20 research outputs found

    Identification and comparative analysis of components from the signal recognition particle in protozoa and fungi

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    BACKGROUND: The signal recognition particle (SRP) is a ribonucleoprotein complex responsible for targeting proteins to the ER membrane. The SRP of metazoans is well characterized and composed of an RNA molecule and six polypeptides. The particle is organized into the S and Alu domains. The Alu domain has a translational arrest function and consists of the SRP9 and SRP14 proteins bound to the terminal regions of the SRP RNA. So far, our understanding of the SRP and its evolution in lower eukaryotes such as protozoa and yeasts has been limited. However, genome sequences of such organisms have recently become available, and we have now analyzed this information with respect to genes encoding SRP components. RESULTS: A number of SRP RNA and SRP protein genes were identified by an analysis of genomes of protozoa and fungi. The sequences and secondary structures of the Alu portion of the RNA were found to be highly variable. Furthermore, proteins SRP9/14 appeared to be absent in certain species. Comparative analysis of the SRP RNAs from different Saccharomyces species resulted in models which contain features shared between all SRP RNAs, but also a new secondary structure element in SRP RNA helix 5. Protein SRP21, previously thought to be present only in Saccharomyces, was shown to be a constituent of additional fungal genomes. Furthermore, SRP21 was found to be related to metazoan and plant SRP9, suggesting that the two proteins are functionally related. CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of a number of not previously annotated SRP components show that the SRP Alu domain is subject to a more rapid evolution than the other parts of the molecule. For instance, the RNA portion is highly variable and the protein SRP9 seems to have evolved into the SRP21 protein in fungi. In addition, we identified a secondary structure element in the Sacccharomyces RNA that has been inserted close to the Alu region. Together, these results provide important clues as to the structure, function and evolution of SRP

    Phosphorylation Provides a Negative Mode of Regulation for the Yeast Rab GTPase Sec4p

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    The Rab family of Ras-related GTPases are part of a complex signaling circuitry in eukaryotic cells, yet we understand little about the mechanisms that underlie Rab protein participation in such signal transduction networks, or how these networks are integrated at the physiological level. Reversible protein phosphorylation is widely used by cells as a signaling mechanism. Several phospho-Rabs have been identified, however the functional consequences of the modification appear to be diverse and need to be evaluated on an individual basis. In this study we demonstrate a role for phosphorylation as a negative regulatory event for the action of the yeast Rab GTPase Sec4p in regulating polarized growth. Our data suggest that the phosphorylation of the Rab Sec4p prevents interactions with its effector, the exocyst component Sec15p, and that the inhibition may be relieved by a PP2A phosphatase complex containing the regulatory subunit Cdc55p

    At the poles across kingdoms: phosphoinositides and polar tip growth

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