14 research outputs found

    Review: The distribution, flow, and quality of Grand Canyon Springs, Arizona (USA)

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    An understanding of the hydrogeology of Grand Canyon National Park (GRCA) in northern Arizona, USA, is critical for future resource protection. The ~750 springs in GRCA provide both perennial and seasonal flow to numerous desert streams, drinking water to wildlife and visitors in an otherwise arid environment, and habitat for rare, endemic and threatened species. Spring behavior and flow patterns represent local and regional patterns in aquifer recharge, reflect the geologic structure and stratigraphy, and are indicators of the overall biotic health of the canyon. These springs, however, are subject to pressures from water supply development, changes in recharge from forest fires and other land management activities, and potential contamination. Roaring Springs is the sole water supply for residents and visitors (\u3e6 million/year), and all springs support valuable riparian habitats with very high species diversity. Most springs flow from the karstic Redwall-Muav aquifer and show seasonal patterns in flow and water chemistry indicative of variable aquifer porosities, including conduit flow. They have Ca/Mg-HCO3 dominated chemistry and trace elements consistent with nearby deep wells drilled into the Redwall-Muav aquifer. Tracer techniques and water-age dating indicate a wide range of residence times for many springs, supporting the concept of multiple porosities. A perched aquifer produces small springs which issue from the contacts between sandstone and shale units, with variable groundwater residence times. Stable isotope data suggest both an elevational and seasonal difference in recharge between North and South Rim springs. This review highlights the complex nature of the groundwater system

    Modeling intrinsic vulnerability of complex karst aquifers: modifying the COP method to account for sinkhole density and fault location

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    This study investigates a method of karst-aquifer vulnerability modeling that modifies the concentration-overburden-precipitation (COP) method to better account for structural recharge pathways through noncarbonate rocks, and applies advancements in remote-sensing sinkhole identification. Karst aquifers are important resources for human and agricultural needs worldwide, yet they are often highly complex and have high vulnerability to contamination. While many methods of estimating intrinsic vulnerability of karst aquifers have been developed, few methods acknowledge the complication of layered karst aquifer systems, which may include interactions between carbonate and noncarbonate rocks. This paper describes a modified version of the COP method applied to the Kaibab Plateau, Arizona, USA, the primary catchment area supplying springs along the north side of the Grand Canyon. The method involves two models that, together, produce higher resolution and greater differentiation of vulnerability for both the deep and perched aquifers beneath the Kaibab Plateau by replacing the original sinkhole distance parameter with sinkhole density. Analyses indicate that many karst regions would benefit from the methodology developed for this study. Regions with high-resolution elevation data would benefit from the incorporation of sinkhole density data in aquifer vulnerability assessments, and deeper semi-confined karst aquifers would benefit greatly from the consideration of fault location

    A new view on karst genesis

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    Karst terrains and their specific landforms, such as sinkholes and caves, have been thoroughly studied from the second half of the nineteenth century. However, karst genesis remains a puzzling issue to this day. The results of the recent studies of ocean floor and the results obtained by drilling deep oil boreholes have raised doubts about the existing explanations of the karst landforms development and encouraged the emergence of new views on this subject matter. According to the new hypothesis, the majority of karst landforms were formed at great depths beneath sea level where dissolution of carbonates increases dramatically. Underwater dissolution first caused the formation of karst depressions and the primary network of karst conduits elongated along the existing fractures. This process was followed by further expansion of the conduits and the formation of spacious caves due to the water regression and the action of turbulent flows. It is considered that the introduction of the new concept would accelerate the development of karstology and improve the principles and methods for solving numerous practical problems such as the abstraction of quality drinking water and the research of oil, gas and bauxite deposits