228 research outputs found

    Resource Flows Among Three Generations in Guatemala Study (2007–08): Definitions, tracking, data collection, coverage, and attrition

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    The allocation of resources across generations and the consequences of these allocations represent a research agenda with significant policy implications. At the same time, their empirical investigation imposes immense data requirements, and therefore data collection challenges. In this paper, we describe how we met these challenges, in the Resource Flows Among Three Generations in Guatemala Study, or IGT, carried out in 2006–07. In doing so, we provide a guide for using and interpreting the data collected as part of IGT, as well as an example for others interested in implementing research projects on similar themes elsewhere. Complex research topics, across generations and across a range of possible measures of well-being, led to a relatively complicated sample selection process and survey design, with component modules that were applicable to different “types” of sample members, depending on their generational status and age, and who often lived in different locations. It also led to a wide set of survey domains, ranging from economic, educational, and psychological surveys to clinical medical exams for both the young and the elderly. Survey coverage was above 85% of the targeted sample for most categories of respondents and most modules, and a number of safeguards were in place to ensure high quality data. Biases due to attrition, measured against the original 1970s rounds of survey work upon which IGT built, while present, should not reduce substantially the validity of research findings to come from this rich sample. The extent to which this is true, though, may vary depending on the topic under consideration and the controls included in the analyses.

    El uso del ajuste lineal en los espectros de tamaño de biomasa para diseñar indicadores ecosistémicos

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    Biomass size spectra describe the structure of aquatic communities ataxonomically. The slope (b) of the normalized biomass size spectrum (NBSS) is often used as an indicator of the impact of perturbations, such as pollution or overfishing. The NBSS intercept (a), has generally been ignored on the basis of a correlation between the NBSS slope and intercept, although this correlation has not been shown to be universal. We assessed whether the NBSS parameters are correlated using: (i) theoretical analysis, (ii) virtual communities randomly generated based only on statistical considerations, and (iii) virtual food webs changing over time following a dynamic bioenergetic model. We also analyzed whether the parameters of the Pareto distribution are correlated or not, using approaches (i) and (ii). We found that when communities change over time there is no single relationship between the two NBSS parameters, due to a dependence on the variation in total community abundance (N). We conclude that to characterize any aquatic system at least two parameters are necessary from the NBSS triad N, a, b. In the case of the Pareto distribution, both NPareto and bPareto are necessary.Los espectros de tamaño de biomasa son un método ataxonómico para describir la estructura de comunidades acuáticas. La pendiente (b) del espectro de tamaños de biomasa normalizado (ETBN) se usa como un indicador del impacto de perturbaciones tales como polución y sobrepesca. El intercepto del ETBN (a) ha sido normalmente ignorado debido a una correlación observada entre la pendiente y el intercepto del ETBN, aunque no se ha demostrado la recurrencia de esta correlación. Se evaluó esta correlación entre los parámetros usando: (i) análisis teórico, (ii) comunidades virtuales generadas aleatoriamente basado en consideraciones estadísticas, y (iii) redes tróficas virtuales cambiando en el tiempo siguiendo un modelo bioenergético dinámico. Además, se analizó si los parámetros de la distribución de Pareto estaban o no correlacionados usando los enfoques (i) y (ii). Cuando las comunidades cambian en el tiempo no existe una única correlación entre los parámetros del ETBN, debido a una dependencia en la variación de la abundancia comunitaria (N). Para caracterizar cualquier sistema acuático se necesitan al menos dos coeficientes del ETBN de la triada N, a, b. En la distribución de Pareto los dos parámetros, NPareto y bPareto, son necesarios

    Neonatal sepsis – a retrospective analysis 2004 to 2006 of Bissaya Barreto Maternity

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    Introdução: As doenças infecciosas são uma causa frequente de morbi- -mortalidade no período neonatal. O conhecimento da epidemiologia de cada unidade é um factor decisivo para o sucesso da antibioterapia empírica. Objectivos: Caracterizar os episódios de sépsis neonatal (SNN) ocorridos de Janeiro de 2004 a Dezembro de 2006 na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatais (UCIN) da Maternidade Bissaya Barreto. Material e métodos: Estudo descritivo retrospectivo dos processos clínicos dos recém-nascidos com o diagnóstico de SNN. Definiu-se sépsis com confirmação laboratorial se dois ou mais critérios clínicos compatíveis, associados a um dos seguintes critérios laboratoriais: a) identificação de qualquer agente patogénico bacteriano na hemocultura ou no líquor cefalo-raquídeo; b) identificação de Staphylococcus coagulase negativo na presença de proteína C reactiva >2,0 mg/dl ou plaquetas <100.000/μl ou relação neutrófilos imaturos / neutrófilos totais >0,2. Definiu-se sépsis clínica quando se verificou: instituição de terapêutica antibiótica durante 5 dias, hemocultura negativa ou não pedida, ausência de infecção noutro local e dois ou mais critérios clínicos compatíveis. No caso de sépsis clínica deveria haver pelo menos também um dos seguintes: proteína C reactiva >2,0 mg/dl; leucócitos >30.000 ou <5.000/μl; relação neutrófilos imaturos / neutrófilos totais >0,2; plaquetas <100 000/μl. Considerou-se SNN precoce ou tardia, respectivamente se início até ou após as 72 horas de vida. Resultados: Cumpriram critérios de inclusão 61 episódios infecciosos (16 precoces e 45 tardios), correspondendo a 58 recém-nascidos. Destes, 50% apresentavam peso de nascimento inferior a 1500 gramas. A idade gestacional variou entre as 25 e as 41 semanas, com mediana de 30 semanas. Da amostra considerada, 45 (73,8%) foram sépsis com confirmação laboratorial e 16 (26,2%) foram sépsis clínicas. Os gérmens isolados foram 26 (57,8%) Staphylococcus coagulase negativos – 17 (37,8%) Staphylococcus epidermidis, 9 (20,0%) outros Staphylococcus coagulase negativos; 9 (20,0%) Escherichia coli; 6 (13,3%) Staphylococcus aureus; 2 (4,4%) Streptococcus do grupo B; 1 (2,2%) Proteus mirabilis; 1 (2,2%) Cândica albicans.A percentagem de resistências da Escherichia coli à ampicilina foi de 77,8%. Houve dois Staphylococcus aureus meticilino-resistentes, ambos sensíveis à vancomicina. Faleceram 6 recém-nascidos com SNN. Comentários: Os nossos resultados estão de acordo com os estudos nacionais e internacionais sobre SNN, salientando-se contudo o diminuto número de Streptococcus do grupo B isolados e o maior número de Escherichia coli, com uma elevada percentagem de estirpes ampicilino- resistentes. A mortalidade relacionada com a SNN encontra-se dentro dos dados referidos na literatura

    Young's modulus of (Ti,Si)N films by surface acoustic waves and indentation techniques

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    Ti1yxSixNy films with Si contents up to 17.5 at.% and N contents close to 50 at.% were prepared by r.f. reactive magnetron sputtering. Film densities are within the range 3.4–5.1 gycm3.X-Ray diffraction patterns indicated the formation of two crystalline phases.In the case of low surface mobility, a metastable (Ti, Si)N phase was formed, where Si atoms occupied Ti positions. With increasing surface mobility, a crystalline TiN phase was observed.This behaviour may be explained by the occurrence of Si3N4 segregation, leading to the formation of a nanocomposite film of the type nc-TiNync-(Ti,Si)Nya-Si3N4, although the presence of Si3N4 phase is difficult to prove.In some of the films, a mixture of the (Ti,Si)N metastable phase with the TiN phase was observed, which indicates that the segregation of both TiN and Si3N4 phases is not complete.The Young’s modulus, Ef, of each coating was evaluated using both indentation tests and the surface acoustic waves (SAW) method.For most samples, the results obtained by these two methods are in good agreement.Some differences were observed in films prepared with a bias voltage of y50 V and Si contents higher than 5.9 at.%. For these samples, indentation values of approximately 10–20% higher than those obtained from SAW were found.This discrepancy is related to the nanostructure of these coatings, and it should be pointed out that the SAW results are strongly correlated with the density of the material.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)European Community Fund (FEDER)German/Portuguese DAAD/ICCTI Institution

    Screening of Dementia in Portuguese Primary Care: Methodology, Assessment Tools, and Main Results

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    The objectives of this article are as follows: (1) to describe the assessment protocol used to outline people with probable dementia in Primary Health Care; (2) to show the methodological design and procedure to obtain a representative sample of patients with probable dementia; and (3) to report the main characteristics of the sample collected in the context of the study “Characteristics and needs of people with probable dementia.” The study protocol was based on the “Community Assessment of Risk and Treatment Strategies (CARTS) Program” and is composed by a set of instruments that allow the assessment of older adults with probable dementia in several areas (health, psychological, functionality, and other). Descriptive analysis was used to characterize the final sample (n = 436). The study protocol as well as the methodological procedure to obtain the referral of research participants and data collection on the condition of people with probable dementia in Primary Health Care proved to be a valuable tool to obtain a sample of patients distributed by the full range of probable dementia in a large geographical area. Results may allocate the design of care pathways for old people with cognitive disorders to prevent, delay impairment, and/or optimize quality of life of patients


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    10 (3) Jul.-Set. 1893, p. 195-203


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    7 (2) Abr.-Jun. 1890, p. 85-9


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    9 (3) Jul.-Set. 1892, p. 174-185