8,355 research outputs found

    Multi-Harnack smoothings of real plane branches

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    We introduce a new method for the construction of smoothings of a real plane branch (C,0)(C, 0) by using Viro Patchworking method. Since real plane branches are Newton degenerated in general, we cannot apply Viro Patchworking method directly. Instead we apply the Patchworking method for certain Newton non degenerate curve singularities with several branches. These singularities appear as a result of iterating deformations of the strict transforms of the branch at certain infinitely near points of the toric embedded resolution of singularities of (C,0)(C,0). We characterize the MM-smoothings obtained by this method by the local data. In particular, we analyze the class of multi-Harnack smoothings, those smoothings arising in a sequence MM-smoothings of the strict transforms of (C,0) which are in maximal position with respect to the coordinate lines. We prove that there is a unique the topological type of multi-Harnack smoothings, which is determined by the complex equisingularity type of the branch. This result is a local version of a recent Theorem of Mikhalkin

    On weak and strong magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

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    Recent numerical and observational studies contain conflicting reports on the spectrum of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. In an attempt to clarify the issue we investigate anisotropic incompressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence with a strong guide field B0B_0. We perform numerical simulations of the reduced MHD equations in a special setting that allows us to elucidate the transition between weak and strong turbulent regimes. Denote kk_{\|}, kk_\perp characteristic field-parallel and field-perpendicular wavenumbers of the fluctuations, and bλb_{\lambda} the fluctuating field at the scale λ1/k\lambda\sim 1/k_{\perp}. We find that when the critical balance condition, kB0kbλk_{\|}B_0\sim k_{\perp} b_{\lambda}, is satisfied, the turbulence is strong, and the energy spectrum is E(k)k3/2E(k_{\perp})\propto k^{-3/2}_{\perp}. As the kk_{\|} width of the spectrum increases, the turbulence rapidly becomes weaker, and in the limit kB0kbλk_{\|}B_0\gg k_{\perp} b_{\lambda}, the spectrum approaches E(k)k2E(k_{\perp})\propto k_{\perp}^{-2}. The observed sensitivity of the spectrum to the balance of linear and nonlinear interactions may explain the conflicting numerical and observational findings where this balance condition is not well controlled.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    On the energy spectrum of strong magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

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    The energy spectrum of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence attracts interest due to its fundamental importance and its relevance for interpreting astrophysical data. Here we present measurements of the energy spectra from a series of high-resolution direct numerical simulations of MHD turbulence with a strong guide field and for increasing Reynolds number. The presented simulations, with numerical resolutions up to 2048^3 mesh points and statistics accumulated over 30 to 150 eddy turnover times, constitute, to the best of our knowledge, the largest statistical sample of steady state MHD turbulence to date. We study both the balanced case, where the energies associated with Alfv\'en modes propagating in opposite directions along the guide field, E^+ and $E^-, are equal, and the imbalanced case where the energies are different. In the balanced case, we find that the energy spectrum converges to a power law with exponent -3/2 as the Reynolds number is increased, consistent with phenomenological models that include scale-dependent dynamic alignment. For the imbalanced case, with E^+>E^-, the simulations show that E^- ~ k_{\perp}^{-3/2} for all Reynolds numbers considered, while E^+ has a slightly steeper spectrum at small Re. As the Reynolds number increases, E^+ flattens. Since both E^+ and E^- are pinned at the dissipation scale and anchored at the driving scales, we postulate that at sufficiently high Re the spectra will become parallel in the inertial range and scale as E^+ ~ E^- ~ k_{\perp}^{-3/2}. Questions regarding the universality of the spectrum and the value of the "Kolmogorov constant" are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review X (PRX