28 research outputs found

    Re-invigorating South Asia by deepening Look East policies

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    This paper will argue that one way of re-invigorating South Asia is to deepen its “Look East” policies. Greater trade and investment with East Asia (defined as ASEAN+3) will not only re-energize South Asian economic integration which has stalled at a low level (for political reasons) but lead to greater economic dynamism in South Asia. Deeper integration within the sub-region and economic growth will, in turn, lead to the “re-emergence” of Pan-Asia

    Asian economic integration: the role of Singapore

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    Jump-starting Economic Integration in South Asia: A Multi-pronged Approach

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    Five countries are boycotting the SAARC summit in Pakistan. Instead, South Asian countries need to adopt a multi-pronged approach to reinvigorate economic integration in their region including a ‘SAARC minus x’ scheme along the ASEAN model

    Institutions for Asian Development Finance : Growing Competition or Complementarity?

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    The benefits of the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the New Development Bank have outweighed the costs and they are working well with their older counterparts to promote Asian development. But more needs to be done

    Indian Ocean: Re-energising Trade Integration in IORA

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    The recent inaugural Indian Ocean Conference (IOC 2016) while well-timed and successful in projecting India’s soft power, failed to come up with concrete recommendations to re-energise trade within the region. This should be a key focus of IOC 2017

    Modi’s Demonetisation Gamble

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    Since the costs of the shock currency move of last November continue to mount while the benefits are less obvious, the forthcoming state elections will be a key test for Prime Minister Modi and his economic reform programme

    Is the G20 breaking up?

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    In the face of rising nationalism and populism worldwide, the G20 has failed to craft coordinated global responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. There is the possibility that the G20 may break up into the “G7 and the Rest” with each focusing on its own agenda.Published versio

    Nepal earthquake : could a stronger and more scenic country emerge?

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    If governance and economic policies improved somehow in the post-earthquake period, we could see the emergence of a stronger and more scenic Nepal, but this is a very tall order

    Brexit and Its Aftermath - Brexit's impact on Asia

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    The aftermath of Brexit is unfolding, hence its impact on Asia is difficult to assess. It is, however, likely to be moderate and manageable. In response, Asia should strengthen its regional financial safety net

    Will Greece exit from the Eurozone?

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    Political confrontation between Greece and its creditors has greatly heightened the possibility of the country exiting from the eurozone. But, at the end of the day, economics and common sense will prevail, and Greece will continue to be a member of the exclusive single-currency club