11 research outputs found

    In Vitro Studies of Antifungal Activity of Colloidal Silver against Important Plants Pathogens

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    Colloids and especially silver are increasingly used in a variety of worldwide applications because of their potential antimicrobial activity and their plasmotic and conductivity properties. This research reports the fungitoxic properties of colloidal silver on mycelial growth of important plant pathogens: Alternaria brassicicola, Botrytis cinerea, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium culmorum, Fusarium oxysporum, Penicillium digitatum and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Although variable responses towards each compound were observed within the species the results revealed a clear reaction to limiting mycelium growth relative to various concentration of Colloidal silver (CS). Results were expressed as effective concentrations which inhibit mycelial growth by 50% and 90% respectively (EC50 and EC90). Efficiency of colloidal silver on mycelial growth inhibition of different isolates based on EC50 have the following values: 3.69 ppm for Alternaria brassicicola, 7.32 ppm for Botrytis cinerea, 18.21 ppm for Aspergillus flavus, 10.43 ppm for Aspergillus niger, 11.99 ppm for Fusarium culmorum, 12.27 ppm for Fusarium oxysporum, 10.82 ppm for Penicillium digitatum and 6.34 ppm for Sclerotinia. According to the obtained results the antifungal activity of colloidal silver particles as biocide has potential for using it as a non-aggressive treatment in horticulture and sustainable horticulture

    New Genotypes of Leaf Mustard (Brassica juncea), Bred and Acclimatized at Vegetable Research and Development Station Buzau

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    Since 1996, Brassica juncea has been studied in the Breeding Laboratory of Vegetable Research and Development Station Buzau. The aim of this study was to obtain genotypes with distinct phenotypic expressivity, suitable to be grown in protected spaces and field, adapted to the pedoclimatic conditions of our country. The genetic potential of the germplasm collection was evaluated and the seven obtained families were measured biometrically and phenologically. G1 has been registered since 2017 at The State Institute for Testing and Registration of Varieties Bucharest for approval under the temporary name ‘Aroma’

    Research on the acclimatization and breeding of Sideritis hyssopifolia L. in Romania

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    Sideritis hyssopifolia L., perennial plant of the genus Sideritis, is also known as hyssop-leaved mountain ironwort. In its area of origin in northwestern Europe, it is valued as an aromatic and medicinal plant and used in the prevention and treatment of digestive ailments. It has been studied at Plant Genetic Resources Bank Buzău since 2019, being the subject of intensive acclimatization and improvement works with the purpose of obtaining new creations with distinct genotypic and biochemical characteristics. The genetic material used was from the centers of origin: Spain, Portugal, Madeira and Canary Islands, and the breeding methods were repeated individual selection followed by negative mass selection. In order to prevent the biological contamination of genotypes with foreign pollen, insulators with textile material were used. Cultivar G5, superior in terms of acclimation and genetic stability, also exhibited distinct phenotypic expressivity. At the same time, specific culture technology was developed with the aim of promoting it among farmers

    The Influence of Rootstock on the Growth and Fructification of Cherry Cultivars in a High Density Cultivation System

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    The influence of rootstock on the growth and fruiting of three sweet cherry cultivars (‘Bigarreau Burlat’, ‘Kordia’, ‘Regina’) was studied under the pedoclimatic conditions of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in 2014-2016. The trees were grafted on Gisela 5 rootstock, trained as Zahn Spindle and the orchard had a density of 1666 trees/ha. Roots were cut twice, at 50 cm distance from the trunk, in an angle of 45° and 30 cm depth, as followed: first time, to the autumn, in fall leaves time, on one side of the row and the second time, in spring, at blooming time, at the other side of the row. The rootstocks influenced height of the trees, the shoot growth, the number of long and fruiting branches, trunk cross sectional area yield and precocity, with differences statistically assured. The longest shoots, in mean values, gave the variant with cultivars grafted on Mahaleb rootstock (111.7 cm). ‘Gisela 5’ rootstock decreases the average length of annual growth (93.3 cm). Trees grafted on Mahaleb formed more long fruiting branches and fewer short fruiting branches than those grafted on ‘Gisela 5’. The biggest average trunks cross sectional area were obtained for the cultivars grafted on Mahaleb (62.1 cm2). Also, rootstocks influenced the height of the trees. The cumulative yield was almost double in variants where the trees were grafted on ‘Gisela 5’ (23.2 kg/tree), compared to the variants where the trees were grafted on Mahaleb (13.1 kg/tree)


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    Sideritis hyssopifolia L., perennial plant of the genus Sideritis, is also known as hyssop-leaved mountain ironwort. In its area of origin in northwestern Europe, it is valued as an aromatic and medicinal plant and used in the prevention and treatment of digestive ailments. It has been studied at Plant Genetic Resources Bank Buzău since 2019, being the subject of intensive acclimatization and improvement works with the purpose of obtaining new creations with distinct genotypic and biochemical characteristics. The genetic material used was from the centers of origin: Spain, Portugal, Madeira and Canary Islands, and the breeding methods were repeated individual selection followed by negative mass selection. In order to prevent the biological contamination of genotypes with foreign pollen, insulators with textile material were used. Cultivar G5, superior in terms of acclimation and genetic stability, also exhibited distinct phenotypic expressivity. At the same time, specific culture technology was developed with the aim of promoting it among farmers

    Sideritis syriaca – A New Species Introduced into Culture in Romania

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    Sideritis syriaca is an endemic plant in the mountains of Crete, well-known from the antiquity (Karousou R. et al., 1992). Also named Malotira, it has been used as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant and analgesic agent in folk medicine (Goulas V. et al. 2014). In Romania, the Domnesc variety was created in 2019 as a result of breeding and acclimatization to S scardica. Acclimatization, identification of suitable areas for cultivation in Romania and breeding to obtain genotypes with distinct phenotypic expressiveness that meet the international norms of the DUS test are the study’s purpose. The genetic resources are from the germplasm collection of P.G.R.B. and endemic resources acquired from the area of origin and the breeding methods used are repeated individual selection followed by negative mass selection. Type E was selected from the 5 varieties obtained, based on its valuable phenotypic characteristics and good response to environmental conditions; during the three years of study, the plants were monitored, biometric measurements were performed, the culture technology was established; the observations showed an optimal evolution and development of the plants: biomass was 286 g in the first year and 1495 g in the third year. The establishment scheme of the culture was 70 cm between rows and 40 cm between plants/row. Breeding and acclimatization of the S. syriaca species to the climatic conditions of our country were achieved, conditions for the approval of a new variety were created, culture technology was developed

    Hippophae salicifolia D. Don: A Miraculous Species Less Known in Europe

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    Hippophae salicifolia is an Euro-Asian species used in many industries, from medicine to cosmetics, nutrition, or soil sciences (enriching degraded fields, diminishing soil erosion, preventing and treating diseases). The purpose of this study was to analyse the culture of this species in Europe together with the chemical content of its fruits. In order to achieve this, Hippophae salicifolia seeds were sown in greenhouses, seedlings were planted in fields, while the fruits were harvested and analysed both fresh, as well as after preservation for 1 year and 5 months. The properties of H. salicifolia fruits were also compared with the fruits of Hippophae rhamnoides, both fresh and preserved for 7 months. The analysis have shown that fresh fruits contain an average quantity of 31; 811 and 231 mg/100 total carotenoid, polyphenol, and ascorbic acid, respectively. The vitamin C content was much higher than that observed for H. rhamonides. If kept in adequate conditions, H. salicifolia fruits lose only a small amount of vitamin C and exhibit a vitamin C content (224 mg/100g) superior to the fresh fruit of H. rhamonides (100-150 mg/100 g). By comparing the chemical characteristics of H. salicifolia and H. rhamnoides fruits preserved over a long period of time, a higher concentration of vitamin C was observed in H. salicifolia, while the differences between the other chemical characteristics were insignificant. The obtained results strongly suggest that H. salicifolia can be successfully cultured in Europe, while its exceptional fruit qualities can be capitalised on by a variety of industries

    Perspectives on the Extension and Diversification of Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) Assortment by Exploiting Genetic Resources Conserved at The Plant Genetic Resources Bank of Buzău

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    The present study aims to evaluate the diversification of the current indigenous assortment of the genus Ocimum by obtaining new distinct genotypes with superior quality, following classical intraspecific hybridization and determination of their chemical composition. The germplasm collection contains 63 genotypes of which 27 are genetic stable. Among the stable genotypes, 4 genitors were studied as breeding material. The breeding procedures used were classical hybridization, negative mass selection and segregation. Laboratory analyses were also carried out in terms of chemical composition description. In the present research work, as a result of intraspecific hybridization, 4 new genotypes were obtained to enrich the local assortment of aromatic and medicinal plants of the genus Ocimum in Romania. The new morphotypes obtained have distinct characteristics and superior qualities