5,620 research outputs found

    Sistemas de criação de capivaras.

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    Desempenho reprodutivo da capivara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris) em criação semi-intensiva na região Costeira Sul do Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Desenvolvimento de dot-blot para detecção de anticorpos para o vírus da Artrite Encefalite Caprina em caprinos.

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    Resumo: A técnica de imunodifusão em gel de ágar (IDGA) é empregada mundialmente como método de triagem e monitoramento das fases iniciais de programas de controle das lentiviroses de pequenos ruminantes, mas apesar da boa especificidade, a IDGA pode apresentar resultados falso-negativos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo padronizar o teste Dot-Blot (DB) para a detecção de anticorpos, em caprinos, contra o Lentivírus Caprino (LVC), utilizando antígeno experimental preparado a partir do vírus total, e compará-lo com a IDGA e com ELISA indireto (ELISA-i). Na realização do (DB) a membrana de nitrocelulose (MN) foi disposta num aparelho de blot de 96 poços acrescentando antígeno com uma concentração de 0,5 mg de proteína/poço. Colocaram-se as tiras de MN em tubos de ensaio contendo soro teste diluído (1:50). Após, distribuiu-se o conjugado (peroxidase IgG coelho anti-cabra) diluído 1:500 em PBS-T e revelou-se a MN numa solução de DAB/4-Cloronapthtol. Num total de 327 amostras verificou-se que o ELISA-i detectou 209 caprinos positivos, o DB detectou 200, enquanto a IDGA detectou 144 animais. O DB mostrou concordância de 90,2% (p<0,01) com o Elisa-i. O DB é um teste mais sensível que a IDGA e comparável ao ELISA-i, além de não necessitar da indumentária tecnológica do ELISA-i, podendo ser utilizado em eventos agropecuários ou até mesmo na propriedade. Summary: The imunodifusion in agar gel technique (IDGA) is used worldwide as a screening method of monitoring the initial phases of programs to control lentivirosis of small ruminants. Despite of the good specificity, the IDGA can present false-negative results. The objective of this work was to standardize the Dot-Blot test (DB) for the detention of antibodies against Lentivírus Caprine (LVC), using a prepared experimental antigen from the total virus. The DB was compared with the IDGA and indirect ELISA (ELISA-i) tests. The DB test was accomplished by used a nitrocelulose membrane (MN) in a device of blot of 96 wells and the antigen placed in a concentration of 0.5 mg of protein/well. The strips of MN placed in separated tubes and serum tests added at dilution of 1:50. After that, the conjugated peroxidase IgG rabbit anti-goat diluted 1:500 in PBS-T was incubated for 60 minutes. The DAB/4-Cloronapthtol solution was used to reveal the reaction. From a total of 327 samples, we verified that the ELISA-i detected 209 positives goat, the DB detected 200, while the IDGA 144 animals. The DB showed agreement of 90.2% (p<0.01) with the Elisa-i. The DB is a test more viable than the IDGA and comparable to the ELISA-i test. Besides being more sensible than the IDGA, it does not need the technological equipment of the ELISA-i, being able to be used in animals for events or in the field

    Monitoring the quality of sliced pork ham packed in different modified atmospheres during 45 days of storage

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    This study, financed by EXTRASLICED45 project, promoted by Primor Charcutaria-Prima S.A. and focused on extra-sliced pork ham, aims to use different modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) as a preservation technique for extending the lifetime of the product

    Soroepidemiologia do lentivirus em ovinos no Semiárido baiano.

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    [Epidemiology of small ruminant lentiviruses in sheep semiarid of Bahia]. Abstract: To verify the occurrence of antibodies against SRLV in sheep flocks from farms located in Microregion of Feira de Santana, Bahia, we performed a seroepidemiological survey of 10 municipalities with the most effective micro sheep: Antonio Cardoso, Feira de Santana, Ipecaetá , Ipirá, Itatim, Pintadas, Rafael Jambeiro, Santa Terezinha, Santo Estevão e Serra Preta, totaling 384 samples collected from 48 municipalities visited properties. The samples were subjected to the test of agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) to give negative results in all sera investigated. This finding can be attributed to the composition of herds, which are mostly of animals breed, the system of creation predominantly semi-extensive and type of exploitation for meat, which reduced the risk of introduction of lentivirus . Therefore, in order to preserve the genetic material already adapted to semi-arid climatic adversities, sanitary measures can be taken to prevent the entry of infectious agents circulating in these herds. This is necessary especially because of the tendencies of improving the productivity of small ruminant animals by the introduction of imported breed

    1D mapping of seminal plasma proteins in Anglo-Nubian goats.

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    The lack of information about seasonal variation of seminal plasma proteins in goats from Northeast Brazil led us to investigate the protein band distribution throughout the year. The experiment lasted one year (from April 2006 to March 2007) in which 230 semen collections from five adult goats (Capra hircus) were carried out, at ages ranging from 18 to 22 months, weighing 42.0 ± 10.0 kg, belonging to Anglo Nubian breed. A pool of seminal plasma samples from all the animals in each month of the year was submitted to 1D electrophoresis SDS-PAGE, 12.5%. The gels were analyzed through Life Science Software from UVP, Inc®. The correlation between air humidity and total seminal plasma proteins was not significant (r = -0.24; P > 0.05), while a moderate and significant correlation was found between temperature and total protein (r = 0.39; P 0.05). The analyzed gels showed a high frequency of molecular mass bands below 50 kDa throughout the year, followed by protein bands from 50 to 100 kDa. The major numbers of bands occurred in October and November, while May was the month that presented a smaller number of protein bands. The molecular bands of 14, 22, 24, 40, 55 and 66 kDa were present in all the months of the year. The band of 16 kDa was found in 41.7% of the months. May was the only month that did not show the 30 kDa. August and September did not present the bands of 34 and 35 kDa, while October showed both bands. The 45 kDa band was found in 75% of the months, being present in January, May, July, September and November. The 46 kDa band was identified in June and August, while the 47 kDa was identified in April. The 70 kDa band was identified from May to November (58.3%), the 72 kDa band was found in January, March and April (25%) and bands of 92 to 97 kDa were found from April to December (75%). These results showed a band distribution variation throughout the year in the Anglo Nubian goat breed in the semi-arid area of Brazil. It is concluded that medium rainfall or water scarcity in the dryer months seems to promote variation in semen volume and concentration and total protein distribution throughout the year. As no month variation was observed in semen motility and vigor, and protein bands probably related to fertility showed an uniform distribution throughout the year, it is suggested that there is no fertility variation during the year in Anglo-Nubian goats the semi-arid region.Meta 2010

    Extratos de plantas aromáticas no controle do oídio em plantas de pimentão.

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    Objetivou-se com o trabalho avaliar a eficácia de extratos aquosos de plantas aromáticas no controle do oídio em pimentão.Resumo

    Crescimento de machos inteiros e fêmeas de capivara até sobreano em criação semi-intensiva.

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