51 research outputs found

    The suggested structure of final demand shock for sectoral labour digital skills

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    International data seem to confirm that countries with a relative abundancy of highly-skilled labour with digital competences grow faster than others. For this reason, digital competences and skills in general are progressively assuming a central role in labour market policies. In this article, we show the potential of the disaggregated multisectoral analysis with the macro multipliers approach as a tool of economic policy. Such analyses allow identifying a set of endogenous policies in which specific objectives do not clash with growth objectives. The identification and the quantification of the macro multipliers is based on an extended multi-industry, multi-factor and multi-sector model, which accounts for the representation of the income circular flow as in the social accounting matrix (SAM). The SAM constructed for this exercise allows for a proper disaggregation of the labour factor by formal educational attainment, digital competences and gender for the case of Italy

    Politiche per l'industria: ridurre o abolire l'Irap?

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    L’imposta regionale sulle attività produttive (Irap) è oggetto di un ampio dibattito incentrato su alcune ipotesi di riforma relative alla riduzione o alla abolizione di questo strumento di prelievo, percepito dagli operatori come iniquo. L’argomentazione a sostegno di queste tesi si basa sul fatto che una diminuzione del prelievo potrebbe supportare ovvero stimolare il sistema produttivo, soprattutto in termini di competitività. L’analisi delle possibili riforme dell’Irap non dovrebbe trascurare gli effetti indotti dalla distribuzione del reddito, evidenziando quali potrebbero essere i percettori di reddito avvantaggiati e svantaggiati. In questo lavoro si utilizzerà un modello computazionale (CGE), implementato su una SAM (Social Accounting Matrix) che descrive il flusso circolare del reddito, per valutare l’impatto dei possibili scenari di riforma dell’Irap sulla produzione industriale, sul reddito reale, sul livello dei prezzi dei beni e dei fattori primari, sull’occupazione e sul bilancio dello Stato. Infine, in alternativa alla riforma Irap, si prenderà in considerazione l’ipotesi di destinare l’ammontare delle risorse disponibili alla riduzione delle aliquote Ire.Irap,Social Accounting Matrix,CGE,Ire

    The economic impact of the Green Certificate market through the Macro Multiplier approach

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    In the last decade, as many other European countries, the Italian Government adopted several reforms in order to increase the use of Renewable Energy Sources (RES). The liberalization of the electricity market that represent one of these reforms aims to reach environmental benefits from the substitution of fossil fuel with renewable sources.The Italian Green Certificate market was introduced in 2002 in order to accomplish this objective and represents a mechanism where a quota of renewable electricity is imposed to suppliers in proportion to their sales. The electricity industries are obliged to meet this condition by producing the quantity of renewable electricity by means of a change in their production process, otherwise they must buy a number of certificates corresponding to the quota. This mechanism changes the importance of the electricity industry first in promoting climate protection, than in terms of the impact in the economy as a whole. A policy aimed to develop the market of green certificates may lead to environmental improvement by switching the energy production process to renewable resources. But above all an increase in demand for green certificates, resultant from a reform on the quota of renewable electricity, can generate positive change in all components of the industrial production. For this purpose, the paper aims to quantify the economic impact of a reform on Green Certificate market for the Italian system by means of the Macro Multiplier (MM) approach. The analysis is performed through the Hybrid Input-Output (I-O) model that allows expressing the energy flows in physical terms (GWh) while all other flows are expressed in monetary terms (e). Moreover, through the singular value decomposition of the inverse matrix of the model, which reveals the set of key structures of the exogenous change of final demand, we identify the appropriate key structure able to obtain both the expected positive total output change and the increase of electricity production from RES

    Dalla SAM al Modello Computazionale CGE.

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    2noneR. Pretaroli; F. SeveriniPretaroli, Rosita; F., Severin

    La produzione di servizi sanitari e la variazione dell\u2019output nei principali paesi UE

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    The economic analysis concerning the European Health care systems provides relevant comparative information about socio economic variables improving public and private shares of health care expenditure. This paper proposes a different approach to learn about relation between the Health care services and the economic systems which is based on the quantification of the impact of the health care services production on total output and income change. Using a multisectoral model and the Macro Multiplier approach, we compare the economic impact of the production of health care services of different types of Health care systems observed in the European countries for year 2005. This type of analysis has the potential to reveal the strength of Health care services to determine the GDP change in several economic systems. In this respect, the paper aims to determine for di?erent socio economic contexts the economic impact of the Health care services in terms of value added and employment changes which occur through the interrelations between the Health care production, the other industrial process and the final demand