76 research outputs found

    The role of the internet in the process of Muslims radicalization in the Western Balkans

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    The research subject of this paper is the video material posted on YouTube in Bosnian and Serbian with the intention to radicalize the Muslim population from the Western Balkans. The analyzed video materials with radical messages were classified into two groups. Ones that aim at changing attitudes (cognitive radicalization) and the ones that propagate change in behaviour (engaging in violence, murder, terrorist acts, etc.). Narratives from those two basic groups were divided into subgroups within which their content was analyzed. The research in this paper showed that extreme Muslim radical messages that lead to terrorism expressed in the languages of small nations (in this case in Serbian or Bosnian) could have not only local, but a global, destructive aims, considering the global danger of Muslim radicalism

    Phylogeographic study of brown trout from Serbia, based on mitochondrial DNA control region analysis

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    In order to illuminate the phylogeography of brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations in the Balkan state of Serbia, the 561 bp 5'-end of mtDNA control region of 101 individuals originating from upland tributaries of the Danubian, Aegean and Adriatic drainages were sequenced and compared to corresponding brown trout sequences obtained in previous studies. Among 15 haplotypes found, 14 were considered native, representing the Danubian and Adriatic lineages of the brown trout, while one haplotype (ATcs1), found only in two individuals originating from two stocked rivers, corresponded to the Atlantic lineage and was considered introduced. Native haplotypes exhibited a strong geographic pattern of distribution: the Danubian haplotypes were strictly confined to the Danubian drainage, while the Adriatic haplotypes dominated in the Aegean and Adriatic drainages; most of the total molecular variance (69%) was attributed to differences among the drainages. Phylogenetic reconstruction, supplemented with seven haplotypes newly described in this study, suggested a sister position of the Atlantic-Danubian and Adriatic-Mediterranean-marmoratus ("southern") phylogenetic group, and pointed to the existence of a distinct clade, detected within the "southern" group. The data obtained confirmed our expectation of the existence of high genetic diversity in Balkan trout populations, and we recommend more widespread surveys covering trout stocks from the region

    Parasitofauna of allochthonous fish species in the open waters of the danube river basin (Serbian part) ā€“ impact on the native fish fauna

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    In this review data on parasitofauna of allochthonous fish species in the Danube River Basin in Serbia is presented. Up to now, 33 ecto-and endoparasites of seven examined allochthonous invasive fish species have been reported. Some of the identified parasitic species are new for fish parasitofauna in the Serbian waters (Trichodina nobilis, Balantidium sp., Philometroides cyprini, Philometroides parasiluri, Eustrongylides sp., Ergasilus sieboldi, Lernaea cyprinacea, Sinergasilus polycolpus). In the open waters of Serbia (the Danube River Basin) a total of 26 non-indigenous fish species were recorded, of which 16 were the allochthonous invasive fishes. The major means of introductions and translocations were found to be the aquaculture, fish stocking and transportation. Habitat modification was found to be the factor that largely contributes to the capability of the water bodies to become a suitable recipient area. The large presence of alien fish species (27.66%) and its parasites creates a serious threat to the stability of freshwater ecosystems and the survival of the native ichthyofauna. The main environmental consequences of alien fish spreading are related to the alteration in fish community structure and function, as well as the introduction of the alien parasite species

    Genetic characterization of broodstock brown trout from Bled fish-farm, Slovenia

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    Background and Purpose: Due to environmental and economic concerns, Bled fish-farm is interested in establishing broodstocks of native brown trout (Salmo trutta L.). Progeny would be reared and released into rivers managed by the Fishing Club Bled. In this study was performed genetic characterization of broodstock from Bled fish-farm in order to assess hybridization of native brown trout of Danubian phylogeographic lineage with trout of the allochtonous Atlantic lineage. Material and Methods: DNA was isolated from fin clips of 20 males and 20 females from broodstock. PCR-RFLP technique was used for distinguishing between Atlantic and Danubian lineages on the basis of control region of the mitochondrialDNA(CRmtDNA) and lactate dehydrogenase gene (LDH). Results: Results show a high percentage of allochthonous genetic markers especially among females and confirm hybridization between native and introduced brown trout. Conclusions: Because of low percentage of native trout markers, Bled fish-farm decided to continue with collecting and genotyping fish to establish a broodstock with higher percentage of genetic markers characteristic for native trout of Danubian lineage

    Reproduktivne značajke srdele, Sardina pilchardus (Walb, 1792), u Boki Kotorskoj (Crna Gora, južni Jadran)

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    The annual alteration of gonad morphology in sardine (Sardina pilchardus, Walbaum 1792) caught in the period from November 2006 to October 2007 using beach seines in the region of Boka Kotorska Bay (Montenegro, southern Adriatic) was studied. Samples were taken in the middle of each month. Total length of individuals ranged from 8.7 to 14.7 cm and weight ranged from 4.67 to 22.61 g. Their gonads were extracted and weighed, and a piece of gonad tissue was sampled for histological analysis. The lengthā€“weight relationship of all sardine specimens was described by the equation: W=0.0059 LT3.0891; (r2 = 0.963). The lowest gonadosomatic index (GSI) values, below 1, were found in June, July and August, corresponding to the state of gonad rest. The GSI increased gradually from September and October and reached its highest value in February, at 5.22 for females and 6.58 for males. After February the GSI started to decrease throughout March (4.5), April (2.4) and May (2.4). In June all gonads had a GSI bellow 1. Although primary oocytes (stage I) were present during all months, their percentage increased from May and was the highest during the summer months (June-September 100%). Mature stage IV oocytes were recorded from November to April, with the highest percentage recorded during January (26.7%). An increase in the percentage of oocytes in the yolk vesicle (II) and yolk (III) stages occurred in October, remaining almost unchanged until May. During the summer months (May ā€“ September), only stage I spermatogonia were present in the testicles. In October, spermatocytes (stage II) started to appear, while from November the spermatids (stage III) appeared as well. Spermatozoa (stage IV) appeared in December and reached their maximum level in January and February.Istraživana je godiÅ”nja promjena morfologije gonada kod srdele (Sardina pilchardus Walbaum 1792) ulovljene obalnom mrežom potegačom u razdoblju od studenog 2006. do listopada 2007. na području Bokokotorskog zaljeva (Crna Gora, južni Jadran). Ukupna dužina primjeraka kretala se od 8.7 do 14.7 cm, a težina od 4.67 do 22.61 g. Obavljena je histoloÅ”ka analiza gonada. Dužinskoā€“ težinski odnos za sve jedinke može se opisati jednadžbom: W=0.0059 LT 3.0891 (r2 = 0.963). Najniže vrijednosti gonadosomatskog indeksa (GSI) utvrđene su u lipnju, srpnju i kolovozu, Å”to odgovara stadiju mirovanja gonada. GSI vrijednosti su se postupno ovećavale u rujnu i listopadu te dosegle najviÅ”e vrijednosti u veljači 5.22 za ženke, odnosno 6.58 za mužjake. Nakon veljače, GSI vrijednosti su opadale, kroz ožujak (4.5), travanj (2.4) i svibanj (2.4). U lipnju su GSI vrijednosti bile manje od 1. Iako su primarne oocite bile prisutne u svim mjesecima, njihova zastupljenost je počela rasti u svibnju i dosegla najviÅ”u vrijednost u ljetnim mjesecima (100% u razdoblju od srpnja do rujna). Zrele oocite u stadiju IV zabilježene su od studenog do travnja, sa najviÅ”om zastupljenoŔću u siječnju (26.7%). Povećanje postotka oocita u stadijima II i III uočeno je u listopadu i ostaje gotovo nepromijenjeno do svibnja. Za ljetnjih mjeseci (svibanjā€“rujan), u testisima su bili prisutni samo spermatogoniji stadija I. U listopadu se započinju pojavljivati spermatociti (stadij II), a od studenog i spermatidi (stadij III). Spermatozoi (stadij IV) se javljaju u prosincu, a najviÅ”u razinu dostižu u tijekom siječnja i veljače

    Nove vrste riba i rakova u Crnogorskim vodama (južni Jadran)

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    The structure and composition of Mediterranean biodiversity has changed significantly. So far, in Montenegrin coastal waters, nine new non-native species have been recorded: Tylosurus acus imperialis, Caranx crysos, Siganus luridus, Fistularia commersonii, Stephanolepis diaspros, Sphoeroides pachygaster, Lagocephalus sceleratus, Callinectes sapidus and Farfantepanaeus aztecus. Allochthonous species are starting to compete for food and space and leading to habitat degradation, socio-economic impacts and can hybridise with the native species. Natural factors and human activities have enabled the arrival of non-native species into the Adriatic Sea. Four of the species are Lessepsian immigrants, which arrived via the Suez Canal, but five others were introduced from the Atlantic Ocean, through the Strait of Gibraltar. Analysis using the Marine Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit (MFISK), Aquatic Invasiveness Screening Kit (AS-ISK) and Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) showed a calibration threshold of 22.5 for MFISK, a BRA (Basic Risk Assessment) score of 34 and a CCA (Climate Change Assessment) score of 46. A measure of the accuracy of the calibration analysis is the area under the ROC curve (AUC). Two species were characterised as non-invasive: Tylosurus acus imperialis and Caranx crysos, but five others were characterised as invasive and covered by the categories from moderate to high-risk.Struktura i sastav bioraznolikosti Sredozemlja značajno su se promijenili. Do sada je u crnogor- skom primorju zabilježeno devet novih ne-nativnih vrsta: Tylosurus acus imperialis, Caranx crysos, Siganus luridus, Fistularia commersonii, Stephanolepis diaspros, Sphoeroides pachygaster, Lagocephalus sceleratus, Callinectes sapidus i Farfantepanaeus aztecus. Alohtone vrste počinju se natjecati za hranu i prostor i dovode do degradacije staniÅ”ta, socio-ekonomskih učinaka i mogu hibridizirati s autohtonim vrstama. Prirodni čimbenici i ljudske aktivnosti omogućili su dolazak ne- nativnih vrsta u Jadransko more. Četiri vrste su lesepsijski imigranti, koji su stigli preko Sueskog kanala, ali pet drugih uneseno je iz Atlantskog oceana, kroz Gibraltarski tjesnac. Analiza koriÅ”tenjem programa MFISK (Marine Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit), AS-ISK (Aquatic Invasiveness Screen- ing Kit) i ROC (Receiver operating characteristic) pokazala je prag kalibracije od 22,5 za MFISK, BRA (Basic Risk Assessment)) rezultat od 34 i CCA (Climate Change Assessment) ocjenu od 46. Mjera točnosti kalibracijske analize je povrÅ”ina ispod ROC krivulje (AUC). Dvije vrste okarakter- izirane su kao neinvazivne: Tylosurus acus imperialis i Caranx crysos, no pet drugih okarakter- izirano je kao invazivno i obuhvaćeno kategorijama od umjerenog do visokog rizika

    Analiza genetičke strukture mladice (Hucho hucho) u srbiji na osnovu mitohondrijske i jedarne DNK

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the genetic diversity of Serbian huchen and provide guidelines for conservation and management. Fourteen huchen individuals were collected from six localities. For all individuals the mitochondrial DNA control region and the NADH1 gene were sequenced, and two microsatellite loci were genotyped. Sequencing of two mtDNA loci showed the presence of the same haplotypes (Hh_CR_1 and Hh_ND1_1) in all investigated specimens and the complete absence of genetic variability at inter- and intra-populational level. However, analyzed individuals from Serbia have the largest number of control region repeats (average 8.7) compared to all other huchen populations from the Danube basin. Microsatellite data show that the most of Serbian huchens were placed in the ā€œeasternā€ cluster except one individual from the Drina River which clustered with ā€œwesternā€ samples, most likely a consequence of stocking. In spite of only two loci used, four unique alleles found in the studied Serbian and Drina basin population indicate that the Danube basin may possess more region specific alleles than previously thought, which could be of great importance for efficient species management in the future.Cilj ovoga rada je bio da se izvrÅ”i procena genetičkog diverziteta mladice u Srbiji, i da se na osnovu dobijenih rezultata daju preporuke za buduće očuvanje i upravljanje fondom mladice. Za ovu svrhu sakupljeno je 14 jedinki sa Å”est lokaliteta. Za sve sakupljene jedinke sekvencirana je kontrolna regija, NADH1 gen mitohondijske DNK i genotipizirana su dva mikrosatelitska lokusa. Sekvenciranjem dva mtDNK lokusa utvrđeno je prisustvo istih haplotipova (Hh_CR_1 i Hh_ND1_1) kod svih ispitanih jedinki, odnosno, potpuno odsustvo genetičke varijabilnosti na inter- i intra-populacionom nivou. Međutim, analizirane jedinke iz Srbije karakteriÅ”u se najvećim brojem ponovaka kontrolne regije (prosečno 8,7), u poređenju sa svim ostalim populacijama mladice iz dunavskog sliva. Analizom mikrosatelitskih podataka, utvrđeno je da se gotovo sve jedinke iz Srbije svrstavaju u ā€œistočnuā€ grupu, izuzev jedne jedinke iz Drine, koja je svrstana sa ā€œzapadnimā€ uzorcima, Å”to je najverovatnije posledica poribljavanja. Kod analiziranih jedinki sa teritorije Srbije i iz celokupnog sliva Drine pronađena su četiri jedinstvena alela, uprkos analizi samo dva mikrosatelitska lokusa. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da dunavski sliv može posedovati viÅ”e regionalno specifičnih alela nego Å”to se ranije smatralo, Å”to bi moglo biti od velikog značaja za uspeÅ”no upravljanje fondom mladice u budućnosti

    First record of Azygia robusta (Odhner, 1911) (Trematoda: Digenea: Azygiidae) in brown trout (Salmo trutta) in the VRBAS River

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    The investigation of fish parasites in Bosnia and Herzegovina in recent years became significant, and therefore new records of parasitic trematodes and their hosts are important for better understanding of fish parasitology and pathology. In this study 41 parasitic specimens were collected and the basic taxonomical characters were measured (body length and width, diameter of oral and ventral sucker, length and width of pharynx, ovary length and width, testes length and width and eggs length and width). After the sampling of the parasites, they were collected and conserved in 70% ethanol. After that procedure the aforementioned characters were measured using Digimizer Image Analyzer Version 4.1. After all measurements, the trematode parasite Azygia robusta was confirmed for the first time on brown trout Salmo trutta . This first record was found in the Vrbas River near Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sava River Basin). Former records of this parasite in Europe were observed on other salmonid fish species, as huchen Hucho hucho . This new record should be very important part of data of fish parasitology in Bosnia and Herzegovina


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    Modern fly fishing, mainly for brown trout and grayling, has been done on a local scale and in low extensity in Serbia for over 50 years. Data obtained from 117 fly fishermen filling out an online questionnaire, with 30 questions processed using multivariate analysis, revealed that most fishermen who had started fly fishing since 2000 were under 40. Only few who were under 20 started to fish initially with the fly fishing equipment. They turned up committed to and skilled in fly fishing. Most of them live in large municipalities with much better economic opportunities. Their level of education is above average in Serbia. Economic power, place of residence and level of education outline their fishing capabilities, frequency of fishing outings, distance they travel to fly fish, as well as their attitudes towards fishery policy, conservation of native brown trout and grayling stocks, management of streams and communication with other fly fishermen.Suvremeno muÅ”ičarenje, prije svega potočne pastrve i lipljena, postoji viÅ”e od 50 godina u Srbiji na lokalnom nivou i slabog je intenziteta. Podaci od 117 muÅ”ičara dobiveni anketiranjem upitnikom sastavljenim od 30 pitanja putem Interneta, analizirani multivarijatno, pokazali su da je većina onih koji su počeli muÅ”ičariti od 2000. godine starosti ispod 40 godina. Samo mali broj onih mlađih od 20 godina muÅ”ičari su od početka bavljenja ribolovom. Svi anketirani pojedinci vrlo su posvećeni muÅ”ičarenju i posjeduju potrebne muÅ”ičarske vjeÅ”tine. Veliki dio njih živi u velikim gradovima gdje postoje bolje ekonomske mogućnosti. Njihov obrazovni nivo je iznad prosječnog u Srbiji. Ekonomska moć, mjesto stanovanja i obrazovni nivo određuju njihove mogućnosti za ribolov, učestalost odlaska na ribolov, daljinu na koju putuju radi ribolova, kao i njihove stavove prema ribarstvenoj politici, očuvanju autohtonih fondova potočne pastrve i lipljena, ribarstvenom upravljanju pastrvskim i lipljenskim vodama i komunikaciji s drugim muÅ”ičarim
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