3 research outputs found
A grazing Gomphotherium in Middle Miocene Central Asia, 10 million years prior to the origin of the Elephantidae
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Primates in the Eocene
- Author
- AH Schultz
- AK Kingston
- B Lde
- C Darwin
- C Estravís
- CF Cooper
- DA Burney
- DE Russell
- DJ Morton
- DL Gebo
- DL Gebo
- DL Gebo
- EJ Sargis
- EL Simons
- EL Simons
- EL Simons
- EL Simons
- EL Simons
- ER Seiffert
- ER Seiffert
- ER Seiffert
- ER Seiffert
- ER Seiffert
- FA McInerney
- GF Gunnell
- GF Gunnell
- GJ Bowen
- H Abdul Aziz
- HG Stehlin
- J-L Hartenberger
- J-Y Storme
- JC Zachos
- JG Fleagle
- JL Franzen
- JL Franzen
- JL Franzen
- JP Kennett
- JR Napier
- KC Beard
- KC Beard
- KD Rose
- KD Rose
- LC Ivany
- M Dagosto
- M Godinot
- M Godinot
- M Lyle
- M Pickford
- M Takai
- M Takai
- NG Jablonski
- P Perelman
- P Teilhard de Chardin
- P-O Antoine
- PD Gingerich
- PD Gingerich
- PD Gingerich
- PD Gingerich
- PD Gingerich
- PD Gingerich
- PD Gingerich
- PD Gingerich
- Philip D. Gingerich
- PL Koch
- R Secord
- R Tabuce
- RL Ciochon
- S Maiolino
- S Ting
- T Smith
- T Smith
- T Smith
- TM Bown
- W Koenigswald von
- WC Clyde
- WCO Hill
- X Ni
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Paleobiogeographic Perspectives on the Origin of the Platyrrhini
- Author
- A Keast
- A Keast
- A Keast
- A Rosenberger
- A Walker
- AB Chiarelli
- AE Wood
- AG Smith
- AR Milner
- BD Johnson
- BM Funnell
- BT Malfait
- DB Kitts
- DE Martin
- DE Rosen
- DE Rosen
- DG Gantt
- DH Tarling
- DH Tarling
- DI Axelrod
- DK Bingham
- E Delson
- E Mayr
- EH Colbert
- EH Colbert
- EL Simons
- EL Simons
- EL Simons
- EM Perkins
- FA Chace Jr.
- FJ Fitch
- FJ Orlosky
- FJ Orlosky
- FR Schram
- FS Szalay
- FS Szalay
- G Bond
- G Nelson
- G Nelson
- G Nelson
- G Nelson
- G Nelson
- GC Conroy
- GE Pilgrim
- GG Simpson
- GG Simpson
- GG Simpson
- GG Simpson
- GG Simpson
- H. H. Ross
- J Bugge
- J Cracraft
- J Cracraft
- J Cracraft
- JA Lillegraven
- JC Briggs
- JC Morse
- JC Sibuet
- JE Cronin
- JF Tomblin
- JG Sclater
- JL Lloyd
- JW Ladd
- JW Ladd
- JW Valentine
- KR Popper
- L Brundin
- L Brundin
- L Croizat
- L Croizat
- L Croizat
- L Croizat
- L Valen
- LA Frakes
- M Baba
- MC Mckenna
- MC Mckenna
- MC Mckenna
- MC Mckenna
- MJ Novacek
- N Herz
- N Kumar
- NI Platnick
- NI Platnick
- P Galton
- P Hershkovitz
- PD Ashlock
- PD Gingerich
- PD Gingerich
- PD Gingerich
- PD Gingerich
- PD Gingerich
- PE Baker
- PJ Darlington Jr
- PJ Darlington Jr
- PJ Darlington Jr
- PJ Smith
- PL Ciochon
- PV Rich
- R Förster
- R Hoffstetter
- R Hoffstetter
- R Hoffstetter
- R Hoffstetter
- R Lavocat
- R Lavocat
- R Lavocat
- RA Reyment
- RC Craw
- RF Kay
- RH Tedford
- RL Larson
- RS Scheltema
- SL Washburn
- T Andel
- T Tint
- TL Holcombe
- VM Sarich
- VM Sarich
- VR Ferris
- W Hennig
- W Hennig
- W Maier
- WA Berggren
- WA Clemens
- WC Pitman III
- WD Matthew
- WJ Kennedy
- WK Gregory
- WP Luckett
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1980
- Field of study