5,831 research outputs found

    Response to Comment on `Undamped electrostatic plasma waves' [Phys. Plasmas 19, 092103 (2012)]

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    Numerical and experimental evidence is given for the occurrence of the plateau states and concomitant corner modes proposed in \cite{valentini12}. It is argued that these states provide a better description of reality for small amplitude off-dispersion disturbances than the conventional Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal or cnoidal states such as those proposed in \cite{comment

    Fluorescence and Hybrid Detection Aperture of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The aperture of the Fluorescence Detector (FD) of the Pierre Auger Observatory is evaluated from simulated events using different detector configurations: mono, stereo, 3-FD and 4-FD. The trigger efficiency has been modeled using shower profiles with ground impacts in the field of view of a single telescope and studying the trigger response (at the different levels) by that telescope and by its neighbours. In addition, analysis cuts imposed by event reconstruction have been applied. The hybrid aperture is then derived for the Auger final extension. Taking into account the actual Surface Detector (SD) array configuration and its trigger response, the aperture is also calculated for a typical configuration of the present phase.Comment: contribution to the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Pune, India, 3-10 August 200

    Linear Theory of Electron-Plasma Waves at Arbitrary Collisionality

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    The dynamics of electron-plasma waves are described at arbitrary collisionality by considering the full Coulomb collision operator. The description is based on a Hermite-Laguerre decomposition of the velocity dependence of the electron distribution function. The damping rate, frequency, and eigenmode spectrum of electron-plasma waves are found as functions of the collision frequency and wavelength. A comparison is made between the collisionless Landau damping limit, the Lenard-Bernstein and Dougherty collision operators, and the electron-ion collision operator, finding large deviations in the damping rates and eigenmode spectra. A purely damped entropy mode, characteristic of a plasma where pitch-angle scattering effects are dominant with respect to collisionless effects, is shown to emerge numerically, and its dispersion relation is analytically derived. It is shown that such a mode is absent when simplified collision operators are used, and that like-particle collisions strongly influence the damping rate of the entropy mode.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication on Journal of Plasma Physic

    First-line immunotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer patients with poor performance status: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have become the standard of care for the first-line treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients (NSCLC), either as single agents or combined with chemotherapy. The evidence sustaining their role for poor performance status (ECOG PS ≥2) patients is limited. Methods: We search PubMed and the proceedings of international oncology meetings to perform a systematic review to assess the outcomes poor PS NSCLC patients who received ICIs as first-line treatment. A meta-analysis included retrospective studies focusing on pembrolizumab monotherapy in PD-L1 ≥50% NSCLC. We reported the global objective response rate (ORR), disease control rate (DCR) and landmark progression-free and overall survival (PFS and OS, respectively) in ECOG PS ≥2 and 0-1 patients, respectively. Results: Forty-one studies were included in the systematic review. Thirty-two retrospective studies focused on pembrolizumab monotherapy in PD-L1 ≥50% cases. In total, 1,030 out of 5,357 (19%) of patients across 30 studies presented with a PS ≥2 at pembrolizumab initiation. In 18 studies with detailed clinical information, worse outcomes in poor PS compared to good PS patients were documented. The meta-analysis revealed that ORR and DCR within the PS ≥2 patient population were 30.9% and 41.5% respectively (55.2% and 71.5% in PS 0-1 patients). The rates of PFS (at 3, 6, 12 and 18 months) and OS (at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months) were approximately double in the good PS compared to the poor PS group of patients. In the three prospective trials where of ICIs in PS 2 populations, the diverse strictness in PS definition likely contributed to the differential outcomes observed. Six retrospective studies dealt with chemo-immunotherapy combinations. Conclusions: Still with limited prospective evidence sustaining the role of immunotherapy in previously untreated NSCLC with poor PS, 19% of patients in retrospective series dealing with pembrolizumab in PDL1 ≥50% tumors had an ECOG PS ≥2. Clinical effort encompassing the definition of poor PS, of the factors conditioning it, and the development of dedicated treatment strategies is required to improve the outcomes in this patient population

    Ground-based Raman-lidar for day and night measurements of water-vapor in the boundary layer

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    The solar-blind Raman-lidar based on a KrF laser (248 nm) developed at Lecce’s University (407 208 N, 187 68 E) is described. The lidar is currently used for day and night measurements of water vapor. The dependence of the measurement range of the lidar on the laser beam divergence is investigated and it is shown that the KrF laser beam divergence can be reduced by a factor A10 by using a quite simple unstable cavity configuration. The maximum range which was limited to approximately 500 m for a A3 mrad divergence laser beam has increased up to 1200 m with a A0.3 mrad divergence laser beam since the field of view of the telescope was of 1 mrad. Water vapor profiles retrieved from lidar measurements under different operating conditions are presented. The effect of boundary-layer ozone absorption has also been investigated

    Comments on "Screening and identification of novel ochratoxin A-producing fungi from grapes. Toxins 2016,8,833" - in reporting ochratoxin A production from strains of Aspergillus, Penicillium and talaromcyes

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    Recently a species in the genus Talaromyces, a uniseriate species of Aspergillus section Nigri and an isolate each of two widespread species, Penicillium rubens and P. commune, were reported to produce ochratoxin A. This claim was based on insufficient biological and chemical data. We propose a list of criteria that need to be met before an unexpected mycotoxin producer is reported. There have only been convincing data on ochratoxin A production for Penicillium verrucosum, P. nordicum, P. thymicola, all from Penicillium series Verrucosa, and from species in three sections of Aspergillus: section Circumdati, section Nigri and section Flavi

    Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs): Biochemistry, Signaling, Analytical Methods, and Epigenetic Effects

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    The advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are organic molecules formed in any living organisms with a great variety of structural and functional properties. They are considered organic markers of the glycation process. Due to their great heterogeneity, there is no specific test for their operational measurement. In this review, we have updated the most common chromatographic, colorimetric, spectroscopic, mass spectrometric, and serological methods, typically used for the determination of AGEs in biological samples. We have described their signaling and signal transduction mechanisms and cell epigenetic effects. Although mass spectrometric analysis is not widespread in the detection of AGEs at the clinical level, this technique is highly promising for the early diagnosis and therapeutics of diseases caused by AGEs. Protocols are available for high-resolution mass spectrometry of glycated proteins although they are characterized by complex machine management. Simpler procedures are available although much less precise than mass spectrometry. Among them, immunochemical tests are very common since they are able to detect AGEs in a simple and immediate way. In these years, new methodologies have been developed using an in vivo novel and noninvasive spectroscopic methods. These methods are based on the measurement of autofluorescence of AGEs. Another method consists of detecting AGEs in the human skin to detect chronic exposure, without the inconvenience of invasive methods. The aim of this review is to compare the different approaches of measuring AGEs at a clinical perspective due to their strict association with oxidative stress and inflammation

    Direct radiative effects by anthropogenic particles at a polluted site: Rome (Italy)

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    The direct radiative effect (DRE) by all (anthropogenic plus natural) and anthropogenic aerosols is calculated at the solar (0.3–4 μm) and infrared (4–200 μm) spectral range to better address the annual cycle of the anthropogenic aerosol impact at a site (Rome, Italy) significantly affected by pollution. Aerosol optical and microphysical properties from 2003 AERONET Sun/sky-photometer measurements and solar surface albedos based on MODIS satellite sensor data constitute the necessary input to radiative transfer simulations. Clear- and all-sky conditions are investigated by adopting ISCCP monthly products for high-, mid-, and low-cloud cover. It is shown that monthly mean values of aerosol optical depths by anthropogenic particles (AODa) are on average more than 50% of the corresponding all-aerosol-optical-depth (AOD) monthly means. In particular, the AODa/AOD ratio that varies within the (0.51–0.83) on autumn-winter (AW, October-March), varies within the (0.50–0.71) range on spring-summer (SS, April-September) as a consequence of the larger contribution of natural particles on SS. The surface (sfc), all-sky DRE by anthropogenic particles that is negative all year round at solar wavelengths, represents on average 60% and 51% of the all-sky sfc-DRE by all aerosols on AW and SS, respectively. The all-sky atmospheric forcing by anthropogenic particles (AFa) that is positive all year round, is little dependent on seasons: it varies within the (1.0–4.1)W/m2 and (2.0–4.2)W/m2 range on AW and SS, respectively. Conversely, the all-sky AF by all aerosols is characterized by a marked seasonality. As a consequence, the atmospheric forcing by anthropogenic particles that on average is 50% of the AF value on AW, decreases down to 36% of the AF value on SS. Infrared aerosol DREs that are positive all year round are significantly smaller than the corresponding absolute values of solar DREs. Clouds decrease on average ToA- and sfc-DRE absolute values by anthropogenic particles of 36% and 23%, respectively and are quite responsible of the seasonal dependence of aerosol forcing efficiencies by all and anthropogenic aerosols
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