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    Introduction: Knowledge of sexual and reproductive rights worldwide has allowed adolescents to widely recognize them. Unintended pregnancy at an early age, school dropouts and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are serious consequences derived from the lack of knowledge on the subject.   Objective: To determine the impact of an educational intervention on sexual and reproductive health in adolescents from a secondary education institution, Cali, Colombia 2021.   Materials and methods: a quasi-experimental study was carried out measuring the before and after an educational intervention in 60 adolescents from a secondary education institution, in the city of Cali. A survey validated by expert judgment was used as a measurement instrument.   Results: during the study, the knowledge before and after an educational intervention of 60 adolescents was evaluated, finding that 82% had already started sexual relations, 40% were unaware of their rights in sexual and reproductive health, 25% denied using a method of contraception and 12% have had an STD; With the educational intervention, the level of knowledge improved in 100% of the adolescents.   Conclusions: Inadequate knowledge about contraception, early initiation of sexual relations without prior orientation, specific weaknesses regarding sexually transmitted diseases were identified in 60% of adolescents. At the end of the intervention, a significant increase in the level of knowledge in adolescents was achievedIntroducci贸n: El conocimiento de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos a nivel mundial, han permitido que los adolescentes los reconozcan ampliamente. El embarazo no planeado a temprana edad, la deserci贸n escolar y las enfermedades de transmisi贸n sexual (ETS) son consecuencias graves derivadas de la falta de conocimiento sobre el tema.   Objetivo: Determinar el impacto de una intervenci贸n educativa sobre salud sexual y reproductiva en adolescentes de una instituci贸n de educaci贸n media, Cali, Colombia 2021.   Materiales y m茅todos: se realiz贸 un estudio cuasi experimental midiendo el antes y despu茅s de una intervenci贸n educativa en 60 adolescentes de una instituci贸n de educaci贸n media, en la ciudad de Cali. Como instrumento de medici贸n se utiliz贸 una encuesta validada por juicio de expertos.   Resultados: durante el estudio se evaluaron los conocimientos pre y post a una intervenci贸n educativa a 60 adolescentes, encontrando que el 82% ya inicio relaciones sexuales, 40% desconoc铆an sus derechos en salud sexual y reproductiva, 25% niega utilizar un m茅todo de anticoncepci贸n y 12% ha tenido una ETS; con la intervenci贸n educativa, el nivel de conocimientos mejoro en 100% de los adolescentes.   Conclusiones: Se identific贸 en 60% de los adolescentes conocimientos inadecuados sobre anticoncepci贸n, inicio temprano de relaciones sexuales sin orientaci贸n previa, debilidades espec铆ficas sobre enfermedades de transmisi贸n sexual. Al concluir la intervenci贸n se logr贸 un aumento significativo del nivel de conocimiento en los adolescentes   &nbsp