate the protective role of zinc against ammonium sulfate (AS) toxicity in renal tissue by evaluating certain biochemical activities of albino rats. Methods: Rats were divided into four groups, namely control, ammonia, zinc, and ammonia + zinc. Rats were exposed to AS (18.3 mg/kg body weight) or zinc chloride (4 mg/kg body weight) or both through intraperitoneally for 7-day experimentation with 24-h time interval. Results: AS-administered rats showed significant increased levels of ammonia, urea, glutamine, glutamine synthetase, free amino acids, and lactate dehydrogenase and decreased levels of total proteins, pyruvate, succinate dehydrogenases, malate dehydrogenase, and biochemical activities when compared with control. Supplementation of zinc mitigated AS-induced oxidative stress and restored all the biochemical parameter activities. Zinc administered to normal rats did not exhibit any significant changes in any of the parameters studied. Conclusion: From the study, it concluded that zinc cotreatment with AS has effectively recovered the mitochondrial enzyme activities and ammonia metabolic biochemical parameters in renal tissue of rat treated with AS

    Provable benefits of score matching

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    Score matching is an alternative to maximum likelihood (ML) for estimating a probability distribution parametrized up to a constant of proportionality. By fitting the ''score'' of the distribution, it sidesteps the need to compute this constant of proportionality (which is often intractable). While score matching and variants thereof are popular in practice, precise theoretical understanding of the benefits and tradeoffs with maximum likelihood -- both computational and statistical -- are not well understood. In this work, we give the first example of a natural exponential family of distributions such that the score matching loss is computationally efficient to optimize, and has a comparable statistical efficiency to ML, while the ML loss is intractable to optimize using a gradient-based method. The family consists of exponentials of polynomials of fixed degree, and our result can be viewed as a continuous analogue of recent developments in the discrete setting. Precisely, we show: (1) Designing a zeroth-order or first-order oracle for optimizing the maximum likelihood loss is NP-hard. (2) Maximum likelihood has a statistical efficiency polynomial in the ambient dimension and the radius of the parameters of the family. (3) Minimizing the score matching loss is both computationally and statistically efficient, with complexity polynomial in the ambient dimension.Comment: 25 Page

    Harnessing the Power of Choices in Decision Tree Learning

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    We propose a simple generalization of standard and empirically successful decision tree learning algorithms such as ID3, C4.5, and CART. These algorithms, which have been central to machine learning for decades, are greedy in nature: they grow a decision tree by iteratively splitting on the best attribute. Our algorithm, Top-kk, considers the kk best attributes as possible splits instead of just the single best attribute. We demonstrate, theoretically and empirically, the power of this simple generalization. We first prove a {\sl greediness hierarchy theorem} showing that for every kNk \in \mathbb{N}, Top-(k+1)(k+1) can be dramatically more powerful than Top-kk: there are data distributions for which the former achieves accuracy 1ε1-\varepsilon, whereas the latter only achieves accuracy 12+ε\frac1{2}+\varepsilon. We then show, through extensive experiments, that Top-kk outperforms the two main approaches to decision tree learning: classic greedy algorithms and more recent "optimal decision tree" algorithms. On one hand, Top-kk consistently enjoys significant accuracy gains over greedy algorithms across a wide range of benchmarks. On the other hand, Top-kk is markedly more scalable than optimal decision tree algorithms and is able to handle dataset and feature set sizes that remain far beyond the reach of these algorithms.Comment: NeurIPS 202

    A cost effective real-time PCR for the detection of adenovirus from viral swabs

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    Compared to traditional testing strategies, nucleic acid amplification tests such as real-time PCR offer many advantages for the detection of human adenoviruses. However, commercial assays are expensive and cost prohibitive for many clinical laboratories. To overcome fiscal challenges, a cost effective strategy was developed using a combination of homogenization and heat treatment with an “in-house” real-time PCR. In 196 swabs submitted for adenovirus detection, this crude extraction method showed performance characteristics equivalent to viral DNA obtained from a commercial nucleic acid extraction. In addition, the in-house real-time PCR outperformed traditional testing strategies using virus culture, with sensitivities of 100% and 69.2%, respectively. Overall, the combination of homogenization and heat treatment with a sensitive in-house real-time PCR provides accurate results at a cost comparable to viral culture