1,166 research outputs found

    Radiation Hardness tests with neutron flux on different Silicon photomultiplier devices

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    Radiation hardness is an important requirement for solid state readout devices operating in high radiation environments common in particle physics experiments. The MEGII experiment, at PSI, Switzerland, investigates the forbidden decay μ+→e+γ\mu^+ \to \mathrm{e}^+ \gamma. Exploiting the most intense muon beam of the world. A significant flux of non-thermal neutrons (kinetic energy Ek≥0.5 MeVE_k\geq 0.5 ~MeV) is present in the experimental hall produced along the beamline and in the hall itself. We present the effects of neutron fluxes comparable to the MEGII expected doses on several Silicon PhotoMulitpliers (SiPMs). The tested models are: AdvanSiD ASD-NUV3S-P50 (used in MEGII experiment), AdvanSiD ASD-NUV3S-P40, AdvanSiD ASD-RGB3S-P40, Hamamatsu and Excelitas C30742-33-050-X. The neutron source is the thermal Sub-critical Multiplication complex (SM1) moderated with water, located at the University of Pavia (Italy). We report the change of SiPMs most important electric parameters: dark current, dark pulse frequency, gain, direct bias resistance, as a function of the integrated neutron fluency.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Proceedings from Instrumentation for colliding Beam Physics (INSTR-17) 27-02-2017/03-03-2017 Novosibirsk (R

    Coherent States Expectation Values as Semiclassical Trajectories

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    We study the time evolution of the expectation value of the anharmonic oscillator coordinate in a coherent state as a toy model for understanding the semiclassical solutions in quantum field theory. By using the deformation quantization techniques, we show that the coherent state expectation value can be expanded in powers of â„Ź\hbar such that the zeroth-order term is a classical solution while the first-order correction is given as a phase-space Laplacian acting on the classical solution. This is then compared to the effective action solution for the one-dimensional \f^4 perturbative quantum field theory. We find an agreement up to the order \l\hbar, where \l is the coupling constant, while at the order \l^2 \hbar there is a disagreement. Hence the coherent state expectation values define an alternative semiclassical dynamics to that of the effective action. The coherent state semiclassical trajectories are exactly computable and they can coincide with the effective action trajectories in the case of two-dimensional integrable field theories.Comment: 20 pages, no figure

    Carrapato e vermes: inimigos do gado e do produtor.

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    Improving the Time Resolution of Large-Area LaBr3:Ce Detectors with SiPM Array Readout

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    LaBr3:Ce crystals have good scintillation properties for X-ray spectroscopy. Initially, they were introduced for radiation imaging in medical physics with either a photomultiplier or SiPM readout, and they found extensive applications in homeland security and gamma-ray astronomy. We used 1 inch round LaBr3:Ce crystals to realize compact detectors with the SiPM array readout. The aim was a good energy resolution and a fast time response to detect low-energy X-rays around 100 keV. A natural application was found inside the FAMU experiment, at RIKEN RAL. Its aim is a precise measurement of the proton Zemach radius with impinging muons, to contribute to the solution to the so-called proton radius puzzle. Signals to be detected are characteristic X-rays around 130 KeV. A limit for this type of detector, as compared to the ones with a photomultiplier readout, is its poorer timing characteristics due to the large capacity of the SiPM arrays used. In particular, long signal falltimes are a problem in experiments such as FAMU, where a prompt background component must be separated from a delayed one (after 600 ns) in the signal X-rays to be detected. Dedicated studies were pursued to improve the timing characteristics of the used detectors, starting from hybrid ganging of SiPM cells; then developing a suitable zero pole circuit with a parallel ganging, where an increased overvoltage for the SiPM array was used to compensate for the signal decrease; and finally designing ad hoc electronics to split the 1 inch detector SiPM array into four quadrants, thus reducing the involved capacitances. The aim was to improve the detectors timing characteristics, especially falltime, while keeping a good FWHM energy resolution for low-energy X-ray detection

    Carrapato dos bovinos: controle estratégico nas diferentes regiões brasileiras.

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    Studies on the biodistribution of dextrin nanoparticles

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    The characterization of biodistribution is a central requirement in the development of biomedical applications based on the use of nanoparticles, in particular for controlled drug delivery. The blood circulation time, organ biodistribution and rate of excretion must be well characterized in the process of product development. In this work, the biodistribution of recently developed self-assembled dextrin nanoparticles is addressed. Functionalization of the dextrin nanoparticles with a DOTA-monoamide-type metal chelator, via click chemistry, is described. The metal chelator-functionalized nanoparticles were labeled with the ᵧ-emitting 153Sm3+ radioisotope and the blood clearance rate and organ biodistribution of the nanoparticles were obtained. The effect of PEG surface coating on the blood clearance rate and organ biodistribution of the nanoparticles was also studied.The authors wish to acknowledge funding through the FCT/POCTI programme (project PTDC/QUI/70063/2006)
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