125 research outputs found

    Adrenal pheochromocytoma incidentally discovered in a patient with parkinsonism

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    To evaluate the diagnostic route of pheochromocytoma (PHEO) in a patient under dopaminergic treatment. A 70-year-old man with Parkinsonism and under treatment with levodopa and carbidopa came to our observation for evaluation of arterial hypertension and right adrenal mass discovered incidentally. To evaluate adrenal hormone levels we performed a dexamethasone suppression test, plasma aldosterone levels and 24-hr urinary metanephrine, which revealed elevated levels of catecholamines metabolities. 123-I-metaiodobenzylguanidine SPECT scintiscan revealed raised activity within the right adrenal gland concordant with the mass. The diagnosis of PHEO was posed and an elective laparoscopic adrenalectomy was performed; histopathological examination confirmed the PHEO diagnosis. Recently the coexistence of PHEO and Parkinsonism is a very rare association of diseases, with only 3 cases reported in literature. In this article, another case is reported and diagnostic procedures are discusse

    A case of acute aortic dissection type b associated with cushing's syndrome

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    We report a case of a 63-year-old man, with a previous history of hypertension and glucose intolerance associated troncular obesity that was emergently admitted to our Institution for evaluation of a severe, constant posterior chest pain which radiated anteriorly and dyspnoea with a suspected diagnosis of acute aortic dissection. A CT scan of thorax and abdomen demonstrated a dissection starting just below left succlavian artery and extending downward to the left renal artery, involving the celiac tripod and superior mesenteric artery. The dissection was classified as Stanford B, De Bakey III. Moreover, CT scan of abdomen revealed incidentally a left adrenal tumor of 25 mm of diameter. An emergent prosthetic graft was placed just below the origin of the left succlavian artery up-to the diaphragmatic hiatus. Furthermore, a diagnostic evaluation of the mass revealed an increase of cortisol production, and a diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome was done and the patient underwent an adrenalectomy via laparotomic approach. We report an association of acute aortic dissection of acute aortic dissection type B associated to Cushing's syndrome. Cushing's syndrome; Adrenocortical adenoma; Aortic dissection type B

    Resistant arterial hypertension in a patient with adrenal incidentaloma multiple steno-obstructive vascular lesions and antiphospholipid syndrome

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    Resistant hypertension is defined as above of blood pressure (≤ 140/90 mmHg) despite therapy with three or more antihypertensive drugs of different classes at maximum tolerable doses with one bling a diuretic. An important consideration in defining a patient with resistant hypertension is the mislabeling of secondary hypertension as resistant hypertension. Here, we report a patients with resistant hypertension caused by multiple stenoocclusive arteries due to antiphospholipid syndrome and coexisting with subclinical Cushing’s syndrome

    Hypokalemic rhabdomyolysis: a rare manifestation of primary aldosteronism

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    Rhabdomyolysis is a rare presentation of hypokalemia, although muscle weakness is a well-known manifestation of hypokalemia. Primary aldosteronism is characterized by hypertension, suppressed plasma renin activity, increased aldosterone excretion and hypokalemia with metabolic alkalosis. Rhabdomyolysis is not common in primary aldosteronism. We present here a 40-year-old woman presenting with rhabdomyolysis accompanied by severe hypokalemia as heralding symptom of primary aldosteronism

    Magnetic resonance imaging 3t and total fibrotic volume in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

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    INTRODUCTION: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is the most common renal hereditary disorder. Several authors have attempted to identify a kidney damage marker for predicting the prognosis and the effectiveness of therapy in ADPKD. The aim of this study was to identify and quantify in ADPKD, through a novel MR protocol with 3 Tesla (MRI 3Tesla), the presence of parenchymal fibrotic tissue at early stage of disease, able to correlate the glomerular filtrate and to predict the loss of the function renal. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 15 ADPKD patients undergone to renal MRI 3Tesla at T0 and revaluated after follow up (T1) of 5 years. We have evaluated renal function, plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC), insulin resistance and surrogate markers of atherosclerosis (carotid intima media thickness (IMT), ankle/brachial index (ABI) and left ventricular mass index (LVMI). RESULTS: Our study showed a significant negative correlation between total kidney volume and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) during observational observation (p<0.02). Moreover, we showed a negative correlation between eGFR with Total Fibrotic Volume (TFV) (p<0.04) and Total Perfusion Volume/Total kidney Volume(<0.02). Moreover TFV was correlated positively with PAC (p<0.05), insulin values (p<0.05), ABI (p <0.05) and LVMI(p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The MRI 3Tesla, despite the high costs, could be considered an useful and non-invasive method in the evaluation of fibrotic tissue and progression of the disease in ADPKD patients. Further clinical trials on larger group are due to confirm the results of this pilot study, suggesting that MRI 3Tesla can be useful to evaluate the effectiveness of new therapeutic strategies. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Silent Adrenal Pheochromocytoma Coexistent with Corticomedullary Hyperplasia: A Case Incidentally Discovered

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    Introduction: Pheochromocytoma (PHEO) is a rare catecholamine-producing tumour arising from chromaffin cells in the sympatho-adrenal system, and can present as asymptomatic adrenal incidentaloma (AI). Patient: We describe the case of a 61-year-old woman with a right adrenal mass incidentally discovered, who was biochemically characterized with subclinical hypercortisolism (SH). The patient was scheduled for adrenalectomy because of increasing seizure of the right adrenal gland with a haemorrhagic and focal pseudocystic appearance macroscopically, incidental histological and immunohistochemical PHEO, and micronodular cortico-adrenal hyperplasia. Discussion: This report describes a rare case of incidental non-functioning PHEO coexisting with corticomedullary hyperplasia and SH

    A rare case report of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy induced by catecholamine-producing tumor

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    RATIONALE: Catecholamine-producing tumors are rare, occurring in less than 0.2% of patients with hypertension, but can have relevant cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. PATIENT CONCERNS: A 37-year-old woman presented with a history of dyspnea, chest pain, palpitations, and paroxysmal hypertension. Electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, and cardiac magnetic resonance showed severe LVH with a prevalent involvement of the anterior portion of interventricular septum. Endomyocardial biopsy found severe hypertrophy with disarray of cardiomyocytes and ultrastructural evidence of contraction and necrosis of myocytes. Hormone investigations revealed high values of 24-hours urinary metanephrines. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) showed an enlarged left adrenal gland with a strong uptake of I-metaiodobenzylguanidine at scintigraphy scan. INTERVENTIONS:Thus, the adrenal tumor was surgically removed. OUTCOMES: At follow-up examination, the patient's metanephrines levels were normalized and the transthoracic echocardiogram showed a reduction of LVH. DIAGNOSIS AND LESSONS: We report a rare case of catecholamine-induced cardiomyopathy due to an adrenal adenoma mixed with nodules enriched in epinephrine-types secreting granules

    Transverse study of personality characteristics in patients with arterial hypertension

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    OBJECTIVE: To verify whether hypertensive patients, with recent or old poor-controlled hypertension, asymptomatic for anxiety and/or depression, seem more disturbed in personality than normotensive patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 122 patients with arterial hypertension (62 women, 60 men, mean age 47 +/- 12.7 years, divided in new-hypertensive patients who don't take any drugs and old-hypertensive patients with a chronic therapy) and 65 normotensive subjects (37 women, 28 men, middle age 41 +/- 11.7 years) answered two self-extiming questionnaires: A.S.Q. by Krug and Cattel and C.D.Q. by Krug and Laughlin. For every group of variables it has been calculated the mean and standard deviation and statistical analysis was performed by Mann-Whitney's t test. A value of p < 0.05 was considered statistically significatant. RESULTS: 37 hypertensive patients (30.3%) were positive in the C.D.Q. and 34 (27.8%) in the A.S.Q. test. In the group of normotensive subjects, 13 (20%) were positive in C.D.Q. and 12 (8.4%) in A.S.Q. There was a statistic difference in C.D.Q and A.S.Q. between hypertensive and normotensive subjects. No statistic difference was found in C.D.Q. and A.S.Q. between new and old-hypertensives. CONCLUSIONS: The study has shown a significant higher level of anxiety and depression in hypertensive subjects as compared to normotensives. However, no significant difference in anxiety and depression levels was found between new- and old-hypertensive patients or in relation with the use of antihypertensive drugs

    The prevalence of resistant arterial hypertension and secondary causes in a cohort of hypertensive patients: a single center experience

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    The prevalence of resistant hypertension (RHT) still remains unknown. Aim of the study was to investigate in a large cohort of hypertensive patients the prevalence of RHT, and to identify in these patients the secondary forms of arterial hypertension (SH). We enrolled a series of 3685 consecutive hypertensive patients. All patients underwent complete physical examination, laboratory tests, screening for SH. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) was performed to exclude white-coat hypertension. Further, we investigated for any obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA). Only 232 (5.8%) hypertensive patients fulfilled criteria for RHT. 91 (39%) had a SH; 56 (61%) hypertensive patients had a primary aldosteronism, 22 (24%) had OSA, 7 (7.7%) had a hypercortisolism, and 5 (5.5%) had a renovascular hypertension (RVH). Only one patient had adrenal pheochromocytoma. An accurate definition and investigation into RHT is needed. We recommend ABPM to all patients at diagnosis. Finally, all patients must be screened for SH, such as adrenal hypertension, OSA and RVH, especially those who are apparently resistant to polypharmacological treatment
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