17 research outputs found

    Uniformization, Calogero-Moser/Heun duality and Sutherland/bubbling pants

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    Inspired by the work of Alday, Gaiotto and Tachikawa (AGT), we saw the revival of Poincar{\'{e}}'s uniformization problem and Fuchsian equations obtained thereof. Three distinguished aspects are possessed by Fuchsian equations. First, they are available via imposing a classical Liouville limit on level-two null-vector conditions. Second, they fall into some A_1-type integrable systems. Third, the stress-tensor present there (in terms of the Q-form) manifests itself as a kind of one-dimensional "curve". Thereby, a contact with the recently proposed Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit was soon made on the one hand, whilst the seemingly mysterious derivation of Seiberg-Witten prepotentials from integrable models become resolved on the other hand. Moreover, AGT conjecture can just be regarded as a quantum version of the previous Poincar{\'{e}}'s approach. Equipped with these observations, we examined relations between spheric and toric (classical) conformal blocks via Calogero-Moser/Heun duality. Besides, as Sutherland model is also obtainable from Calogero-Moser by pinching tori at one point, we tried to understand its eigenstates from the viewpoint of toric diagrams with possibly many surface operators (toric branes) inserted. A picture called "bubbling pants" then emerged and reproduced well-known results of the non-critical self-dual c=1 string theory under a "blown-down" limit.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures; v2: corrections and references added; v3: Section 2.4.1 newly added thanks to JHEP referee advice. That classical four-point spheric conformal blocks reproducing known SW prepotentials is demonstrated via more examples, to appear in JHEP; v4: TexStyle changed onl

    Hamiltonian structure of 2+1 dimensional gravity

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    A summary is given of some results and perspectives of the hamiltonian ADM approach to 2+1 dimensional gravity. After recalling the classical results for closed universes in absence of matter we go over the the case in which matter is present in the form of point spinless particles. Here the maximally slicing gauge proves most effective by relating 2+1 dimensional gravity to the Riemann- Hilbert problem. It is possible to solve the gravitational field in terms of the particle degrees of freedom thus reaching a reduced dynamics which involves only the particle positions and momenta. Such a dynamics is proven to be hamiltonian and the hamiltonian is given by the boundary term in the gravitational action. As an illustration the two body hamiltonian is used to provide the canonical quantization of the two particle system.Comment: 13 pages,2 figures,latex, Plenary talk at SIGRAV2000 Conferenc

    Classical conformal blocks from TBA for the elliptic Calogero-Moser system

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    The so-called Poghossian identities connecting the toric and spherical blocks, the AGT relation on the torus and the Nekrasov-Shatashvili formula for the elliptic Calogero-Moser Yang's (eCMY) functional are used to derive certain expressions for the classical 4-point block on the sphere. The main motivation for this line of research is the longstanding open problem of uniformization of the 4-punctured Riemann sphere, where the 4-point classical block plays a crucial role. It is found that the obtained representation for certain 4-point classical blocks implies the relation between the accessory parameter of the Fuchsian uniformization of the 4-punctured sphere and the eCMY functional. Additionally, a relation between the 4-point classical block and the Nf=4N_f=4, SU(2){\sf SU(2)} twisted superpotential is found and further used to re-derive the instanton sector of the Seiberg-Witten prepotential of the Nf=4N_f=4, SU(2){\sf SU(2)} supersymmetric gauge theory from the classical block.Comment: 25 pages, no figures, latex+JHEP3, published versio

    Accessory parameters for Liouville theory on the torus

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    We give an implicit equation for the accessory parameter on the torus which is the necessary and sufficient condition to obtain the monodromy of the conformal factor. It is shown that the perturbative series for the accessory parameter in the coupling constant converges in a finite disk and give a rigorous lower bound for the radius of convergence. We work out explicitly the perturbative result to second order in the coupling for the accessory parameter and to third order for the one-point function. Modular invariance is discussed and exploited. At the non perturbative level it is shown that the accessory parameter is a continuous function of the coupling in the whole physical region and that it is analytic except at most a finite number of points. We also prove that the accessory parameter as a function of the modulus of the torus is continuous and real-analytic except at most for a zero measure set. Three soluble cases in which the solution can be expressed in terms of hypergeometric functions are explicitly treated.Comment: 30 pages, LaTex; typos corrected, discussion of eq.(74) improve

    Symplectic geometry of the moduli space of projective structures in homological coordinates

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    We study the symplectic geometry of the space of linear differential equations with holomorphic coefficients of the form on Riemann surfaces of genus g. This space coincides with the moduli space of projective connections which is an affine bundle modelled on the cotangent bundle . We show that for several choices of the origin, or base, holomorphic projective connection (such as Bergman, Wirtinger or Schottky) the canonical Poisson structure on induces the Goldman bracket on the monodromy character variety. These different choices give rise to equivalent symplectic structures on the space of projective connections but different symplectic polarizations; we find the corresponding generating functions. Combined with a prior theorem of Kawai, our results show the symplectic equivalence between the embeddings of induced by the Bers and Bergman projective connections into the space of projective structures. The main technical tools are variational formulas with respect to homological Darboux coordinates on the space of holomorphic quadratic differentials. In particular, we get a new system of differential equations for the Prym matrix of the canonical two-sheeted covering of a Riemann surface defined by a quadratic differential