19 research outputs found

    Tackling health literacy: adaptation of public hypertension educational materials for an Indo-Asian population in Canada

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Indo-Asians in Canada are at increased risk for cardiovascular diseases. There is a need for cultural and language specific educational materials relating to this risk. During this project we developed and field tested the acceptability of a hypertension public education pamphlet tailored to fit the needs of an at risk local Indo-Asian population, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A community health board representing Calgary's Indo-Asian communities identified the culturally specific educational needs and language preferences of the local population. An adaptation of an existing English language Canadian Public Hypertension Recommendations pamphlet was created considering the literacy and translation challenges. The adapted pamphlet was translated into four Indo-Asian languages. The adapted pamphlets were disseminated as part of the initial educational component of a community-based culturally and language-sensitive cardiovascular risk factor screening and management program. Field testing of the materials was undertaken when participants returned for program follow-up seven to 12 months later.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fifty-nine English-speaking participants evaluated and confirmed the concept validity of the English adapted version. 28 non-English speaking participants evaluated the Gujarati (N = 13) and Punjabi (N = 15) translated versions of the adapted pamphlets. All participants found the pamphlets acceptable and felt they had improved their understanding of hypertension.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Involving the target community to identify health issues as well as help to create culturally, language and literacy sensitive health education materials ensures resources are highly acceptable to that community. Minor changes to the materials will be needed prior to formal testing of hypertension knowledge and health decision-making on a larger scale within this at risk community.</p

    Comparative mRNA and microRNA Expression Profiling of Three Genitourinary Cancers Reveals Common Hallmarks and Cancer-Specific Molecular Events

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    Genome-wide gene expression profile using deep sequencing technologies can drive the discovery of cancer biomarkers and therapeutic targets. Such efforts are often limited to profiling the expression signature of either mRNA or microRNA (miRNA) in a single type of cancer.Here we provided an integrated analysis of the genome-wide mRNA and miRNA expression profiles of three different genitourinary cancers: carcinomas of the bladder, kidney and testis.Our results highlight the general or cancer-specific roles of several genes and miRNAs that may serve as candidate oncogenes or suppressors of tumor development. Further comparative analyses at the systems level revealed that significant aberrations of the cell adhesion process, p53 signaling, calcium signaling, the ECM-receptor and cell cycle pathways, the DNA repair and replication processes and the immune and inflammatory response processes were the common hallmarks of human cancers. Gene sets showing testicular cancer-specific deregulation patterns were mainly implicated in processes related to male reproductive function, and general disruptions of multiple metabolic pathways and processes related to cell migration were the characteristic molecular events for renal and bladder cancer, respectively. Furthermore, we also demonstrated that tumors with the same histological origins and genes with similar functions tended to group together in a clustering analysis. By assessing the correlation between the expression of each miRNA and its targets, we determined that deregulation of 'key' miRNAs may result in the global aberration of one or more pathways or processes as a whole.This systematic analysis deciphered the molecular phenotypes of three genitourinary cancers and investigated their variations at the miRNA level simultaneously. Our results provided a valuable source for future studies and highlighted some promising genes, miRNAs, pathways and processes that may be useful for diagnostic or therapeutic applications

    Change in albuminuria as a surrogate endpoint for progression of kidney disease: a meta-analysis of treatment effects in randomised clinical trials

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    Background Change in albuminuria has strong biological plausibility as a surrogate endpoint for progression of chronic kidney disease, but empirical evidence to support its validity is lacking. We aimed to determine the association between treatment effects on early changes in albuminuria and treatment effects on clinical endpoints and surrograte endpoints, to inform the use of albuminuria as a surrogate endpoint in future randomised controlled trials. Methods In this meta-analysis, we searched PubMed for publications in English from Jan 1, 1946, to Dec 15, 2016, using search terms including “chronic kidney disease”, “chronic renal insufficiency”, “albuminuria”, “proteinuria”, and “randomized controlled trial”; key inclusion criteria were quantifiable measurements of albuminuria or proteinuria at baseline and within 12 months of follow-up and information on the incidence of end-stage kidney disease. We requested use of individual patient data from the authors of eligible studies. For all studies that the authors agreed to participate and that had sufficient data, we estimated treatment effects on 6-month change in albuminuria and the composite clinical endpoint of treated end-stage kidney disease, estimated glomerular filtration rate of less than 15 mL/min per 1·73 m2, or doubling of serum creatinine. We used a Bayesian mixed-effects meta-regression analysis to relate the treatment effects on albuminuria to those on the clinical endpoint across studies and developed a prediction model for the treatment effect on the clinical endpoint on the basis of the treatment effect on albuminuria. Findings We identified 41 eligible treatment comparisons from randomised trials (referred to as studies) that provided sufficient patient-level data on 29 979 participants (21 206 [71%] with diabetes). Over a median follow-up of 3·4 years (IQR 2·3–4·2), 3935 (13%) participants reached the composite clinical endpoint. Across all studies, with a meta-regression slope of 0·89 (95% Bayesian credible interval [BCI] 0·13–1·70), each 30% decrease in geometric mean albuminuria by the treatment relative to the control was associated with an average 27% lower hazard for the clinical endpoint (95% BCI 5–45%; median R2 0·47, 95% BCI 0·02–0·96). The association strengthened after restricting analyses to patients with baseline albuminuria of more than 30 mg/g (ie, 3·4 mg/mmol; R2 0·72, 0·05–0·99]). For future trials, the model predicts that treatments that decrease the geometric mean albuminuria to 0·7 (ie, 30% decrease in albuminuria) relative to the control will provide an average hazard ratio (HR) for the clinical endpoint of 0·68, and 95% of sufficiently large studies would have HRs between 0·47 and 0·95. Interpretation Our results support a role for change in albuminuria as a surrogate endpoint for the progression of chronic kidney disease, particularly in patients with high baseline albuminuria; for patients with low baseline levels of albuminuria this association is less certain