11 research outputs found
Perancangan Model Proses Bisnis dan Penyusunan Standar Operasinal Prosedur pada PT Promedika Mitra Utama Samarinda
Business processes are activities that must be carried out in a company to achieve company goals. Business processes are run by all employees in a company. PT Promedika Mitra Utama Samarinda is a company engaged in the procurement/distribution of hospital medical equipment, personal use, laboratory equipment, HSE safety equipment, and dentistry. Based on the results of interviews with the general manager of PT Promedika Mitra Utama that PT Promedika Mitra Utama does not have business processes and standard operating procedure documents, causing overlapping business processes, employees are less focused on their duties and obligations so that the company's performance and performance are not optimal. The purpose of this research is to design a business process model and develop standard operating procedures at PT Promedika Mitra Utama. The approach used in this research is Business Process Management which has several stages, namely process identification, process discovery, process analysis, and process redesign. In process identification, identification of the required processes and documents owned by PT Promedika Mitra Utama is carried out using several approaches. Process discovery is carried out to collect the business processes carried out and model the business processes using the bizagi application. Process analysis is carried out to analyze the business processes that have been obtained and delete some business processes so that the business processes are of high quality and can be compiled into good standard operating procedures. Process redesign is carried out to improve the business process that has been modeled. Next, the business process improvement is verified by the process owner, namely the General Manager of PT Promedika Mitra Utama Samarinda. After being verified, the SOP is prepared based on the business process that has been modeled and verified by the process owner. This research resulted in 43 business processes and 43 SOPs that can be used by PT Promedika Mitra Utama as a guide for any activities carried out at PT Promedika Mitra Utam
Pemilihan alat kontrasepsi bukan merupakan hal yang mudah karena resiko-resiko dan efek sampingnya akan memberikan dampak pada tubuh yang tidak pernah menggunakan sebelumnya. Di sisi lain, tidak ada alat kontrasepsi yang selalu cocok untuk masing-masing individu karena situasi dan kondisi pada masing-masing tubuh adalah berbeda, jadi pengetahuan lebih lanjut sangat diperlukan untuk mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan dari masing-masing alat kontrasepsi yang digunakan oleh tubuh calon pengguna. Sistem pakar untuk penentuan pemilihan alat kontrasepsi menggunakan metode forward chaining yang dikombinasikan dengan metode CF yang digunakan untuk melakukan pembobotan terhadap setiap indikasi-indikasi yang dialami calon pengguna. Hasil yang diperoleh nantinya dapat membantu masyarakat untuk mengetahui indikasi-indikasi yang mengarah pada alat kontrasepsi yang sesuai dan mendapatkan informasi-informasi lain yang berhubungan dengan alat tersebut.
Kata Kunci : Forward Chaining, Certainty Factors, indikasi, Alat Kontrasepsi
The choice of contraceptive tools is not an easy thing because the risks or effects will give impact on the body that never using it previously. in the other side ,there is no contraception always suit for everybody because the circumstances of each body is different, so the extensive knowledge must be needed to know the advantages and disadvantages of each contraceptive tools then adjusted to the user's body. The expert system for contraceptive tools uses Forward Chaining search method combined with Certainty Factors Method. These method value the patient’s indication. The Expert system gives the output data which define the kind of tool uses of the patient. the results obtained will be able to help people to find indications that lead to appropriate contraceptive tools and advice or suggestions about these tools.
Key Words : Forward Chaining, Certainty Factors, Indications, Contraceptive Tool
Use of the Information Security Index (KAMI) 4.2 as an Evaluation Method at the Paser Regency Communication, Informatics, Statistics and Coding Service
Paser Department of Communication, Informatics, Statistics, and Cryptography (Diskominfostaper) is a regional institution tasked to providing information on regional development and public service provider. Based on Kominfo regulation No. 4 of 2016, Diskominfostaper Paser district as a local government apparatus, requires implementation and supervision related to information security in order to safeguard all managed information. However, the current information security is still weak because there has never been an evaluation of information security either independently (self-assessment) or from an external party, as a results there are still attempts to hack the system and involvement of third parties without any formal contracts. In this research, an evaluation of information security was carried out at the Diskominfostaper Paser Regency using the Index KAMI 4.2 with the ISO/IEC 27001: 2013 standard to determine the level of information security readiness. The results of the evaluation were obtained with an overall final score of 220 and a final score in the Electronic System (SE) category of 30 which was included in "High" category, thus indicating that information security is currently in the "Inadequate" Preparedness Level status with a Maturity Level of level I to level II. As a result, 95dihasilkan rekomendasi perbaikan pada enam area penilaian Indeks KAMI 4.2 guna meningkatkan pemenuhan status Tingkat Kelengkapan dalam memenuhi Kerangka Dasar ISO/IEC 27001:2013
As one of State ‘s Higher Education Institutions, the Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK) must perform the education and teaching function as mandated by the tri dharma perguruan tinggi, then the function is regulated in academic regulations and implemented in business processes of attendance. Currently, the attendances data are recapitulated manually at week 15 by Academic Staff. The attendance process that has been running has several problems, namely prone to violations of the actual meeting realization and attendance count, recapitulation time that takes a long time, risk of data input errors and loss of presence sheet. Based on these problems, the attendance information system is developed (SIAP ITK). This research was conducted with the agile software development methodology with the scrum framework. The results of this research is an android  application following the business processes of attendance in ITK. Based on the testing result which was carried out during this research, SIAP ITK is considered capable of optimizing the attendance process that has been running at ITK
Water quality plays an important role in the process of processing into clean water. Several parameters that support water quality monitoring are pH, temperature, TSS, BOD and DO. Water quality needs to be monitored regularly to find out whether the parameters have exceeded the quality standard or not, based on Government Regulation no. 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management in Appendix VI regarding the National Water Quality Standard. A water quality monitoring system is urgently needed to determine the feasibility of the consumption water. An artificial neural network is a neural network configured for a specific application, such as pattern recognition or data classification, and then refined through a learning process. This study aims to determine water quality through a quality index monitoring system and can predict water quality in the future in that place, so that the benefits that will be felt by residents are to become more aware and become more concerned about the environment, especially water is a basic or primary need. in everyday life. The stages of the research method include starting with a literature study and then a field survey followed by data collection on the water quality of the Manggar reservoir in Balikpapan, the raw data that has been obtained and then processed which is continued with data processing based on the Backpropagation method. After that, the system design can be carried out which is then continued with the system creation. The results of the study can be used as a basis and reference for follow-up on information systems on the water quality of the Manggar reservoir in Balikpapan City
Sistem Pakar Diagnosis Penyakit Pada Tanaman Pepaya Menggunakan Metode Backward Chaining Berbasis Web
Penelitian sistem pakar diagnosis penyakit pada tanaman pepaya ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan membangun suatu sistem untuk mediagnosa penyakit tanaman papaya. Model inferensi yang digunakan dalam pembuatan sistem pakar ini adalah penalaran mundur (Backward Chaining). Diharapkan dalam pembuatan sistem pakar dengan menggunakan metode Backward Chaining dalam penelitian ini dapat membantu petani dalam melakukan diagnosa awal terhadap suatu penyakit tanaman pepaya dan memberikan solusi untuk mengatasi penyakit pada tanaman pepaya tersebut. Hasil dari pembuatan Sistem Pakar ini mampu membuktikan kebenaran suatu penyakit papaya dan memberi solusi dalam menangani penyakit pepaya tersebut. Pembuatan aplikasi sistem pakar diagnosa penyakit pada tanaman pepaya berbasis web menggunakan bahasa pemograman PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor) dan Database MY Structured Query Language (MYSQL).
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerimaan Penghuni Rumah Susun Menggunakan Metode Weighted Product Berbasis Web
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerimaan Penghuni Rumah Susun Menggunakan Metode Weighted Product Berbasis Web di bawah bimbingan Dwi Arief Prambudi, S.Kom.,M.Kom dan Erina Hertianti, S.Hut.,M.P. Teknologi informasi pada era sekarang ini, dapat membuat orang tertarik untuk menciptakan hal yang baru agar dapat lebih berguna dimasa yang akan datang. Salah satu contoh dari penggunaan teknologi informasi pada zaman sekarang ini adalah komputer. Berbagai fungsi penggunaan komputer dalam berbagai hal seperti mengolah data, melakukan perhitungan matematika dan lain sebagainya. Pemanfaatan komputer tidak hanya sebatas pengolahan data saja tetapi juga dimanfaatkan sebagai pemberi solusi terhadap masalah yang didapatkan seperti halnya sistem pendukung keputusan yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kita. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat atau merancang sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan dalam menentukan pemilihan penghuni rumah susun, menerapkan metode Weighted Product untuk pemilihan penghuni rumah susun sebagai bahan pertimbangan bagi pengelola rumah susun. Metode Weighted Product merupakan perkalian untuk menghubungkan rating atribut, dimana rating setiap atribut harus dipangkatkan dengan bobot atribut yang bersangkutan. Dalam perhitungan metode Weighted Product diperlukan normalisasi bobot terlebih dahulu. Sistem ini membutuhkan masukan kriteria berdasarkan kebutuhan kepentingan calon pelamar rumah susun berupa antrian pendaftaran, kelompok masyarakat, penghasilan perbulan, fasilitas, dan jumlah penghuni peruangan. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam pengambilan keputusan bagi instansi atau perusahaan yang memerlukan sesuai kriteria yang suda
Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dalam Menunjang Profesionalitas Guru SDN 012 Balikpapan Utara
Advances in technology and science in the current era of globalization, especially in the field of computers. The ability to operate a computer is needed in various fields of work. This ability is not only familiar with computers globally, but also an elementary school teacher is required to be able to operate a computer as a learning medium and one way to complete the work that will be presented to students as well as efforts to increase knowledge competence in the field of computers, in accordance with the Government's target which aims to developing ICT programs and helping digital generations who are not technologically savvy. The design of training materials is expected to improve some of the teacher's abilities, including being able to make reports on student learning outcomes using Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Power Point. Participants in this training were 20 teachers at SDN 012 North Balikpapan
Expert System Application of Forward Chaining and Certainty Factors Method for The Decision of Contraception Tools
The choice of contraceptive tools is not an easy thing because the risks or effects will give impact on the body that never using it previously. in the other side, there is no contraception always suit for everybody because the circumstances of each body is different, so the extensive knowledge must be needed to know the advantages and disadvantages of each contraceptive tools then adjusted to the user's body.The expert system for contraceptive tools uses Forward Chaining search method combined with Certainty Factors Method. These method value the patient’s indication. The Expert system gives the output data which define the kind of tool uses of the patient. the results obtained will be able to help people to find indications that lead to appropriate contraceptive tools and advice or suggestions about these tools. The success rate of the contraceptive tools decision experienced by experienced by the user by using forward chaining combined with the CF computation method is also influenced by the number of indication criteria selected by the user. Based on testing that has been done, expert system contraception tools has accuracy level equal to 75%