15 research outputs found

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    Not AvailableYak is an iconic symbol of Tibet and high altitudes of Northeast India. It is highly cherished for milk, meat, and skin. However, yaks suffer drastic change in milk production, weight loss, etc, when infested by parasites. Among them, infestation by leeches is a serious problem in the Himalayan belt of Northeast India. The parasite feeds on blood externally or from body orifices, like nasopharynx, oral, rectum, etc. But there has been limited data about the leech species infesting the yak in that region because of the difficulties in morphological identification due to plasticity of the body, changes in shape, and surface structure and thus, warrants for the molecular characterization of leech. In anticipation, this study would be influential in proper identification of leech species infesting yak track and also helpful in inventorying of leech species in Northeast India. Here, we investigated, through combined approach of molecular markers and morphological parameters for the identification of leech species infesting yak. The DNA sequences of COI barcode fragment, 18S and 28S rDNA, were analyzed for species identification. The generated sequences were subjected to similarity match in global database and analyzed further through Neighbour-Joining, K2P distance based as well as ML approach. Among the three markers, only COI was successful in delineating species whereas the 18S and 28S failed to delineate the species. Our study confirmed the presence of the species from genus Hirudinaria, Haemadipsa, Whitmania, and one species Myxobdella annandalae, which has not been previously reported from this region.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableYak is one of the most important economically useful animals for highlanders. The decline in the yak population demandseffective measures for conservation and multiplication of elite germplasm. In vitro production of embryos and theircryopreservation and transfer to suitable recipients for production of elite calves may contribute to fulfill the objectives.The work was conducted at the National Research Center on Yak over a period of 3 years. The ovaries of slaughteredanimals were used for collecting oocytes through aspiration of follicles followed by slicing of ovaries in the conventionalmethod. Trials were conducted using 7 cyclic parous yaks for ultrasound-guided ovum pickup (OPU) at Nyukmadung farm(2700 m above mean sea level). The technique followed was similar to that in buffaloes with slight modification.Categories of oocytes classified A (2–3 layers of cumulus) and B (at least one layer of cumulus) obtained through theprocesses were subjected to in vitro maturation using standardized maturation medium (TCM-199 + 10% follicularfluid + sodium pyruvate + ඔ-glutamine + 10% heat inactivated oestrus cow serum + pFSH + 17β oestradiol). The frozen-thawed yak sperm were capacitated using the swing-up method before their incubation with matured oocytes using BOmedium. Oocytes matured for 24 h were washed 5 to 6 times with BO medium and then co-incubated with in vitrocapacitated spermatozoa (0.1 to 0.25 million) for fertilization (8–10 oocytes per group) in 100-µL droplets of BO mediumunder mineral oil in 35-mm Petri dishes and placed in a CO incubator (5% CO , 90% RH) at 38.5°C for 16 to 18 h. Thepresumed zygotes were washed several times in mCR2aa (modified Charles Rosenkrans) washing medium and thencultured in culture medium for 7 days on original beds of granulosa cells. The rates of maturation and fertilization ofoocytes collected by conventional and OPU technique were comparable. This may be attributed to greaternumbers of good quality oocytes recovered in the conventional method. Embryos developed up to the stage of compactmorula and blastocysts (24.66% through conventional and 22.73% through OPU) were cryopreserved using thevitrification method for further study. Thirteen embryos were transferred non-surgically to one each of 13 yak recipients; 5became pregnant and only 1 recipient transferred with a cryopreserved-thawed embryo, developed through OPU,delivered one male calf, leading to the first successful production of an IVF yak calf in the world. The present findings aresuggestive of using the OPU technique for in vitro embryo production, though resulting in lower numbers of transferableembryos, because availability of ovaries for conventional IVF is a major constraint in yak.Not Availabl