2 research outputs found
A competitive and reversible deactivation approach to catalysis-based quantitative assays
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Production of Dioxygen in the Dark: Dismutases of Oxyanions
- Author
- A Ebihara
- A Ebihara
- A Farhana
- A Gumiero
- A Gumiero
- A McEwan
- A Wolterink
- A Wolterink
- A Wolterink
- AB Kirk
- AN Hiner
- ANP Hiner
- AQ Lee
- AS Backlund
- B Blanc
- B Blanc
- B Goblirsch
- B Rao
- B Rao
- BA Rao
- BC Finzel
- BC Okeke
- BE Logan
- BE Logan
- BR Goblirsch
- BR Scanlon
- BR Streit
- BR Streit
- C Jakopitsch
- CI Carlstrom
- CP Shelor
- CS Mullins
- DC Geus de
- DK Tipton
- DM Davies
- EP Skaar
- ET Urbansky
- ET Urbansky
- ET Urbansky
- ET Urbansky
- ET Urbansky
- ET Urbansky
- F Maixner
- F Mehboob
- G Bordeleau
- G Mlynek
- G Rikken
- GE Ericksen
- GS Lukat-Rodgers
- H Danielsson Thorell
- HB Dunford
- HD Thorell
- HD Thorell
- HM Bao
- HS Zhang
- I Fabian
- I Rivalta
- IR Epstein
- J Groves
- J Hernandez-Ruiz
- J Kostan
- J Su
- J Su
- JA Gustafsson
- JA Mayfield
- JA Mayfield
- JB Lee
- JC Thrash
- JC Thrash
- JD Coates
- JD Coates
- JD Coates
- JD Schuttlefield
- JE Erman
- JE Erman
- JM Pratt
- JN Rodriguez-Lopez
- JP Collman
- JP McEvoy
- JV Dyke
- K Choudhury
- K Kim
- K Stenklo
- K Yoshimatsu
- KA Weber
- KG Byrne-Bailey
- KN Ferreira
- KS Bender
- KS Bender
- KS Bender
- L Jaegle
- LM Slaughter
- LM Steinberg
- LMK Dassama
- LN Plummer
- M Ahmad
- M Balk
- M Balk
- M Oosterkamp
- MA Ator
- MA Ator
- MG Liebensteiner
- MH Hecht
- MJ Zdilla
- MJ Zdilla
- ML Magnuson
- MM Abu-Omar
- NC Sturchio
- P Jones
- PK DasGupta
- PK Dasgupta
- PK Dasgupta
- PN Smith
- PRO Demontellano
- R Renner
- R Simonaitis
- RA Bruce
- RA Melnyk
- RA Miller
- RM Martinez-Espinosa
- RY Wu
- S Adachi
- S Aono
- S Hofbauer
- S Hofbauer
- S Rajagopalan
- S Shahangian
- S Weelink
- SD Hicks
- SL Edwards
- SL Edwards
- SP Kounaves
- SWM Kengen
- T Nilsson
- TA Betley
- TL Poulos
- TP Umile
- UK Klaning
- VI Furdui
- W Gong
- W Wallace
- WC Lee
- WD Hewson
- Y Sugano
- Ã… Malmqvist
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study