52 research outputs found

    Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies: The Multiphase Model

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    We present a multiphase model for the evolution of elliptical galaxies. Diffuse gas, molecular clouds, stars and remnants are taken into account. Cloud--cloud collisions and stimulated processes are the main causes of star formation. The occurrence of winds driven by Supernovae is considered, and the evolution of the system is computed also after the first wind, allowing for further star formation from the restored gas. The evolution of the abundances of 15 elements or isotopes is followed with detailed stellar nucleosynthesis. Stellar lifetimes are taken into account and a new IMF has been adopted. The gas removal due to the Supernovae explosions depends on the galactic mass and the presence of dark matter; the subsequent wind episodes are crucial to the intergalactic gas enrichment. Good agreement is obtained for current SNs rates, Star Formation Rate and gas masses when compared to the available data.Comment: 32 pages, Tex. 12 Figures can be sended if requeste

    Gas, star formation and quenching in galaxy clusters and groups

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    I will review our current knowledge of the link between the star formation activity+quenching and the gas availability and removal as a function of galaxy environment focusing on galaxy clusters and groups. I will also discuss the relation between environment and AGN triggering, and implications for the intracluster medium and light

    GASP: Gas stripping and the outskirts of galaxies as a function of environment

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    We present GASP, an ongoing ESO Large Program with MUSE aiming to study gas removal processes from galaxies at low redshift. GASP targets 100 galaxies with tails, tentacles and one-sided debris. MUSE data allows a detailed investigation of the ionized stripped gas, as well as of the gas and stars within the galaxy out to large distances from the galaxy center. We show the first results for two of the GASP galaxies that are striking cluster jellyfish galaxies of stellar masses ~ 1011 M

    Westerbork Ultra-Deep Survey of HI at z=0.2

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    In this contribution, we present some preliminary observational results from the completed ultra-deep survey of 21cm emission from neutral hydrogen at redshifts z=0.164-0.224 with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope. In two separate fields, a total of 160 individual galaxies has been detected in neutral hydrogen, with HI masses varying from 1.1x10^9 to 4.0x10^10 Msun. The largest galaxies are spatially resolved by the synthesized beam of 23x37 arcsec^2 while the velocity resolution of 19 km/s allowed the HI emission lines to be well resolved. The large scale structure in the surveyed volume is traced well in HI, apart from the highest density regions like the cores of galaxy clusters. All significant HI detections have obvious or plausible optical counterparts which are usually blue late-type galaxies that are UV-bright. One of the observed fields contains a massive Butcher-Oemler cluster but none of the associated blue galaxies has been detected in HI. The data suggest that the lower-luminosity galaxies at z=0.2 are more gas-rich than galaxies of similar luminosities at z=0, pending a careful analysis of the completeness near the detection limit. Optical counterparts of the HI detected galaxies are mostly located in the 'blue cloud' of the galaxy population although several galaxies on the 'red sequence' are also detected in HI. These results hold great promise for future deep 21cm surveys of neutral hydrogen with MeerKAT, APERTIF, ASKAP, and ultimately the Square Kilometre Array.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, Proceedings of ISKAF2010 Science Meeting: A New Golden Age for Radio Astronomy, June 10-14 2010, Assen, the Netherlands. Edited by J. van Leeuwen. Movies of rendered rotating data cubes are available at http://www.astro.rug.nl/~verheyen/BUDHIES/index.htm

    GASP XIII. Star formation in gas outside galaxies

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    Based on MUSE data from the GASP survey, we study the Halpha-emitting extraplanar tails of 16 cluster galaxies at z~0.05 undergoing ram pressure stripping. We demonstrate that the dominating ionization mechanism of this gas (between 64% and 94% of the Halpha emission in the tails depending on the diagnostic diagram used) is photoionization by young massive stars due to ongoing star formation (SF) taking place in the stripped tails. This SF occurs in dynamically quite cold HII clumps with a median Halpha velocity dispersion sigma = 27 km s^-1. We study the characteristics of over 500 star-forming clumps in the tails and find median values of Halpha luminosity L_{Halpha} = 4 X 10^38 erg s^-1, dust extinction A_V=0.5 mag, star formation rate SFR=0.003 M_sun yr^-1, ionized gas density n_e =52 cm^-3, ionized gas mass M_gas = 4 X 10^4 Msun, and stellar mass M_{*} = 3 X 10^6 Msun. The tail clumps follow scaling relations (M_gas-M_{*}, L_{Halpha} -sigma, SFR-M_gas) similar to disk clumps, and their stellar masses are comparable to Ultra Compact Dwarfs and Globular Clusters.The diffuse gas component in the tails is ionized by a combination of SF and composite/LINER-like emission likely due to thermal conduction or turbulence. The stellar photoionization component of the diffuse gas can be due either to leakage of ionizing photons from the HII clumps with an average escape fraction of 18%, or lower luminosity HII regions that we cannot individually identify.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Morphology rather than environment drives the SFR-mass relation in the local universe

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    Exploiting a sample of 680 star-forming galaxies from the Padova Millennium Galaxy Group Catalog (PM2GC; Calvi, Poggianti & Vulcani 2011) in the range 0.038 ≀ z ≀ 0.104, we present a detailed analysis of the star formation rate (SFR)-stellar mass (M*) and specific SFR (SSFR)-M* relations as a function of environment. We adopt three different parametrizations of environment to probe different scales. We consider separately (1) galaxies in groups, binary and single systems, defined in terms of a friends-of-friends algorithm, (2) galaxies located at different projected local densities, and (3) galaxies in haloes of different mass. Overall, above logM*/M > 10.25 and SSFR > 10-12 yr-1, the SFR-M*, and SSFR-M* relations do not depend on environment, when the global environment is used, while when the halo mass is considered, high-mass haloes might have a systematically lower (S)SFR-M⋆ relation. Finally, when local densities are exploited, at any given mass galaxies in less dense environments have systematically higher values of SFR. All the relations are characterized by a large scatter (σ ∌ 0.6), which is due to the coexistence of galaxies of different morphological types. Indeed, at any given mass, late types are characterized by systematically higher values of SFR and SSFR than S0s and ellipticals. Galaxies of the same morphology show similar trends in all the environments, but their incidence strongly depends on environment and on the environmental parametrization adopted, with late types generally becoming less common in denser environments, contrasted by the increase of ellipticals and/or S0s. Our results suggest that in the local Universe morphology and local interactions, probed by the local density parametrization, have dominant roles in driving the characteristics of the SFR-M* relation

    The strong correlation between post-starburst fraction and environment

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    We examine a magnitude limited (MB ≀ -18.7) sample of post-starburst (PSB) galaxies at 0.03 < z < 0.11 in the different environments from the spectroscopic data set of the Padova Millennium Galaxy Group Catalogue and compare their incidence and properties with those of passive (PAS) and emission line galaxies (EML). PSB galaxies have a quite precise lifetime (<1-1.5 Gyr), and they hold important clues for understanding galaxy evolution. While the properties (stellar mass, absolute magnitude, colour) of PSBs do not depend on environment, their frequency increases going from single galaxies to binary systems to groups, both considering the incidence with respect to the global number of galaxies and to the number of currently+recently star-forming galaxies. Including in our analysis, the sample of cluster PSBs drawn from the WIde-field Nearby Galaxy-cluster Survey presented in Paccagnella et al., we extend the halo mass range covered and present a coherent picture of the effect of the environment on galaxy transformations. We find that the PSB/(PSB + EML) fraction steadily increases with halo mass going from 1 per cent in 10^{11} M_{☉} haloes to ∌15 per cent in the most massive haloes (10^{15.5} M_{☉}). This provides evidence that processes specific to the densest environments, such as ram-pressure stripping, are responsible for a large fraction of PSB galaxies in dense environments. These processes act on a larger fraction of galaxies than alternative processes leading to PSB galaxies in the sparsest environments, such as galaxy interactions

    The Star Formation Histories of Disk Galaxies: The Live, the Dead, and the Undead

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    We reexamine the properties of local galaxy populations using published surveys of star formation, structure, and gas content. After recalibrating star formation measures, we are able to reliably measure specific star formation rates well below that of the so-called “main sequence” of star formation versus mass. We find an unexpectedly large population of quiescent galaxies with star formation rates intermediate between the main sequence and passive populations and with disproportionately high star formation rates. We demonstrate that a tight main sequence is a natural outcome of most histories of star formation and has little astrophysical significance but that the quiescent population requires additional astrophysics to explain its properties. Using a simple model for disk evolution based on the observed dependence of star formation on gas content in local galaxies, and assuming simple histories of cold gas inflow, we show that the evolution of galaxies away from the main sequence can be attributed to the depletion of gas due to star formation after a cutoff of gas inflow. The quiescent population is composed of galaxies in which the density of disk gas has fallen below a threshold for star formation probably set by disk stability. The evolution of galaxies beyond the quiescent state to gas exhaustion and the end of star formation requires another process, probably wind-driven mass loss. The environmental dependence of the three galaxy populations is consistent with recent numerical modeling, which indicates that cold gas inflows into galaxies are truncated at earlier epochs in denser environments

    Matching the Evolution of the Stellar Mass Function Using Log-Normal Star Formation Histories

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    We show that a model consisting of individual, log-normal star formation histories for a volume-limited sample of z ≈ 0 galaxies reproduces the evolution of the total and quiescent stellar mass functions at z â‰Č 2.5 and stellar masses {{M}*}≄slant {{10}10} {{M}☉ }. This model has previously been shown to reproduce the star formation rate/stellar mass relation (SFR-{{M}*}) over the same interval, is fully consistent with the observed evolution of the cosmic SFR density at z≀slant 8, and entails no explicit “quenching” prescription. We interpret these results/features in the context of other models demonstrating a similar ability to reproduce the evolution of (1) the cosmic SFR density, (2) the total/quiescent stellar mass functions, and (3) the SFR-{{M}*} relation, proposing that the key difference between modeling approaches is the extent to which they stress/address diversity in the (star-forming) galaxy population. Finally, we suggest that observations revealing the timescale associated with dispersion in SFR({{M}*}) will help establish which models are the most relevant to galaxy evolution

    Return to [Log-]Normalcy: Rethinking Quenching, The Star Formation Main Sequence, and Perhaps Much More

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    Knowledge of galaxy evolution rests on cross-sectional observations of different objects at different times. Understanding of galaxy evolution rests on longitudinal interpretations of how these data relate to individual objects moving through time. The connection between the two is often assumed to be clear, but we use a simple “physics-free” model to show that it is not and that exploring its nuances can yield new insights. Comprising nothing more than 2094 loosely constrained lognormal star formation histories (SFHs), the model faithfully reproduces the following data it was not designed to match: stellar mass functions at z≀slant 8; the slope of the star formation rate/stellar mass relation (the SFR “Main Sequence”) at z≀slant 6; the mean {sSFR}(\equiv {SFR}/{M}* ) of low-mass galaxies at z≀slant 7; “fast-” and “slow-track” quenching; downsizing; and a correlation between formation timescale and {sSFR}({M}* ,t) similar to results from simulations that provides a natural connection to bulge growth. We take these findings—which suggest that quenching is the natural downturn of all SFHs affecting galaxies at rates/times correlated with their densities—to mean that: (1) models in which galaxies are diversified on Hubble timescales by something like initial conditions rival the dominant grow-and-quench framework as good descriptions of the data; or (2) absent spatial information, many metrics of galaxy evolution are too undiscriminating—if not inherently misleading—to confirm a unique explanation. We outline future tests of our model but stress that, even if ultimately incorrect, it illustrates how exploring different paradigms can aid learning and, we hope, more detailed modeling efforts
