6 research outputs found

    Beneficial effects of the fructus Sophorae extract on experimentally induced osteoporosis in New Zealand white rabbits

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    Sophora japonica is a source of several flavonol, flavone and isoflavone glycosides that are reported to positively affect menopausal symptoms including osteoporotic complications. In the present study fructus Sophorae extract (FSE) was administered orally for three months at a dose of 200 mg kg–1 in ovariectomized (OVX) New Zealand rabbits. 3D computed tomography scans and histopathological images revealed microstructural disturbances in the bones of the castrated animals. FSE recovered most of the affected parameters in bones in a manner similar to zoledronic acid (ZA) used as a positive control. The aglycones of the main active compounds of FSE, daidzin, and genistin, were docked into the alpha and beta estrogen receptors and stable complexes were found. The findings of this study provide an insight into the effects of FSE on bone tissue loss and suggest that it could be further developed as a potential candidate for the prevention of postmenopausal osteoporotic complications

    Practical Application and Influence of “Avigen duck” Immunomodulator to White Pekin Ducks Humoral Immune Factors

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    Factors of non-specific immunity are responsible for protecting birds from a number of viruses and bacteria. Bactericidal proteins are played here lysozyme and complement, interferon, as well as beta-lysine. Adding appropriate active compounds to the bird's diet to activate the innate immune response are subject to studies by many authors. The practical application and influence of the "Avigen Duck". immunomodulator in the cultivation of White Pekin ducks aims to clarify the dynamics of the indicators. It was found that the ducks treated with the immunomodulator had higher non-specific protection expressed in the values of the observed indicators. Complement activity for the experienced group (529.45 ± 17,85 CH50) is significantly higher than that of untrained birds (308.56 ± 10.19 CH50), on the 30th day of their lives (P <0.001). Lysozyme values for the experienced group (6.34 ± 0.86 mg L-1) is more than twice as high as its concentration in control birds - 2.52 ± 0.59 mg L-1. At 30 days of age, the mean concentration of IFN γ in the control group of ducks was 108.86±6.12 pg ml-1, and in the experimental group treated with immunomodulator - 518.06±12.80 pg ml-1, accompanied by an increase in the values of IL-2 and IL-6 and beta-lysine activity. These data show that, despite the short life of the ducks, the concentrations of the investigated factors of non-specific immunity increase significantly and statistically reliably, even after a single treatment with immunomodulator "Avigen Duck". The practical application of the immunomodulator in the duck diet has a strong effect on their non-specific immunity

    In Vitro Comparison of Several Methods for Initial Proximal Caries Detection

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    Introduction: Initial proximal caries is both diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. The disadvantages of the conventional methods for caries detection and the development of technologies led to the creation of contemporary optical devices for early caries detection.Aim: In vitro comparison of the diagnostic accuracy of several methods for early proximal caries detection – visual-tactile, bitewing radiography and laser fluorescence device (DIAGNOdent pen).Materials and methods: Fifty-eight proximal surfaces of extracted human permanent premolars and molars were examined by two examiners using visual inspection, bitewing radiography, DIAGNOdent with proximal contact, and DIAGNOdent directly in the lesion. Results were compared with the histological gold standard. Statistical analysis with ROC curve, sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy of each detection method was performed. Analysis was conducted in 3 diagnostic thresholds – initial, developed and advanced demineralization.Results: Sensitivity of visual inspection was 16%–33%, specificity 93.3%–100%, sensitivity of bitewing radiography 54%–67%, speci­ficity 93%–94%, sensitivity of DIAGNOdent with proximal surfaces in contact 88%–91%, specificity 79%–89%, sensitivity of DIAG­NOdent directly 89%–92.5%, specificity 81.29%–93%. The highest diagnostic accuracy, increasing with the rise of the level of demin­eralization, was shown by DIAGNOdent directly, followed by DIAGNOdent with proximal contact, bitewing radiography, and visual inspection with the lowest accuracy.Conclusion: The use of contemporary diagnostic devices significantly increases the possibility for early detection of proximal lesions. DIAGNOdent can be used as an adjunct to and increasing the diagnostic accuracy of the conventional caries detection methods

    Metabolic syndrome: comparison of three diet-induced experimental models

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    The high-fat (HF) diets can be used to generate a valid rodent model for metabolic syndrome (METS). The aim of this study was to compare three different diets, namely a high-fat, high-carbohydrate diet (HF-HCD), a high-fat lard-based diet (HFD), and a cafeteria diet (CFD), in terms of the ability to induce METS. The next step was to characterize the syndrome according to the biochemical and histopathological changes in the liver and pancreas, and to determine the optimal animal model. As a result, all diets disturbed significantly the serum biochemical parameters. HF-HCD and CFD increased the uric acid levels and reduced the weight gain in comparison with the standard chow diet (SCD) and HFD. The HFD and CFD induced the highest fasting glycemia levels. Although the animals fed with HF-HCD had the lowest body weight, the most serious histopathological changes in the pancreas, hypertension, and oxidative stress were noted in them

    Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Potential of <i>Echinops ritro</i> L. Extracts on Induced Oxidative Stress In Vitro/In Vivo

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    Echinops ritro L. (Asteraceae) is traditionally used in the treatment of bacterial/fungal infections and respiratory and heart ailments. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of extracts from E. ritro leaves (ERLE) and flowering heads (ERFE) as antioxidant and hepatoprotective agents on diclofenac-induced lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress under in vitro and in vivo conditions. In isolated rat microsomes and hepatocytes, the extracts significantly alleviated oxidative stress by increasing cell viability and GSH levels and reducing LDH efflux and MDA production. During in vivo experiments, the administration of the ERFE alone or in combination with diclofenac resulted in a significant increase in cellular antioxidant protection and a decrease in lipid peroxidation witnessed by key markers and enzymes. A beneficial influence on the activity of the drug-metabolizing enzymes ethylmorphine-N-demetylase and aniline hydroxylase in liver tissue was found. In the acute toxicity test evaluation, the ERFE showed no toxicity. In the ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry analysis, 95 secondary metabolites were reported for the first time, including acylquinic acids, flavonoids, and coumarins. Protocatechuic acid O-hexoside, quinic, chlorogenic and 3, 5-dicaffeoylquinic acid, apigenin; apigenin 7-O-glucoside, hyperoside, jaceosidene, and cirsiliol dominated the profiles. The results suggest that both extracts should be designed for functional applications with antioxidant and hepatoprotective capacity

    In Vivo Toxicity, Redox-Modulating Capacity and Intestinal Permeability of Novel Aroylhydrazone Derivatives as Anti-Tuberculosis Agents

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    The emergence and spread of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains resistant to many or all anti-tuberculosis (TB) drugs require the development of new compounds both efficient and with minimal side effects. Structure-activity-toxicity relationships of such novel, structurally diverse compounds must be thoroughly elucidated before further development. Here, we present the aroylhydrazone compounds (3a and 3b) regarding their: (i) acute and subacute toxicity in mice; (ii) redox-modulating in vivo and in vitro capacity; (iii) pathomorphology in the liver, kidney, and small intestine tissue specimens; and (iv) intestinal permeability. The acute toxicity test showed that the two investigated compounds exhibited low toxicity by oral and intraperitoneal administration. Changes in behavior, food amount, and water intake were not observed during 14 days of the oral administration at two doses of 1/10 and 1/20 of the LD50. The histological examination of the different tissue specimens did not show toxic changes. The in vitro antioxidant assays confirmed the ex vivo results. High gastrointestinal tract permeability at all tested pH values were demonstrated for both compounds. To conclude, both compounds 3a and 3b are highly permeable with low toxicity and can be considered for further evaluation and/or lead optimization