121 research outputs found


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    The effect of energy and protein dilution in the starter period (8 to 14 days) of age, on performance and carcass characteristics of 360 Arian male chicks was studied in a completely randomised design. This experiment consisted of 6 treatments, 4 replicates, with 15 chicks per replicate. In order to dilute the diets six levels (0, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20) percent of ground wood charcoal was used. Chicks were fed with starter and grower diet from 15 to 21 and 22 to 42 days of age respectively. During the experiment feed intake, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio were measured weekly. Mortality was measured throughout the experiment. At 43 day of age 4 chicks each treatment was selected and carcass characteristics were measured. The results indicated that dilution of diet from 8 to 14 days of age increased feed intake in this period but the differences were not signifi cant. With increasing dilution rate body weight gain of chicks signifi cantly decreased in comparison to control group (P< 0.05). Due to compensatory growth after restricted period, there was not signifi cant difference in body weight among restricted and control groups at 42 days of age. There was not signifi cant difference among the treatments for feed conversion ratio in whole period of the experiment (8 to 42 day). Similarly, there was not signifi cant difference among the treatments for caloric conversion ratio in whole period of the experiment (8 to 42 day). Mortality rate in restricted groups was signifi cantly lower than control group (P<0.05). Diet dilution hadn’t signifi cant effect on carcass, breast meat, drumsticks, thighs, liver, intestine, abdominal fat percentages. The results of the present study indicated that broiler chicks could withstand a 7-day period (from 8 to 14 days) feed restriction with ground wood charcoal in early age without loss in performance

    Influence of soy oil source and supplementation of the diet with vitamin E and vi tamin C on performance and egg quality of Single Comb White Leghourn lyaing hens from forty four to fity six weeks of age

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    Two experiments (Exp.) were conducted to determine the AME content of refined soybean oil (SO), recycled soybean oil (RSO), and acidulated soybean oil soapstocks (ASO) and the effects of inclusion of vitamin E and vitamin C in diets containing 3.5% of these soy oils on performance and egg quality of Hy-line hens from 44 to 56 wks of age

    Determinación del contenido en energía metabolizable de distintas fuentes de lípidos procedentes de la industria del aceite de soja

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    Los aceites vegetales se utilizan en la alimentación de gallinas ponedoras para aumentar la concentración energética de los piensos y como fuente de ácido linoleico. Además, Mateos y Sell (1981) han demostrado que la inclusión de grasas ralentiza la velocidad de tránsito de la digesta lo que favorece el contacto entre los nutrientes de la dieta y las enzimas digestivas, mejorando su utilización digestiva. Como consecuencia, la inclusión de grasas es una práctica común en la formulación de piensos comerciales para aves de puesta. El aceite de soja (AS) debido a su alto contenido energético y en ácido linoleico es el aceite de elección en piensos para avicultura pero su alto coste limita su utilización en piensos comerciales. Dos co-productos de la industria del aceite de soja, las oleínas (OAS) y el aceite de freiduría (ASR) podrían sustituir al AS en piensos para avicultura. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar el contenido en energía metabolizable aparente (EMA) de estos aceites y comparar los resultados obtenidos utilizando dos metodologías de cálculo

    Developing criteria for Cesarean Section using the RAND appropriateness method

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cesarean section rates are increasing worldwide, and a rapid increase has been observed in Iran. Disagreement exists between clinicians about when to use cesarean section. We aimed to identify the appropriateness criteria for the use of cesarean section in Iran.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>A consensus development study using a modified version of the RAND Appropriateness Method (RAM). We generated scenarios from valid clinical guidelines and expert opinions. A panel of experts participated in consensus development: first round via mail (12 members), second round face-to-face (9 members). We followed the RAM recommendations for the development of the scenario lists, rating scales, and statistical analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>294 scenarios relevant to cesarean section were identified. 191 scenarios were considered appropriate, of which 125 scenarios were agreed upon. The panel found cesarean inappropriate for 21% of scenarios, and 'equivocal' for 14% of scenarios.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>RAM is useful for identifying stakeholder views in settings with limited resources. The participants' views on appropriateness of certain indications differed with available evidence. A large number of scenarios without agreement may partly explain why it has been difficult to curb the growth in cesarean section rate.</p

    Effect of Probiotic Supplements on Egg Quality and Laying Hen`s Performance

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    Cet article est une analyse de l’usage des sources juives par les ‘olamā shi‘ites iraniens à l’époque qājār dans leurs réfutations du christianisme. L’ancien testament ou la torah était le texte le plus utilisé par les savants musulmans. Mais l’A. explore ici l’usage d’un texte araméen composé au Ve s., Nevuat Ha-Yeled, par Mollā Aḥmad Narāqī (m. 1244/1828-29) dans son célèbre Sayf al-Umma wa Burḥān al-Millah. Ce texte avait déjà été utilisé par Ṣūfī Moḥammad Reḍā Hamadānī (m. 1247/1831-32) d..

    EffEct of PRD iRRigation mEthoD anD Potassium fERtilizER aPPlication on coRn yiElD anD watER usE EfficiEncy

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    abstract BAhrAni, A., J. PourrezA, A. MAdAni and F. AMiri, 2012. effect of Prd irrigation method and potassium fertilizer application on corn yield and water use efficiency. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., Innovations for saving water in irrigated agriculture and thereby improving water use efficiency are of paramount importance in water-scarce regions. Therefore, to see how restricted irrigation systems and different potassium fertilizer affect water use efficiency and yield of corn, an experiment was conducted in an arid area in Khuzestan, Iran in 2011. A split-plot experimental design was used, based on a complete randomized block design with three replications. The main plots consisted of three irrigation methods: FI (full irrigation), variable and fixed partial root zoon drying (PRD-V and PRD-F). Each subplot received three rates of K fertilizer application: 0, 150 or 300 kg ha -1 . The results showed that the plots receiving the full irrigation resulted in significantly higher grain yields, 1000-kernel weight and grain number per cob than both PRD treatments. However, the highest WUE and IWUE were obtained in PRD-V and 300 kg K ha -1 and the lowest one was found in the Fi treatment and 0 kg K ha -1 . Potassium application increased RWC and grain protein percent in PRD-V and PRD-V than FI treatment. Full irrigation and Prd-F treatments produced the lowest and the highest ABA concentration at any potassium levels